Benghazi: “It’s gone, baby. It’s in your head. That’s the only place”

Face it RWers, you guys have nothing on Obama...NOTHING.

You can't even post what was incompetent about Ben-gah-zee.


you guys have nothing on Obama...NOTHING


You're either really ignorant, or in denial.

:blahblah::anj_stfu: :cuckoo:

Why don't you post what you guys have on Obama, instead of deflecting with pejoratives?
Face it RWers, you guys have nothing on Obama...NOTHING.

You can't even post what was incompetent about Ben-gah-zee.


that's right, he is a saint and as clean as the driven snow and we the people have NOTHING ON HIM...

that's why more people disapprove of him than approve...they have NOTHING on him..:lol:
Face it RWers, you guys have nothing on Obama...NOTHING.

You can't even post what was incompetent about Ben-gah-zee.


you guys have nothing on Obama...NOTHING


You're either really ignorant, or in denial.

:blahblah::anj_stfu: :cuckoo:

Why don't you post what you guys have on Obama, instead of deflecting with pejoratives?

I already did that.

But no matter what kind of proof, facts or evidence is put in front of these liberal dumbasses about anything regarding Obama, they will always make excuses and be in denial, because they think Obama is perfect and can do no wrong.

Face it RWers, you guys have nothing on Obama...NOTHING.

You can't even post what was incompetent about Ben-gah-zee.


you guys have nothing on Obama...NOTHING


You're either really ignorant, or in denial.

:blahblah::anj_stfu: :cuckoo:
Post it then Palooka.

Don't gimme dat, "I already posted it" or "you wouldn't believe me if I did" claptrap that you Far RW radical reactionaries trot out when backed into a corner.

Put up or shut up.

Post it it.
What was the criminal activity conducted by Obama and/or anyone in his Administration concerning Benghazi?

This goes out to anyone.

You've had a year of focusing on this one issue on the far RW radical fringe.

What EVIDENCE have you come up thus far?

I'll give you forever.

Go for it.

Total and utter incompetence isn't a criminal offense, Marc. They fucked the pooch on Benghazi just as they fucked the pooch on Syria. You just can't bring yourself to admit that you've backed an idiot.

Describe how.

Detail how "they EFFed the pooch" as you so intelligently put it.

You've got the bar set so low for this President, can't even admit that his Administration botched how Benghazi was handled BEFORE the attack...DURING the attack...and FOLLOWING the attack.

Before the attack you had everyone from the British to the Red Cross pulling their people out of Benghazi because it was OBVIOUS that it was not safe there. You also had the security Chief for the Benghazi station pleading with Hilary Clinton at the State Department not to pull out his security detail...a plea that was ignored by Clinton because State didn't want to give the impression that they didn't "trust" the Libyans to protect our diplomatic facilities.

During the attack you've got an Administration that sat on it's hands for eight hours while Americans were under attack by heavily armed terrorists. They didn't get military assets on site that could have saved the lives of the two men who were killed at the annex.

After the attack this Administration failed to secure the area for weeks totally destroying any remaining evidence that might have led to identifying who the attackers were. Why? Because it was too "dangerous"? The most powerful military in the world and we can't protect FBI investigators at a crime scene? Really?

And then there is the decision made by this Administration almost from the very beginning to lie about what took place. Not to protect some national security asset. No these lies were about protecting the image of Barack Obama. His inner circle got together and decided that they could sell the YouTube video story to a compliant main stream media. Jay Carney lied, Hilary Clinton lied, Susan Rice lied, Barack Obama lied. They sent a man to prison over the YouTube video even though it had NOTHING to do with the death of Ambassador Stevens and the other 3 Americans and all of them KNEW THAT!
Face it RWers, you guys have nothing on Obama...NOTHING.

You can't even post what was incompetent about Ben-gah-zee.


you guys have nothing on Obama...NOTHING


You're either really ignorant, or in denial.

:blahblah::anj_stfu: :cuckoo:
Post it then Palooka.

Don't gimme dat, "I already posted it" or "you wouldn't believe me if I did" claptrap that you Far RW radical reactionaries trot out when backed into a corner.

