Bernie Sanders Campaign Chief Says Someone Must Be 'Accountable' for What DNC Emails Show

A democrat held accountable, now that is funny.

She hides the Rose Law Firm billing records until the stay of execution is over and no accountability.

Hillary was only a pawn in the White Water Affair.

15 convictions on 40 charges due to the Whitewater investigation. She was in the middle of all of it. She may have just been a pawn but a guilty pawn none the less. Draft indictments were drawn for her but it was decided she was too big to fail. Now the courts are blocking the release of those draft indictments. She was much more than a pawn.
Because we really don't like the GOP agenda.

Are you voting for Republican governors senators and house candidates?

The Victory Fund where the money still went to Clinton? Tell me how much you care again.
Let me ask you again. Are you voting for Republican Senators House Representatives and governors?

Nope. I won't be voting Democrats either. Now, my turn. Tell me about the Victory Fund money and it not making it to the States. Tell me you care.
Clinton fundraising leaves little for state parties

No? You have no clue what the hell is going down with the Democrats.
I understand the entire system is corrupt. Now's not the time for that.

BTW, Bernie just agreed with everything I've been saying. So since you and Skye care what he thinks, you must care what I think.

Bernie and I agree the entire system is corrupt. So start electing progressives

It has nothing to do with the topic. This is you spinning and trying to control the conversation.
Because we really don't like the GOP agenda.

Are you voting for Republican governors senators and house candidates?

The Victory Fund where the money still went to Clinton? Tell me how much you care again.
Let me ask you again. Are you voting for Republican Senators House Representatives and governors?

Nope. I won't be voting Democrats either. Now, my turn. Tell me about the Victory Fund money and it not making it to the States. Tell me you care.
Clinton fundraising leaves little for state parties

No? You have no clue what the hell is going down with the Democrats.
I understand the entire system is corrupt. Now's not the time for that.

BTW, Bernie just agreed with everything I've been saying. So since you and Skye care what he thinks, you must care what I think.

Bernie and I agree the entire system is corrupt. So start electing progressives

It has nothing to do with the topic. This is you spinning and trying to control the conversation.
Because we really don't like the GOP agenda.

Are you voting for Republican governors senators and house candidates?

The Victory Fund where the money still went to Clinton? Tell me how much you care again.
Let me ask you again. Are you voting for Republican Senators House Representatives and governors?

Nope. I won't be voting Democrats either. Now, my turn. Tell me about the Victory Fund money and it not making it to the States. Tell me you care.
Clinton fundraising leaves little for state parties

No? You have no clue what the hell is going down with the Democrats.
I understand the entire system is corrupt. Now's not the time for that.

BTW, Bernie just agreed with everything I've been saying. So since you and Skye care what he thinks, you must care what I think.

Bernie and I agree the entire system is corrupt. So start electing progressives

Answer the questions.
Why don't you make your point
The Victory Fund where the money still went to Clinton? Tell me how much you care again.
Let me ask you again. Are you voting for Republican Senators House Representatives and governors?

Nope. I won't be voting Democrats either. Now, my turn. Tell me about the Victory Fund money and it not making it to the States. Tell me you care.
Clinton fundraising leaves little for state parties

No? You have no clue what the hell is going down with the Democrats.
I understand the entire system is corrupt. Now's not the time for that.

BTW, Bernie just agreed with everything I've been saying. So since you and Skye care what he thinks, you must care what I think.

Bernie and I agree the entire system is corrupt. So start electing progressives

It has nothing to do with the topic. This is you spinning and trying to control the conversation.

This is you deflecting.
Let me ask you again. Are you voting for Republican Senators House Representatives and governors?

Nope. I won't be voting Democrats either. Now, my turn. Tell me about the Victory Fund money and it not making it to the States. Tell me you care.
Clinton fundraising leaves little for state parties

No? You have no clue what the hell is going down with the Democrats.
I understand the entire system is corrupt. Now's not the time for that.

BTW, Bernie just agreed with everything I've been saying. So since you and Skye care what he thinks, you must care what I think.

