
Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Then stiffs his own staff.


Bernie Sanders' campaign staff has unionized and is demanding a $15 per hour "living wage" and 100%-paid health care for those earning under $60k. The campaign leadership has thus far resisted. https://t.co/mui0DLefis

— Brian Riedl (@Brian_Riedl) July 19, 2019

There’s more @ Bernie Sanders advocates for a $15/hr minimum wage, but his own staff are paid less. - The Daily Sheeple

Bernie Sanders’ Staff Demands $15 Per Hour Minimum Wage—For Themselves @ Bernie Sanders' Staff Demands $15 Per Hour Minimum Wage
Socialist pigs like that piece of worm-like residue at the bottom of a sewer, like the Sanders Swine, are all about getting rich THEMSELVES while all the proletariat live beneath them in equal levels of poverty. I'm so glad Sanders is in his upper 70s, that diseased FUCK can't die soon enough for me. He reminds me of another self-hating-Jewish, communist-loving, America-hating cocksucker, Noam Chomsky. I'm just relieved that I'm still relatively young enough I get to live to watch both these putrid, evil,. malicious bags of bowel-hemmorhaged diarrhea die.

Then stiffs his own staff.


Bernie Sanders' campaign staff has unionized and is demanding a $15 per hour "living wage" and 100%-paid health care for those earning under $60k. The campaign leadership has thus far resisted. https://t.co/mui0DLefis

— Brian Riedl (@Brian_Riedl) July 19, 2019

There’s more @ Bernie Sanders advocates for a $15/hr minimum wage, but his own staff are paid less. - The Daily Sheeple

Bernie Sanders’ Staff Demands $15 Per Hour Minimum Wage—For Themselves @ Bernie Sanders' Staff Demands $15 Per Hour Minimum Wage
That’s exactly how socialism works - screw the little guy.

Then stiffs his own staff.


Bernie Sanders' campaign staff has unionized and is demanding a $15 per hour "living wage" and 100%-paid health care for those earning under $60k. The campaign leadership has thus far resisted. https://t.co/mui0DLefis

— Brian Riedl (@Brian_Riedl) July 19, 2019

There’s more @ Bernie Sanders advocates for a $15/hr minimum wage, but his own staff are paid less. - The Daily Sheeple

Bernie Sanders’ Staff Demands $15 Per Hour Minimum Wage—For Themselves @ Bernie Sanders' Staff Demands $15 Per Hour Minimum Wage
That’s exactly how socialism works - screw the little guy.

That and it is a different story when you are using your money rather than someone else's money.
Socialist pigs like that piece of worm-like residue at the bottom of a sewer, like the Sanders Swine, are all about getting rich THEMSELVES while all the proletariat live beneath them in equal levels of poverty. I'm so glad Sanders is in his upper 70s, that diseased FUCK can't die soon enough for me. He reminds me of another self-hating-Jewish, communist-loving, America-hating cocksucker, Noam Chomsky. I'm just relieved that I'm still relatively young enough I get to live to watch both these putrid, evil,. malicious bags of bowel-hemmorhaged diarrhea die.

These hypocritical Marxists are do as I say, not as I do. Power and control freaks.
Same as it ever was....

Then stiffs his own staff.


Bernie Sanders' campaign staff has unionized and is demanding a $15 per hour "living wage" and 100%-paid health care for those earning under $60k. The campaign leadership has thus far resisted. https://t.co/mui0DLefis

— Brian Riedl (@Brian_Riedl) July 19, 2019

There’s more @ Bernie Sanders advocates for a $15/hr minimum wage, but his own staff are paid less. - The Daily Sheeple

Bernie Sanders’ Staff Demands $15 Per Hour Minimum Wage—For Themselves @ Bernie Sanders' Staff Demands $15 Per Hour Minimum Wage
That’s exactly how socialism works - screw the little guy.

The Party heads in the old Soviet were typical elitists with their own villas while 99% of the population they controlled lived in drafty, drab apartments.
I thought liberals claimed raising the minimum wage wouldn't result it cutting employee's hours?? Is Bernie providing his employees with health insurance?? I'm guessing no.
So you get less production for the same cost. Makes sense.
Like I’ve been saying, we should get rid of child labor laws and eliminate the min wage. There are plenty of jobs we can have kids do for a buck an hour... Think how many jobs that would create... not to mention the profits!!
So you get less production for the same cost. Makes sense.
Like I’ve been saying, we should get rid of child labor laws and eliminate the min wage. There are plenty of jobs we can have kids do for a buck an hour... Think how many jobs that would create... not to mention the profits!!
You would work for a buck an hour?

Contact the Sanders campaign.
Conservatives said this would happen (because conservatives understand basic economics). Then it did happen in both Seattle and California. The poor actually got poorer after the implementation of the $15 an hour minimum wage.

And now, after the Sanders campaign was called out for not paying the $15 minimum wage that they demand others pay, they have now announced that they will have to cut the hours of their campaign team in order to be able to pay that wage.

Bernie Sanders campaign announces it will cut hours to pay staffers $15 minimum wage, prompting mockery
So you get less production for the same cost. Makes sense.
Like I’ve been saying, we should get rid of child labor laws and eliminate the min wage. There are plenty of jobs we can have kids do for a buck an hour... Think how many jobs that would create... not to mention the profits!!

WTF, illegals are cheap enough for you, now you want to implement child slave labor at $1/hour?
So you get less production for the same cost. Makes sense.
Like I’ve been saying, we should get rid of child labor laws and eliminate the min wage. There are plenty of jobs we can have kids do for a buck an hour... Think how many jobs that would create... not to mention the profits!!

WTF, illegals are cheap enough for you, now you want to implement child slave labor at $1/hour?
I just don’t see why government needs to regulate the free market. If people object to a company employing children then they can not buy their products.

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