Put up or shut up.

Post it it.

Here you go, dumbass.

LMFAO. You liberals are pathetic.
That's hilarious, you think I'm backed into a corner. :lol::lol::lol:

The Washington Post Confirms Obama Is Lying About Benghazi

The Washington Post Confirms Obama Is Lying About Benghazi | Lubbock Online | Lubbock Avalanche-Journal

What was that you said? Oh yeah......
you guys have nothing on Obama...NOTHING

You're either really ignorant, or in denial.

:blahblah::anj_stfu: :cuckoo:

Why don't you post what you guys have on Obama, instead of deflecting with pejoratives?

I already did that.

But no matter what kind of proof, facts or evidence is put in front of these liberal dumbasses about anything regarding Obama, they will always make excuses and be in denial, because they think Obama is perfect and can do no wrong.


We don't think he is perfect, but he's a hell of a lot better than the doofus you all elected before him - ala George W. Bush.

And if you really had proof, facts or evidence, your lame GOP leaders would have already started impeachment process, which means all you have are suppositions, rumors and wishes! :lol::lol:

You're either really ignorant, or in denial.

:blahblah::anj_stfu: :cuckoo:
Post it then Palooka.

Don't gimme dat, "I already posted it" or "you wouldn't believe me if I did" claptrap that you Far RW radical reactionaries trot out when backed into a corner.

Put up or shut up.

Post it it.

Here you go, dumbass.

LMFAO. You liberals are pathetic.
That's hilarious, you think I'm backed into a corner. :lol::lol::lol:

The Washington Post Confirms Obama Is Lying About Benghazi

The Washington Post Confirms Obama Is Lying About Benghazi | Lubbock Online | Lubbock Avalanche-Journal

What was that you said? Oh yeah......
you guys have nothing on Obama...NOTHING

So, you're taking an article that claims Obama "lied" about the source of the attack when we all know that General Petraeus, who was director of CIA agreed on the talking points, that were written by the CIA and given to Rice to air on TV?

So, it turns out that Obama did not lie but just reported what the CIA deemed to be appropriate to report. So, that's it? That's what you have on Obama?

Bwahahahaha! Major Fail.

At the most fundamental level, the reason it is absurd to suspect the existence of a “cover-up” over the Benghazi attack is that such a cover-up could not have had any conceivable goal. Back to the beginning: the underlying accusation about Benghazi is that the Obama administration deliberately mischaracterized the terrorist attack there as having grown out of a spontaneous demonstration because that would be less politically damaging. Such a cover-up would have made no sense because the attack would not have been less politically damaging had it grown out of a spontaneous demonstration. The attack on the Benghazi compound would not have been any less politically difficult for the administration if it had grown out of a riot, nor would any normal voter have expected it to be less politically damaging, nor would any normal campaign strategist have expected any normal voter to have expected it to be less politically damaging. Had Susan Rice gone on the talk shows on September 15th and inaccurately stated that the attackers had been wearing green pants, when in fact their pants had been red, there would be no reason to suspect this to be part of a political “cover-up”, because no American voters could conceivably have cared either way.

Read more: Stirring Scandal Where None Exists - GOP Fail With ?Benghazi-Gate? -
Why don't you post what you guys have on Obama, instead of deflecting with pejoratives?

I already did that.

But no matter what kind of proof, facts or evidence is put in front of these liberal dumbasses about anything regarding Obama, they will always make excuses and be in denial, because they think Obama is perfect and can do no wrong.


We don't think he is perfect, but he's a hell of a lot better than the doofus you all elected before him - ala George W. Bush.

And if you really had proof, facts or evidence, your lame GOP leaders would have already started impeachment process, which means all you have are suppositions, rumors and wishes! :lol::lol:

You can't impeach someone for incompetence.

You say that Obama is a "hell of a lot better" than George W. Bush, Mertex but in what possible way? His foreign policy has been in shambles for years now and is steadily getting worse. He's neither feared nor respected by foreign leaders. I'm sorry but he's not! The general consensus after five years is that he talks a good game but rarely follows through on what he's promised.

