Being white, and a minority, in Georgia

My ancestors, except for the Potowatami Tribe, weren't even in this country until late 1800s. they came from Ireland and lived in the North. No slave owners. I have no guilt because even if I have white ancestors, I cannot be held accountable for the past.
What do you mean by guilt?
According to the 2010 U.S. Census, Georgia had a population of 9,687,653. In terms of race the population was: 59.7% White American (55.9% Non-Hispanic White, 3.8% White Hispanic), 30.5% Black or African American (including Hispanics).


But it seems that Buford Highway mentioned in the article is taken over by Korean migrants. 22,000 Korean-Americans are living in Gwinnett County in the north central portion of the U.S. state of Georgia.

NORCROSS, Ga. — One of the clearest signs of how times have changed in this little Southern town is literally a sign. It's the outline of a faded red, oblong Dairy Queen sign that towers over Buford Highway just a few miles from the city line. It used to direct residents to a fast food franchise,

My ancestors, except for the Potowatami Tribe, weren't even in this country until late 1800s. they came from Ireland and lived in the North. No slave owners. I have no guilt because even if I have white ancestors, I cannot be held accountable for the past.
What do you mean by guilt?
There have been other black posters who have said all whites have, or should have, white guilt for the history of whites,
My ancestors, except for the Potowatami Tribe, weren't even in this country until late 1800s. they came from Ireland and lived in the North. No slave owners. I have no guilt because even if I have white ancestors, I cannot be held accountable for the past.
What do you mean by guilt?
There have been other black posters who have said all whites have, or should have, white guilt for the history of whites,
I've never understood why people say that. Not only do I feel that whites are incapable of guilt the ones left here arent the ones that actually did the deed.
My ancestors, except for the Potowatami Tribe, weren't even in this country until late 1800s. they came from Ireland and lived in the North. No slave owners. I have no guilt because even if I have white ancestors, I cannot be held accountable for the past.
What do you mean by guilt?
There have been other black posters who have said all whites have, or should have, white guilt for the history of whites,
I've never understood why people say that. Not only do I feel that whites are incapable of guilt the ones left here arent the ones that actually did the deed.
of course whites are capable of guilt, if it fits. I feel guilty for not being a better mother to my child, guilty for not getting off my butt sooner in life to decide what I wanted to do with my life.
My ancestors, except for the Potowatami Tribe, weren't even in this country until late 1800s. they came from Ireland and lived in the North. No slave owners. I have no guilt because even if I have white ancestors, I cannot be held accountable for the past.
What do you mean by guilt?
There have been other black posters who have said all whites have, or should have, white guilt for the history of whites,
I've never understood why people say that. Not only do I feel that whites are incapable of guilt the ones left here arent the ones that actually did the deed.
of course whites are capable of guilt, if it fits. I feel guilty for not being a better mother to my child, guilty for not getting off my butt sooner in life to decide what I wanted to do with my life.
I meant guilt for doing wrong against other races.
LOL Not that I was a bad mother, just young and I look back and see what I could have done different
My ancestors, except for the Potowatami Tribe, weren't even in this country until late 1800s. they came from Ireland and lived in the North. No slave owners. I have no guilt because even if I have white ancestors, I cannot be held accountable for the past.
What do you mean by guilt?
There have been other black posters who have said all whites have, or should have, white guilt for the history of whites,
I've never understood why people say that. Not only do I feel that whites are incapable of guilt the ones left here arent the ones that actually did the deed.
of course whites are capable of guilt, if it fits. I feel guilty for not being a better mother to my child, guilty for not getting off my butt sooner in life to decide what I wanted to do with my life.
I meant guilt for doing wrong against other races.
I agree. It is shameful behavior.
My ancestors, except for the Potowatami Tribe, weren't even in this country until late 1800s. they came from Ireland and lived in the North. No slave owners. I have no guilt because even if I have white ancestors, I cannot be held accountable for the past.
What do you mean by guilt?
There have been other black posters who have said all whites have, or should have, white guilt for the history of whites,
I've never understood why people say that. Not only do I feel that whites are incapable of guilt the ones left here arent the ones that actually did the deed.

