Ben Carson: ‘I deeply regret’ saying homosexuality is a choice

Now if only the dimwitted democrats would apologize for tearing this nation apart.

All this homos BS is getting annoying
It amuses me that you bigots start topic after topic after topic after topic about gays, day after day after day after day, week after week after week after week, month after month after month after month, year after year after year after year, and then whine about homosexuality being all up in your face!


If you all just STFU about your homophobia, there would be maybe one or two topics a year about gay marriage on this web site.
he was misquoted, he was clearing up the misquote, not changing his position.

He be your hero red. Make sure you waste your vote and write his name in. He will appreciate that.

Ever notice how ALL the stupid shit Republicans say are "misquotes"? LMAO.
Of course the Dems are obsessed with certain social issues, and the GOP is playing right into their hands.

If a top Republican candidate, let's say Walker or Paul, came out as pro choice or pro gay marriage, they would instantly be disqualified for consideration by many who had them at the top. The media sure as hell knows that, which is why they're going to be asking these kinds of questions all the way.

The more purity the GOP demands from its candidates, the more the media will focus on the social issues.

If the GOP really is sure that pro-life and anti-gay marriage are winning issues for them, great, run with it. But you can't complain when the media jumps on it.
What exactly does pro-gay mean? I think that reveals your own mindset than someone elses. Gee, conservatives want a conservative candidate, go figure. I haven't heard of anyone running on any homosexual or abortion platform. So yes, it's the media's fault for being the dishonest smear mongers they are.
Edgetho illustrates my point in Post 140:

"Carson is done. Never apologize for the truth. Never. As soon as the Orwellian scum in the dimocrap party have you doing that.... It's over. Carson needs to disappear"

The media knows this and will take advantage of it.

The flaw in Edgetho's argument is that Carson was not speaking the truth when he said homosexuality is a choice.

Carson demonstrated a great deal of integrity for admitting his mistake.

For many it is a choice. Carson did not say that it was a choice for all gays. What he said is 100% correct

So your take on it is that Carson is willing to lie, to the point of denying what you think he actually believes to be the truth, to be elected........right? Sounds like a perfect example of conservative values to me.
But for many -- Being Gay is a choice.
Tell us about the day you decided not to be gay.
I never understood that argument. People don't choose a sexual preference before they delve into it. Pedophiles don't choose to be pedophiles then set out to find kiddie pics.
A person cannot make themselves gay by deciding to be gay any more than you or I can choose whether or not we like spinach.
If you're gay and you hear a voice in your head telling you what you are doing is wrong...LISTEN TO IT!
It is not a coincidence the same people who hate gays are always the same people who rant against blacks and food stamps and Obamaphones, and are the same people who rant against Mexican immigrants, and are the same people who rant against Muslims.
If you're gay and you hear a voice in your head telling you what you are doing is wrong...LISTEN TO IT!
And since they don't have that voice in their heads, I suppose your next idiotic statement would be, "They should!"
It is not a coincidence the same people who hate gays are always the same people who rant against blacks and food stamps and Obamaphones, and are the same people who rant against Mexican immigrants, and are the same people who rant against Muslims.

Give it a rest..
If you're gay and you hear a voice in your head telling you what you are doing is wrong...LISTEN TO IT!
And since they don't have that voice in their heads, I suppose your next idiotic statement would be, "They should!"
But they do...

And what voices would those be exactly?
We all instinctively know when we are doing something wrong...everyone of us. I've counseled "gay's" before. They all say this at one time or another but some of them blame the opposition's dislike of them that causes that voice to ring in their heads. But it's not, it's our inner guide. I'm not saying being gay is evil, I'm saying it is adverse to nature and us being a part of nature know it. Lie to yourself if you want and if it makes you feel better. I will not and do not lie to myself.
It is not a coincidence the same people who hate gays are always the same people who rant against blacks and food stamps and Obamaphones, and are the same people who rant against Mexican immigrants, and are the same people who rant against Muslims.

Give it a rest..
I'm not the one starting a bazillion topics whining about gays and Muslims and Mexicans and blacks. I am not the one who needs to give it a rest.

When the bigots STFU, so will I.
But for many -- Being Gay is a choice.
Tell us about the day you decided not to be gay.
I never understood that argument. People don't choose a sexual preference before they delve into it. Pedophiles don't choose to be pedophiles then set out to find kiddie pics.
A person cannot make themselves gay by deciding to be gay any more than you or I can choose whether or not we like spinach.
Which is what I said. Read slower maybe. Sexuality is complex and highly subjective, many factors effect what floats out boat. Carson gave one example, prison, and some guys do come out a changed man.

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