Bernie Sanders' New Political 'Revolution' Faces Bumpy Beginning


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
Bernie Sanders' New Political 'Revolution' Faces Bumpy Beginning
Bernie Sanders is launching a new political organization. It's called Our Revolution. It aims to support candidates and, according to its website, "advance the progressive agenda that we believe in."
But the revolution is getting off to a rocky start.
Eight key staffers abruptly resigned over the weekend in a dispute over the group's leadership and legal structure.

This part gets me
such as Tim Canova, who is running in Florida's Democratic primary against former Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz. The incumbent has been a target of Sanders supporters, who charge she improperly backed Hillary Clinton for the nomination.
Weird they didn't mention Sanders has been a target of sanders supporters since he improperly backed Hillary Clinton for the nomination.
Disappointment in Mr. Sanders cascaded across the internet as he embraced his former rival, describing her as a comrade in the fight to overhaul a rigged campaign finance system and lift the poor out of poverty. The sadness was most evident on the Facebook page where the Vermont senator explained his decision in a message titled “Forever forward” that drew responses infused with a skeptical refrain: Never Hillary.
“You broke my heart and betrayed the left Senator Sanders,” wrote Cesar Agusto Diaz, a Sanders supporter from New York.
“Intelligent Bernie supporters will NEVER support her because she stands for everything were fighting against,” he said. “Just because Bernie has left our movement does not mean it is over.”

Wonder if THAT has anything to do with it?
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'New Political Revolution'? :p

When Hillary demanded he get down on his knees and kiss her ass (by endorsing her) after the DNC's e-mails were exposed revealing the anti-Semitic attacks and plan to ensure Hillary won the nomination, his die-hard supporters were abandoned faster than the 4 Americans in Benghazi were abandoned by Hillary when they came under attack.

He's the guy who inspired such hatred for the woman and chants of 'Lock Her up'...then turned around and sucked up to her in the end. If anyone has an ounce of brain cells they are done with this old snake oil peddler.
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Bernie was a crash test dummy to see how many Progressives were genuine useful idiots

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