Bernie and I agree the entire system is corrupt. So start electing progressives

It has nothing to do with the topic. This is you spinning and trying to control the conversation.

This is you deflecting.
You could have made your point 5 posts ago.

Bernie said most important is we do not elect trump. He gets it. I get it. You don't.
But am i right about Paul Ryan Mitch McConnell and judges? Of course that part you ignored.
Right about what?

McConnell is a cadaver.

I don't pay attention to what Ryan says.

I believe anything any of them say.

You are projecting your ignorance and stupidity.
You are telling me you don't understand the differences between the parties.

Your ignorance of how much more powerful Mitch and Paul Ryan would be if a Republican were in the white house makes me think either u don't understand what that means or you want it.

And if you would be OK with more alitos and Roberts, it tells me either you lean right or just aren't bright.

In other words with friends like you who needs enemies
I fully understand the differences between the parties. It still doesn't change the fact that they are equally corrupt and could care less what you and I think.

So you want activist judges. I want judges that adhere to the Constitution.

Fiscally I lean center right. Socially center left.

Speaking of not very bright. Don't tell me how or what to think.

I am capable of independent thought. Keep projecting.
You lean right and I lean left fiscally. That's all I need to know. That's all that matters.

Social wedge issues are how Republicans con middle class and poor voters into voting against their own financial interests.

And no you aren't an independent thinker. Your a teabagging libertarian tool.
Coming from the progressive moron.

Save your bullshit for your followers.
If you guys care what Bernie thinks do what he says and vote for hillary.

And if you like Cruz do what he says and vote hillary

And if you liked jeb or kasich do what they say and vote for hillary.

Even Paul Ryan doesn't like trump but he understand trump will sign his legislation so he's holding his nose
Nope. I won't be voting Democrats either. Now, my turn. Tell me about the Victory Fund money and it not making it to the States. Tell me you care.
Clinton fundraising leaves little for state parties

No? You have no clue what the hell is going down with the Democrats.
I understand the entire system is corrupt. Now's not the time for that.

BTW, Bernie just agreed with everything I've been saying. So since you and Skye care what he thinks, you must care what I think.

Bernie and I agree the entire system is corrupt. So start electing progressives

It has nothing to do with the topic. This is you spinning and trying to control the conversation.

This is you deflecting.
You could have made your point 5 posts ago.

Bernie said most important is we do not elect trump. He gets it. I get it. You don't.

Try again. Bernie said..........doesn't matter what Bernie said.

I made the point. You're deflecting.
Clinton fundraising leaves little for state parties
Right about what?

McConnell is a cadaver.

I don't pay attention to what Ryan says.

I believe anything any of them say.

You are projecting your ignorance and stupidity.
You are telling me you don't understand the differences between the parties.

Your ignorance of how much more powerful Mitch and Paul Ryan would be if a Republican were in the white house makes me think either u don't understand what that means or you want it.

And if you would be OK with more alitos and Roberts, it tells me either you lean right or just aren't bright.

In other words with friends like you who needs enemies
I fully understand the differences between the parties. It still doesn't change the fact that they are equally corrupt and could care less what you and I think.

So you want activist judges. I want judges that adhere to the Constitution.

Fiscally I lean center right. Socially center left.

Speaking of not very bright. Don't tell me how or what to think.

I am capable of independent thought. Keep projecting.
You lean right and I lean left fiscally. That's all I need to know. That's all that matters.

Social wedge issues are how Republicans con middle class and poor voters into voting against their own financial interests.

And no you aren't an independent thinker. Your a teabagging libertarian tool.
Coming from the progressive moron.

Save your bullshit for your followers.
If you guys care what Bernie thinks do what he says and vote for hillary.

And if you like Cruz do what he says and vote hillary

There is no reason to vote for Democrats.
You mistake me for someone who fucking cares.

They are all corrupt.

You're acceptance of this corruption makes you equally corrupt.

I'm not voting for Hillary Clinton. Are you not voting for Trump?
No he wants trump to win.