His record on the economy is abysmal. We've spent trillions of dollars in stimulus plus done non-stop quantitative easing and the economy is still growing at a little over 1% a year and unemployment numbers look mediocre at first glance but when you factor in those that have dropped out of the number because they've just given up trying to find work and those that are working part time jobs because that's all that's out there and they are desperate...those mediocre numbers turn into appalling numbers.

His first year in he conducted himself with his super majorities, so poisoned relations between the GOP and the Democrats that Washington is gridlocked like never before in our history. Is Barack Obama doing ANYTHING to address that divide? Or is he simply continuing to blame everything on those across the aisle? Clinton worked with a Gingrich led Congress...Bush worked with a Pelosi led Congress...Reagan worked with a Tip O'Neil led Congress...yet Barry won't work with a GOP House he inherited after the 2010 mid-term elections (where the electorate sent a loud and clear message they were not digging what the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party was giving them). Whose fault is that? Those House members were sent to Washington by their constituents to stop a liberal agenda. For some unfathomable reason Obama thinks that they should STILL do what HE wants them to. Who's that naive politically?
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Post it then Palooka.

Don't gimme dat, "I already posted it" or "you wouldn't believe me if I did" claptrap that you Far RW radical reactionaries trot out when backed into a corner.

Put up or shut up.

Post it it.

Here you go, dumbass.

LMFAO. You liberals are pathetic.
That's hilarious, you think I'm backed into a corner. :lol::lol::lol:

The Washington Post Confirms Obama Is Lying About Benghazi

The Washington Post Confirms Obama Is Lying About Benghazi | Lubbock Online | Lubbock Avalanche-Journal

What was that you said? Oh yeah......
you guys have nothing on Obama...NOTHING

So, you're taking an article that claims Obama "lied" about the source of the attack when we all know that General Petraeus, who was director of CIA agreed on the talking points, that were written by the CIA and given to Rice to air on TV?

So, it turns out that Obama did not lie but just reported what the CIA deemed to be appropriate to report. So, that's it? That's what you have on Obama?

Bwahahahaha! Major Fail.

At the most fundamental level, the reason it is absurd to suspect the existence of a “cover-up” over the Benghazi attack is that such a cover-up could not have had any conceivable goal. Back to the beginning: the underlying accusation about Benghazi is that the Obama administration deliberately mischaracterized the terrorist attack there as having grown out of a spontaneous demonstration because that would be less politically damaging. Such a cover-up would have made no sense because the attack would not have been less politically damaging had it grown out of a spontaneous demonstration. The attack on the Benghazi compound would not have been any less politically difficult for the administration if it had grown out of a riot, nor would any normal voter have expected it to be less politically damaging, nor would any normal campaign strategist have expected any normal voter to have expected it to be less politically damaging. Had Susan Rice gone on the talk shows on September 15th and inaccurately stated that the attackers had been wearing green pants, when in fact their pants had been red, there would be no reason to suspect this to be part of a political “cover-up”, because no American voters could conceivably have cared either way.

Read more: Stirring Scandal Where None Exists - GOP Fail With ?Benghazi-Gate? -

Your contention might hold water, Mertex...were it not for the twenty of so requests from the Obama Administration to CHANGE the wording of the CIA intelligence reports! Care to take a crack at explaining THAT?
Obama is the worst president in American history. No amount of spin can change that fact. He is a complete and utter FUCKUP!
The truth of the matter is that this State Department was frantic to obscure how badly they had misjudged the security situation in Libya and the White House was equally frantic about not giving Mitt Romney an issue to beat them up with down the home stretch of the campaign.

They pushed the YouTube video narrative because it made the Benghazi attacks appear to be just one of a number of protests that turned violent across the Arab world. Benghazi was different than those other minor riots. Benghazi was a major terrorist attack that succeeded in torching a US diplomatic facility and murdering a US Ambassador.
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I already did that.

But no matter what kind of proof, facts or evidence is put in front of these liberal dumbasses about anything regarding Obama, they will always make excuses and be in denial, because they think Obama is perfect and can do no wrong.