Asclepias you express the same racism that you would decry.

"Not only do I feel that whites are incapable of guilt". Really? You claim such a thing based on skin color? Doesn't add up. The past is what it is, much of it is ugly and the ugliness was perpetrated by all races across the globe. Almost all people's were slaves at one time or another. The human race has been brutal through it's history. Thankfully we live in a place and at a time when wrongs can be righted and human dignity can be defended, but even here it has been an uphill battle and make no mistake white people were on the front lines of those battles and continue to be.

Don't use the same racist brush that the cohort of white racists use to paint entire people's as 'this' or 'that'.

Call out the ones that are, drag them into the light (metaphorically) for all to see. But to blame the 'white race', all people that are white, is no different than the reverse. You judge people by their color, even the ones that are on your side.
I would but unfortunately I can't go back in time. Thankfully the issue we're currently addressing is happening right now, it's something we can actually act on. Revenge for things a hundred years in the past is absolutely senseless and petty.
I have no desire to act on it. It wouldnt be an issue if they hadnt stolen the land prior to today. Its amazing how whites want to whine now.

That was hundreds of years ago. How am I going to change what happened hundreds of years ago? You're telling me I should be born into the world and then immediately told "congratulations you're getting genocide because of some things that happened once!"

I didn't support it, I didn't have a say in it. It's not my burden the bear.
You can change it by giving back the stolen land if you own any. Otherwise youre just all talk. Youre also being a little dramatic. No one is killing off white people.

Yes its your burden to bear. You are in possession of stolen goods. Give them back.

Theres very little land in this world that wasn't stolen from someone else, maybe even some black Americans owe Native americans some reparations. As Ive always believed, racism isnt some genetic proclivity but has more to do with culture and brainwashing of the masses

Plains Indian view of the ‘Buffalo’ Soldier

Quote from excerpt:

The Buffalo Soldiers of the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry harried the scattered bands throughout the fall, winter, and spring, skirmishing, burning lodges and food caches. But the Comanche held out, hunting on foot, eating grubs and rodents.

Finally, in the spring and summer of 1875, the Comanche chiefs gathered their starving people and surrendered at Fort Sill, in Indian Territory.

On the other side, it is worth noting, at the time and later, black soldiers writing in pension requests and veterans’ newspapers showed no signs of a special regard for the Indians. They used the same dismissive epithets--"hostile tribes,""naked savages,"and "redskins"—and the same racist caricatures employed by whites. Most recently we saw the same mentality and terminology used in the hunt for Osama Bin Laudin: Geronimo. Reminiscent of the use among whites of "blackface" to denigrate and stereotype African-Americans, a black private named Robinson went to a masquerade ball at Fort Bayard, New Mexico, in 1894, dressed as "an idiotic Indian squaw," according to a published report by a fellow soldier.

By the same token, it should not be too surprising to read of a black soldier calling a Plains Indian in 1890 "a voodoo ******," repeating the voice of a white soldier who called the Plains Indians in 1873 "red *******." This buffalo soldier only reflected the overall values of the culture in which he struggled for a place, hoping to ally himself with the dominant American group. As historian William Gwaltney, a descendent of buffalo soldiers, said, "Buffalo Soldiers fought for recognition as citizens in a racist country and...American Indian people fought to hold on to their traditions, their land, and their lives." These were not compatible, harmonious goals that could provide the basis for interracial harmony.
I didnt read the rest of your post because you started off the post with the standard white guy response. "Everybody did it" while ignoring the fact that even if it was true that was no excuse and doesnt change anything.

No, i didnt say everybody did it. Every body did not steal land. But what I did say is that most land in this world Africa included, consists of land that was stolen once before. Sorry I had to repeat myself twice. I did not say that American Indians should not recieve compensation for anything. I might very well believe that to some extent. I made a statement about racism that reflects the way I see it. If you see that as a standard "white man answer" than you make a good case for my thoughts on racists and racism.
My ancestors, except for the Potowatami Tribe, weren't even in this country until late 1800s. they came from Ireland and lived in the North. No slave owners. I have no guilt because even if I have white ancestors, I cannot be held accountable for the past.
What do you mean by guilt?
There have been other black posters who have said all whites have, or should have, white guilt for the history of whites,
I've never understood why people say that. Not only do I feel that whites are incapable of guilt the ones left here arent the ones that actually did the deed.

