Belarusian president Lukashenka: Yeltsin regretted choosing Putin as his successor.


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Belarusian president Lukashenka: Yeltsin regretted choosing Putin as his successor.

do you agree with Lukashenka? not just on Cuba and Vietnam military bases issue , but in general?


In an interview with Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Gordon, Alexander Lukashenko said that Boris Yeltsin regretted choosing Vladimir Putin as his successor.

According to him, the reason for the rift between Russian presidents is Yeltsin's love of power. "Yeltsin hoped that Putin would run to him and constantly consult on this or that issue. But this is impossible and unacceptable, and it is not for Putin, ”Lukashenka said.

As Lukashenka recalled, the first case when Yeltsin "went crazy" was due to Putin's refusal to maintain Russian military bases in Cuba and Vietnam. Lukashenka also recalled how he calmed down the first president of Russia at that moment. "I say, 'Boris Nikolayevich, let's drink a glass of wine,'" he concluded.
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