He wants Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell legislation passed

And he wants con judges appointed to the supreme Court
How many times have I posted on this board that I am not voting for Trump?

You're as stupid as the rest of the progressives on this board.

Do your research before opining.
But am i right about Paul Ryan Mitch McConnell and judges? Of course that part you ignored.
Right about what?

McConnell is a cadaver.

I don't pay attention to what Ryan says.

I don't believe anything any of them say.

You are projecting your ignorance and stupidity.
That's right! You don't pay attention.

No truer words have been spoken
Millions Of Bernie Supporters Jump To Their Deaths Rather Than Back Hillary

Millions Of Bernie Supporters Jump To Their Deaths Rather Than Back Hillary


Nope. I won't be voting Democrats either. Now, my turn. Tell me about the Victory Fund money and it not making it to the States. Tell me you care.
Clinton fundraising leaves little for state parties

No? You have no clue what the hell is going down with the Democrats.
I understand the entire system is corrupt. Now's not the time for that.

BTW, Bernie just agreed with everything I've been saying. So since you and Skye care what he thinks, you must care what I think.

Bernie and I agree the entire system is corrupt. So start electing progressives

It has nothing to do with the topic. This is you spinning and trying to control the conversation.

This is you deflecting.
You could have made your point 5 posts ago.

Bernie said most important is we do not elect trump. He gets it. I get it. You don't.
Hillarys point was to do anything to keep Bernie out of the picture.
You mistake me for someone who fucking cares.

They are all corrupt.

You're acceptance of this corruption makes you equally corrupt.

I'm not voting for Hillary Clinton. Are you not voting for Trump?
No he wants trump to win.

He wants Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell legislation passed

And he wants con judges appointed to the supreme Court
How many times have I posted on this board that I am not voting for Trump?

You're as stupid as the rest of the progressives on this board.

Do your research before opining.
But am i right about Paul Ryan Mitch McConnell and judges? Of course that part you ignored.
Right about what?

McConnell is a cadaver.

I don't pay attention to what Ryan says.

I don't believe anything any of them say.

You are projecting your ignorance and stupidity.
That's right! You don't pay attention.

No truer words have been spoken
I understand the entire system is corrupt. Now's not the time for that.

BTW, Bernie just agreed with everything I've been saying. So since you and Skye care what he thinks, you must care what I think.

Bernie and I agree the entire system is corrupt. So start electing progressives

It has nothing to do with the topic. This is you spinning and trying to control the conversation.

This is you deflecting.
You could have made your point 5 posts ago.

Bernie said most important is we do not elect trump. He gets it. I get it. You don't.
Hillarys point was to do anything to keep Bernie out of the picture.
Isn't that why Gw bush spread the rumor in north carolina that John McCain fathered his adopted black kid?

Yet you guys worshipped bush for 8 years
Oh, I get what the OP is saying. The accountability isn't about what the DNC did, dirty tricks and all. The accountability he is talking about is who let the dog out.
It has nothing to do with the topic. This is you spinning and trying to control the conversation.

This is you deflecting.
You could have made your point 5 posts ago.

Bernie said most important is we do not elect trump. He gets it. I get it. You don't.
Hillarys point was to do anything to keep Bernie out of the picture.
Isn't that why Gw bush spread the rumor in north carolina that John McCain fathered his adopted black kid?

Yet you guys worshipped bush for 8 years

Seriously? Bush? You have no idea how fucking ignorant you are. None. It's amazing. You have no idea what your party is up to and, yet, you scurry right over to defend and minimize shit.
Weaver said the emails showed misconduct at the highest level of the staff within the party and that he believed there would be more emails leaked, which would "reinforce" that the party had "its fingers on the scale.

Didn't they know what sort of crook they were dealing with? hellooooooo......crooked Clinton is the name of the witch.

Sanders Camp Says Someone Must Be 'Accountable' for What DNC Emails Show

Sanders calls on Dem party boss to step down following email leaks

Sunday called on Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz to resign following email leaks from within the party that showed officials tried to undermine his campaign.

"I think she should resign, period, and I think we need a new chair that's going to lead us in a new direction."


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