Asclepias you express the same racism that you would decry.

"Not only do I feel that whites are incapable of guilt". Really? You claim such a thing based on skin color? Doesn't add up. The past is what it is, much of it is ugly and the ugliness was perpetrated by all races across the globe. Almost all people's were slaves at one time or another. The human race has been brutal through it's history. Thankfully we live in a place and at a time when wrongs can be righted and human dignity can be defended, but even here it has been an uphill battle and make no mistake white people were on the front lines of those battles and continue to be.

Don't use the same racist brush that the cohort of white racists use to paint entire people's as 'this' or 'that'.

Call out the ones that are, drag them into the light (metaphorically) for all to see. But to blame the 'white race', all people that are white, is no different than the reverse. You judge people by their color, even the ones that are on your side.

Being white, and a minority, in Georgia
I have no desire to act on it. It wouldnt be an issue if they hadnt stolen the land prior to today. Its amazing how whites want to whine now.

That was hundreds of years ago. How am I going to change what happened hundreds of years ago? You're telling me I should be born into the world and then immediately told "congratulations you're getting genocide because of some things that happened once!"

I didn't support it, I didn't have a say in it. It's not my burden the bear.
You can change it by giving back the stolen land if you own any. Otherwise youre just all talk. Youre also being a little dramatic. No one is killing off white people.

Yes its your burden to bear. You are in possession of stolen goods. Give them back.

Theres very little land in this world that wasn't stolen from someone else, maybe even some black Americans owe Native americans some reparations. As Ive always believed, racism isnt some genetic proclivity but has more to do with culture and brainwashing of the masses

Plains Indian view of the ‘Buffalo’ Soldier

Quote from excerpt:

The Buffalo Soldiers of the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry harried the scattered bands throughout the fall, winter, and spring, skirmishing, burning lodges and food caches. But the Comanche held out, hunting on foot, eating grubs and rodents.

Finally, in the spring and summer of 1875, the Comanche chiefs gathered their starving people and surrendered at Fort Sill, in Indian Territory.

On the other side, it is worth noting, at the time and later, black soldiers writing in pension requests and veterans’ newspapers showed no signs of a special regard for the Indians. They used the same dismissive epithets--"hostile tribes,""naked savages,"and "redskins"—and the same racist caricatures employed by whites. Most recently we saw the same mentality and terminology used in the hunt for Osama Bin Laudin: Geronimo. Reminiscent of the use among whites of "blackface" to denigrate and stereotype African-Americans, a black private named Robinson went to a masquerade ball at Fort Bayard, New Mexico, in 1894, dressed as "an idiotic Indian squaw," according to a published report by a fellow soldier.

By the same token, it should not be too surprising to read of a black soldier calling a Plains Indian in 1890 "a voodoo ******," repeating the voice of a white soldier who called the Plains Indians in 1873 "red *******." This buffalo soldier only reflected the overall values of the culture in which he struggled for a place, hoping to ally himself with the dominant American group. As historian William Gwaltney, a descendent of buffalo soldiers, said, "Buffalo Soldiers fought for recognition as citizens in a racist country and...American Indian people fought to hold on to their traditions, their land, and their lives." These were not compatible, harmonious goals that could provide the basis for interracial harmony.
I didnt read the rest of your post because you started off the post with the standard white guy response. "Everybody did it" while ignoring the fact that even if it was true that was no excuse and doesnt change anything.

