Bernie: at a time of great hardship & corporate greed, GOP wanna cut Medicare & Social Security, that's grotesque, if we talk economy, we win midterms


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
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Bernie is also asked if Fetterman should release his medical records, he sort of dodges, but says he's known him for years, and hopes he wins his race. says the same of Tim Ryan in Ohio

Every time Democrats know they're going to lose they say Republicans are going to get rid of Medicare and Social Security. Anyone who believes that shit is insane.
Well you still have 1/3rd of the country who would vote for Tater if the election was held today.

We are going to have to build a lot of nut-houses.
The republicans aren't going to cut old folks off and leave them to starve to death... if anything they will and should design a better plan for future retirees... one that costs less but pays higher monthly wages... so future retired folks won't have to work a 40 hour job to get by and can really retire comfortably....
Bernie is also asked if Fetterman should release his medical records, he sort of dodges, but says he's known him for years, and hopes he wins his race. says the same of Tim Ryan in Ohio

if we talk economy, we win midterms​

You should talk more about the economy. And prices.
Remind people how dems made everything, especially college, cheaper.
The Democrats are the ones responsible for the piss-poor economy, which Biden claimed is 'strong as hell' as he ate his ice cream.
Yeah Joe's got the bestest economy ever. I mean who wouldn't vote for another double in energy prices
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