We don't think he is perfect, but he's a hell of a lot better than the doofus you all elected before him - ala George W. Bush.

And if you really had proof, facts or evidence, your lame GOP leaders would have already started impeachment process, which means all you have are suppositions, rumors and wishes! :lol::lol:

You can't impeach someone for incompetence.
I thought the OP was about Benghazi. The posters all claim they have something on Obama. That you don't like the way he governs doesn't mean he is incompetent, to the contrary, he's doing a good job if measured by how the Republican predecessor faired.

You say that Obama is a "hell of a lot better" than George W. Bush, Mertex but in what possible way? His foreign policy has been in shambles for years now and is steadily getting worse. He's neither feared nor respected by foreign leaders. I'm sorry but he's not! The general consensus after five years is that he talks a good game but rarely follows through on what he's promised.
He talks a good game but the Republican Congress keeps anything from going forward. How the hell is he supposed to overcome the lock-step sheeple in Congress?

His record on the economy is abysmal. We've spent trillions of dollars in stimulus plus done non-stop quantitative easing and the economy is still growing at a little over 1% a year and unemployment numbers look mediocre at first glance but when you factor in those that have dropped out of the number because they've just given up trying to find work and those that are working part time jobs because that's all that's out there and they are desperate...those mediocre numbers turn into appalling numbers.
Republican/conservatives keep denying that the Stimulus worked, but the fact is that even Republican governors and Congressmen had their hand out to receive money to create jobs in their districts. Obama offered up a job's bill that Republicans rejected and offered nothing in return, and you want to blame Obama for the lack of jobs? Brilliant.

His first year in he conducted himself with his super majorities, so poisoned relations between the GOP and the Democrats that Washington is gridlocked like never before in our history. Is Barack Obama doing ANYTHING to address that divide? Or is he simply continuing to blame everything on those across the aisle? Clinton worked with a Gingrich led Congress...Bush worked with a Pelosi led Congress...Reagan led with a Tip O'Neil led Congress...yet Barry won't work with a GOP House he inherited after the 2010 mid-term elections (where the electorate sent a loud and clear message they were not digging what the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party was giving them). Whose fault is that? Those House members were sent to Washington by their constituents to stop a liberal agenda. For some unfathomable reason Obama thinks that they should STILL do what HE wants them to. Who's that naive politically?
The reason for the gridlock is a fact that everyone is aware of. The Republicans vowing to do everything in their power to make sure Obama failed and would only be a one-term president and it flopped right before your eyes when he was elected for a second term. Another fact is that Republicans in Congress are the ones with the lower rating. In fact the whole party is in dire straits. If they continue to push their archaic ideas/policies they're going to find their party going the way of the Whigs.
Ask Khadaffi or Bin Laden about world leaders fearing him or respecting him.
If he was such a wuss, why hasn't anyone waged war on us as yet?
They know Obama would blow their skulls back to Kingdom Come like he did to those pirates.

Cut your BS RWers, you guys have NOTHING!

I already did that.

But no matter what kind of proof, facts or evidence is put in front of these liberal dumbasses about anything regarding Obama, they will always make excuses and be in denial, because they think Obama is perfect and can do no wrong.


We don't think he is perfect, but he's a hell of a lot better than the doofus you all elected before him - ala George W. Bush.

And if you really had proof, facts or evidence, your lame GOP leaders would have already started impeachment process, which means all you have are suppositions, rumors and wishes! :lol::lol:

You can't impeach someone for incompetence.

You say that Obama is a "hell of a lot better" than George W. Bush, Mertex but in what possible way? His foreign policy has been in shambles for years now and is steadily getting worse. He's neither feared nor respected by foreign leaders. I'm sorry but he's not! The general consensus after five years is that he talks a good game but rarely follows through on what he's promised.

His record on the economy is abysmal. We've spent trillions of dollars in stimulus plus done non-stop quantitative easing and the economy is still growing at a little over 1% a year and unemployment numbers look mediocre at first glance but when you factor in those that have dropped out of the number because they've just given up trying to find work and those that are working part time jobs because that's all that's out there and they are desperate...those mediocre numbers turn into appalling numbers.

