Ben and Jerry's ice cream guys...will be sent to the Green Gulag for crimes against the left...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is the feel good story of the day....Ben and Jerry, the ice cream moguls....who have been on board for every stupid left wing cause and politician...are now on the S*** list of the Green Fascists......they will now be destroyed....

A real feel good story, when the left eat their own....

The funny thing....those left wingers out there who tell us that even though the left wants to be in every freaking aspect of your life......they will stop at the bedroom that is funny....

Then They Came For Ben & Jerry’s

It has created flavors to honor Democrat politicians, contributed to Democrat campaigns and positioned itself well to the left on social and employment issues. It has cultivated an image of the “good capitalist,” which can create jobs, lead in its field and do it all in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way.

But when there became a bigger fish to fry, all the loyalty the company thought it had earned suddenly dried up. And now the knives – or at least the ice cream spoons – are out for it.

Last month, the New York Times fired an opening salvo in this new battle with an article that said several of Ben & Jerry’s more popular flavors – Half Baked, Phish Food Peanut Butter Cookie and Chocolate Fudge Brownie were found to contain a “controversial herbicide” – glyphosate, the main ingredient in the RoundUp brand of weed killers.

Why would the left turn on Ben & Jerry’s in this way? Because a bigger lobby – in this case the Organic Consumers Association – wants it this way. For years, the organization has tried to pressure Ben & Jerry’s to “stop greenwashing” itself and “go organic.” Ben & Jerry’s already doesn’t use genetically modified plant ingredients in its products, but that is not enough.


It also is not enough that the amounts of glyphosate found in those ice cream pints fell far below the safe legal limits set by the EPA. To reach what the EPA considers the danger zone, a 75-pound child would have to eat 145,000 servings of Chocolate Fudge Brownie, which contained the most glyphosate of any of the brands tested. An adult would have to at 290,000. Even the binge-iest of ice cream eaters could not come close.

The Organic Consumers Association’s Ronnie Cummins summed up his group’s response: “Not everyone agrees with the acceptable levels governments have set. And, anyway, would you want to be eating this stuff at all?”

So, perhaps it’s twice as bad as government describes, and kids would need to eat only 72,000 pints and adults 145,000. No one has proposed eating glyphosate itself, and everyone has safely eaten food grown with the help of glyphosate.

Few things bring out the regulatory crazy like anti-glyphosate campaigns. The organics people point out the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified it as “probably carcinogenic” in a 2015 report. But they do not point out that just last month, the European Chemicals Agency refuted the link with cancer or that nearly every regulatory agency, food safety outfit and chemicals evaluator in the world has tested glyphosate repeatedly for decades now and found no link with cancer.

I stopped buying it when I found out they donated money to the hate group Black Lives Fecal Matter. I wonder how long liberals thought they could keep up this hate-orgasm against white males before that hatred becomes reciprocated in obedience to human nature.
Ben and Jerries Ice Cream is pretty good, but this whole thing still makes me laugh.

Libtards eat their own.

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