Beloved Conservative 40-year Teacher Loses Job After Slapping Disrespectful Student. Marxist Left WILL Ruin Him.

Boy, the leftwingers are really upset over this conservative teacher getting only a hand slap.

I'm hardly a leftwinger, Mashmouth.

What I am, however, is a parent who loves his child. Perhaps you'd be okay with a rather large teacher smacking the shit out of your much smaller child so hard his head bounces of the cinder block wall, but good parents would not...
Retirement is separate. Losing his retirement would likely violate employment contracts - union or otherwise - the school had. it would definitely result in a suit, the costs of which would likely outweigh the retirement.

If the father doesn't beat the teacher to within an inch of his life, the parents should file a civil suit against the teacher...
I'm hardly a leftwinger, Mashmouth.

What I am, however, is a parent who loves his child. Perhaps you'd be okay with a rather large teacher smacking the shit out of your much smaller child so hard his head bounces of the cinder block wall, but good parents would not...
My son is highly trained. That guy would have woken up in the hospital. But then he would not have given any teacher a reason to go apeshit in the first place.
My son is highly trained. That guy would have woken up in the hospital. But then he would not have given any teacher a reason to go apeshit in the first place.
An adult is going to beat a kid. I don't care how many lessons he's had, especially a big guy ex athlete like Hosinsky.
Now you understand why it is especially heinous.
This slap wasn't heinous. The kid wasn't hurt. He deserved it.
I'm talking about Ukotare claiming his kid could put Hosinski in the hospital. I seriously doubt it.
Um, my response was to leftwinger Canon who complained about this conservative teacher getting off.

You're a complete dipshit if you think I'm left wing.

But keeping spouting that, dipshit. It only serves to prove how monumentally fucking stupid you are...
I do. I've been around kids who have had a few karate lessons like your kid. Maybe they do OK against other untrained adolescents, but they have no chance against an adult.
You've never been around teenagers who have been training since they were 5. I've trained for over 40 years. I have black belts in 3 different arts. And i've sparred against teenagers that would be more than capable of dealing with that guy.

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