His first year in he conducted himself with his super majorities, so poisoned relations between the GOP and the Democrats that Washington is gridlocked like never before in our history. Is Barack Obama doing ANYTHING to address that divide? Or is he simply continuing to blame everything on those across the aisle? Clinton worked with a Gingrich led Congress...Bush worked with a Pelosi led Congress...Reagan worked with a Tip O'Neil led Congress...yet Barry won't work with a GOP House he inherited after the 2010 mid-term elections (where the electorate sent a loud and clear message they were not digging what the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party was giving them). Whose fault is that? Those House members were sent to Washington by their constituents to stop a liberal agenda. For some unfathomable reason Obama thinks that they should STILL do what HE wants them to. Who's that naive politically?
Boy I can't wait to see what the next REpublican Administration will do to fix all these messes you folk are speaking of.

It seems the country is in absolute and total shambles. And, to let you tell it, it's all Obama's and the Democrat's fault.

Why didn't we listen and elect McCain, oh why didn't we learn and elect Romney.

Then we wouldn't have been so jammed up now.

Oh woe is us!!!

What will we do now?

Wait, maybe we get a Republican President in 2016...nah, it looks like we'll have to wait until 2020. Yeah...maybe then we'll have a real man/woman...a real leader...a fix all this mess.

You've got the bar set so low for this President, can't even admit that his Administration botched how Benghazi was handled BEFORE the attack...DURING the attack...and FOLLOWING the attack.

Before the attack you had everyone from the British to the Red Cross pulling their people out of Benghazi because it was OBVIOUS that it was not safe there. You also had the security Chief for the Benghazi station pleading with Hilary Clinton at the State Department not to pull out his security detail...a plea that was ignored by Clinton because State didn't want to give the impression that they didn't "trust" the Libyans to protect our diplomatic facilities.

During the attack you've got an Administration that sat on it's hands for eight hours while Americans were under attack by heavily armed terrorists. They didn't get military assets on site that could have saved the lives of the two men who were killed at the annex.

After the attack this Administration failed to secure the area for weeks totally destroying any remaining evidence that might have led to identifying who the attackers were. Why? Because it was too "dangerous"? The most powerful military in the world and we can't protect FBI investigators at a crime scene? Really?

And then there is the decision made by this Administration almost from the very beginning to lie about what took place. Not to protect some national security asset. No these lies were about protecting the image of Barack Obama. His inner circle got together and decided that they could sell the YouTube video story to a compliant main stream media. Jay Carney lied, Hilary Clinton lied, Susan Rice lied, Barack Obama lied. They sent a man to prison over the YouTube video even though it had NOTHING to do with the death of Ambassador Stevens and the other 3 Americans and all of them KNEW THAT!

With you anti-Obama folks, everything he did was worse than the last, and they were all worse than anything ever before that. When you do that you dismiss your own arguments, because on it's face it's false.

Can you link to this "ignored plea for help?" I'd like to look into these claims.

So what should The Administration have done? And what should Obama specifically have done to avoid this mess as you put it?

It seems for one thing, they should have pulled the Ambassadors out of Benghazi like the other countries did...right?

Now you've called a number of people liars, out right liars. You think you're being totally accurate there? Stop and think about it and make sure whether or not you want to stick to that assertion.

You mentioned that Obama's "inner circle got together and decided upon" the lie. Well that's the definition of a conspiracy. So for them to pull it off they've got to be the smartest bunch of people in the world. Don't they? And don't you folks always say and believe that government are the most inept and incompetent humans walking the earth?

So which one is it? They are totally genius enough to pull-off flawless conspiracies. For the lives of 4 people mind you. Or they are totally incompetant. You can't have it both ways.

I think you folks would do better if you just stopped, took a deep breath and give fair criticism where it is, and not exaggerated and give fair praise where it's warranted.

However, you have chosen to say nothing The Administration did was good, and anything good that was done, was the result of someone else's doing, like Bush, or just dumb luck. While stating that everything they did was bad.

