Ben Rhodes Admits Obama Lacked Ability to Enforce Infamous Syria ‘Red Line’ Threat


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
File This Under 'NO SHIT'!

"In an interview with Politico published on Wednesday, President Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes admitted that the White House did not have the ability to back up the president’s infamous “red line” threat against Syria."

It is one of Barry's BIGGEST Foreign Policy F* UPS!

Chemical Weapons were used in Syria - there was doubt about who even used it. ISIS/Rebels claimed Assad did, Assad he did not, and some of our Intel thought the rebels - after finding a cache of it did so to trick the US into going into Syria like we did Iraq. Without finding out all the facts Barry quickly, foolishly, declared the ill-advised 'Syrian Red Line'.

(Barry has a habit of making rash decisions: 1) Beer Summit Gate - Without knowing the facts of the case Barry, who admitted this, declared he did not know what was going on but the college police had acted 'stupidly'. Umm, NO - it turned out his buddy professor did. 2) Just recently Barry openly declared he was about to order a Cyber Attack on Russia - an act of war - then decided to call for an investigation to find out what happened 1st. [What do you know - he CAN be taught / can learn?!])

Chemical weapons were used again, and when Obama 1st turned to the Coalition to garner support for backing up HIS threat everyone gave him the 'face-palm' and avoided eye contact. It blew up in his face. To try to save himself from total embarrassment he tried to claim it was not HIS 'Red Line' but instead was the WHOLE WORLD'S 'Red Line'...and the whole world laughed at him.

He became so obsessed with this embarrassing debacle and redemption that he climbed into bed with / allied himself with ISIS in Syria (and Al Qaeda in Libya).

OF COURSE he did not have the ability to back his 'bluff' up. SOMEONE called it (Assad or the rebels in an attempt to manipulate him), and Barry did the only thing he could - he backed front of the whole world....especially our enemies. This embarrassment is also why the United States UN-CONSTITUTIONALLY has combat forces on the ground in Syria today!

Ben Rhodes Admits Obama Lacked Ability to Enforce Infamous Syria ‘Red Line’ Threat

“We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus. That would change my equation.”
-- President Barak Obama

"And never mind the fact that we had no international support. The only country in the world that was prepared to join us was France. And we had no domestic legal basis. We actually had Congress warning us against taking action without congressional authorization, which we interpreted as the president could face impeachment."

Yet no Congressional Authority to go to war with / in Syria has ever been given, but we have US combat troops on the ground in Syria. .....

Barry bluffed but did not have the ability.
Congress warned of impeachment but did not have the backbone.

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