Ben Carson said homosexuality is a choice

Maybe because abnormal people keep trying to force their illness on us normal people.

Damn, those left handers trying to force their abnormality on us normal people, anyway!

It's gotten so bad, one was even voted most valuable player in the world series last year!
Well, if it's a lifestyle choice, then someone participating in a choice of lifestyle does not deserve equal rights or special consideration. For example, habitual smokers and alcoholics are prohibited from pursuing their lifestyles in public.

Smoking affects the health of others around you. Being gay doesn't. Anyway, why does a candidate for president worry about this kind of thing?
I don't care who says it, myself, but I do suggest that all who say it's a choice try it out for a while to see how that works out for them.

If it's just a choice, it should be pretty easy for them, right?

Ask people when they decided to be hetero ...

I thought this Ben Carson dweeb was a man of science. Obviously, I was wrong.
Hetero is normal homo is not.[/QUOTE
Obama has previously rejected the notion that being gay is a choice. In 2010 town-hall style event, he told students, “I don’t think it’s a choice. I think people are born with a certain make-up.”

- See more at: White House responds to Obama lifestyle choice remarks

Both are welcome to their opinion but really, who cares what Ben Carson thinks about anything?
Gay is a choice, period.

Can't it be both?

I imagine most are born queer, some can't get a woman and turn queer out of desperation?

People say it is "not normal".

It is not the norm, but, it consistently shows up.

I think there is a lot to the "born queer" thing, but suppose some could just decide to go that way.

I know I was born straight.

I was born straight as well. I don't see how I could just decide to go the other way. I once watched some gay porn out of curiosity and I was not turned on even a little bit, quite the opposite. When I see a woman walk down the street, I am looking at her at least partially in a sexual manner. When I see a man there is absolutely nothing sexual about it. I seriously doubt I could get an erection with another man. So I would have to say, based upon my own reactions, that this would not be possible for me.

That does not mean there are no bi-sexuals.
its either a choice, or its a mental defect.

and in either case is totally irrelevant to running this nation, which Dr Carson is not qualified to do - but then again neither is Obama.
It is neither a choice nor a mental defect. Only a mental defunct would think so.
"It might help the" hetero-fascist cause "if their trusty science could prove they" aren't "born gay."
"It might help the" hetero-fascist cause "if their trusty science could prove they" aren't "born gay."

Being born normal is being born normal.
According to abnormal you.

Grow up, childish rebuttals only reveal you have nothing worthwhile to seen with your comments on the Walker/Fauxahonatas thread
Don't whine if you can't take what you dish out.

Walker fucked up, I pointed it out.

You don't like it, tough to be you then.

You admit you were hard wired hetero when you say you were born straight.
White House responds to Obama lifestyle choice remarks

I don't agree with him, but if you look at my link, and then take into account liberals are attacking Carson for his comment, Obama said the same thing just a month or so ago, but the media chose to ignore that he said it.

If Obama said that he's wrong.

Isn't ben carson a doctor? And shouldn't doctors know about the gestation process of human beings?

For all of those who don't know that process there's a hormone wash that goes over the fetus and it's brain twice in the gestation process. If the wrong hormone is washed or there's not enough hormone or not any at all, I believe that's how a person is born homosexual.

I know that the brains of gay men are exactly the same as women's brains so that's just another indication of the results of the hormone wash going wrong in some way.

I'm sure conservatives will say I'm full of garbage but they do that all the time so it's nothing new.
I was born so straight I am sure my brain must have go through an extra cycle.

The test to me is this, if you see a picture of two fags holding hands or kissing, and you instantly sorta throw up, you were born straight.

I think you can apply that attitude to yourself only.

I was born straight and have been straight all my life. My husband and I have been together for 28 years.

I don't instantly sort of throw up when I see two people of the same sex kissing or holding hands.

I think that a lot of people feel the same way I do which is probably why most of the people in America support marriage equality.

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