I mean, at face value it's ridiculous.

You have one Jackass posting that it's the worst President in history...that's total nonsense.

You can see how it's hard to take what you say seriously.

Anyway, I would really appreciate that link.

Ask Khadaffi or Bin Laden about world leaders fearing him or respecting him.
If he was such a wuss, why hasn't anyone waged war on us as yet?
They know Obama would blow their skulls back to Kingdom Come like he did to those pirates.

Cut your BS RWers, you guys have NOTHING!


Let's see, Marc...extremists burned our consulate, murdered our Ambassador and three other Americans and a year later what has happened to ANY of them? That happened on Barry's watch and he's more concerned with hiding the truth from the American people than he is about bringing the people who committed those crimes to justice.

Right now Putin is making Obama his "bitch" and the rest of the world is laughing at him behind his back. You think anyone is REALLY scared of Barack Obama? Please, get real...
You've got the bar set so low for this President, can't even admit that his Administration botched how Benghazi was handled BEFORE the attack...DURING the attack...and FOLLOWING the attack.

Before the attack you had everyone from the British to the Red Cross pulling their people out of Benghazi because it was OBVIOUS that it was not safe there. You also had the security Chief for the Benghazi station pleading with Hilary Clinton at the State Department not to pull out his security detail...a plea that was ignored by Clinton because State didn't want to give the impression that they didn't "trust" the Libyans to protect our diplomatic facilities.

During the attack you've got an Administration that sat on it's hands for eight hours while Americans were under attack by heavily armed terrorists. They didn't get military assets on site that could have saved the lives of the two men who were killed at the annex.

After the attack this Administration failed to secure the area for weeks totally destroying any remaining evidence that might have led to identifying who the attackers were. Why? Because it was too "dangerous"? The most powerful military in the world and we can't protect FBI investigators at a crime scene? Really?

And then there is the decision made by this Administration almost from the very beginning to lie about what took place. Not to protect some national security asset. No these lies were about protecting the image of Barack Obama. His inner circle got together and decided that they could sell the YouTube video story to a compliant main stream media. Jay Carney lied, Hilary Clinton lied, Susan Rice lied, Barack Obama lied. They sent a man to prison over the YouTube video even though it had NOTHING to do with the death of Ambassador Stevens and the other 3 Americans and all of them KNEW THAT!

With you anti-Obama folks, everything he did was worse than the last, and they were all worse than anything ever before that. When you do that you dismiss your own arguments, because on it's face it's false.

Can you link to this "ignored plea for help?" I'd like to look into these claims.

So what should The Administration have done? And what should Obama specifically have done to avoid this mess as you put it?

It seems for one thing, they should have pulled the Ambassadors out of Benghazi like the other countries did...right?

Now you've called a number of people liars, out right liars. You think you're being totally accurate there? Stop and think about it and make sure whether or not you want to stick to that assertion.

You mentioned that Obama's "inner circle got together and decided upon" the lie. Well that's the definition of a conspiracy. So for them to pull it off they've got to be the smartest bunch of people in the world. Don't they? And don't you folks always say and believe that government are the most inept and incompetent humans walking the earth?

So which one is it? They are totally genius enough to pull-off flawless conspiracies. For the lives of 4 people mind you. Or they are totally incompetant. You can't have it both ways.

I think you folks would do better if you just stopped, took a deep breath and give fair criticism where it is, and not exaggerated and give fair praise where it's warranted.

However, you have chosen to say nothing The Administration did was good, and anything good that was done, was the result of someone else's doing, like Bush, or just dumb luck. While stating that everything they did was bad.

I mean, at face value it's ridiculous.

You have one Jackass posting that it's the worst President in history...that's total nonsense.

You can see how it's hard to take what you say seriously.

Anyway, I would really appreciate that link.


Of course they can’t, because no such link exists – no ‘pleas for help’ were ‘ignored.’

But conservatives have been lying about the president for so many years they have no idea what the truth is, and their minds are so blinded by hatred that they accept and believe the lies without question.

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