No, i didnt say everybody did it. Every body did not steal land. But what I did say is that most land in this world Africa included, consists of land that was stolen once before. Sorry I had to repeat myself twice. I did not say that American Indians should not recieve compensation for anything. I might very well believe that to some extent. I made a statement about racism that reflects the way I see it. If you see that as a standard "white man answer" than you make a good case for my thoughts on racists and racism.
Thats a standard white rationalization with no proof at all. I cant speak on europe but I know the history of Africa before whites colonized the place and thats a blatantly white boy lie.
My ancestors, except for the Potowatami Tribe, weren't even in this country until late 1800s. they came from Ireland and lived in the North. No slave owners. I have no guilt because even if I have white ancestors, I cannot be held accountable for the past.
What do you mean by guilt?
There have been other black posters who have said all whites have, or should have, white guilt for the history of whites,

They're probably going to be disappointed. However, since all the posters who have said that are fucking idiots, where's the harm?
My ancestors, except for the Potowatami Tribe, weren't even in this country until late 1800s. they came from Ireland and lived in the North. No slave owners. I have no guilt because even if I have white ancestors, I cannot be held accountable for the past.
What do you mean by guilt?
There have been other black posters who have said all whites have, or should have, white guilt for the history of whites,
I've never understood why people say that. Not only do I feel that whites are incapable of guilt the ones left here arent the ones that actually did the deed.

Asclepias you express the same racism that you would decry.

"Not only do I feel that whites are incapable of guilt". Really? You claim such a thing based on skin color? Doesn't add up. The past is what it is, much of it is ugly and the ugliness was perpetrated by all races across the globe. Almost all people's were slaves at one time or another. The human race has been brutal through it's history. Thankfully we live in a place and at a time when wrongs can be righted and human dignity can be defended, but even here it has been an uphill battle and make no mistake white people were on the front lines of those battles and continue to be.

Don't use the same racist brush that the cohort of white racists use to paint entire people's as 'this' or 'that'.

Call out the ones that are, drag them into the light (metaphorically) for all to see. But to blame the 'white race', all people that are white, is no different than the reverse. You judge people by their color, even the ones that are on your side.

Asslips is just playing a role. Nothing there to take seriously.
That was hundreds of years ago. How am I going to change what happened hundreds of years ago? You're telling me I should be born into the world and then immediately told "congratulations you're getting genocide because of some things that happened once!"

I didn't support it, I didn't have a say in it. It's not my burden the bear.
You can change it by giving back the stolen land if you own any. Otherwise youre just all talk. Youre also being a little dramatic. No one is killing off white people.

Yes its your burden to bear. You are in possession of stolen goods. Give them back.

Theres very little land in this world that wasn't stolen from someone else, maybe even some black Americans owe Native americans some reparations. As Ive always believed, racism isnt some genetic proclivity but has more to do with culture and brainwashing of the masses

Plains Indian view of the ‘Buffalo’ Soldier

Quote from excerpt:

The Buffalo Soldiers of the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry harried the scattered bands throughout the fall, winter, and spring, skirmishing, burning lodges and food caches. But the Comanche held out, hunting on foot, eating grubs and rodents.

Finally, in the spring and summer of 1875, the Comanche chiefs gathered their starving people and surrendered at Fort Sill, in Indian Territory.

On the other side, it is worth noting, at the time and later, black soldiers writing in pension requests and veterans’ newspapers showed no signs of a special regard for the Indians. They used the same dismissive epithets--"hostile tribes,""naked savages,"and "redskins"—and the same racist caricatures employed by whites. Most recently we saw the same mentality and terminology used in the hunt for Osama Bin Laudin: Geronimo. Reminiscent of the use among whites of "blackface" to denigrate and stereotype African-Americans, a black private named Robinson went to a masquerade ball at Fort Bayard, New Mexico, in 1894, dressed as "an idiotic Indian squaw," according to a published report by a fellow soldier.

By the same token, it should not be too surprising to read of a black soldier calling a Plains Indian in 1890 "a voodoo ******," repeating the voice of a white soldier who called the Plains Indians in 1873 "red *******." This buffalo soldier only reflected the overall values of the culture in which he struggled for a place, hoping to ally himself with the dominant American group. As historian William Gwaltney, a descendent of buffalo soldiers, said, "Buffalo Soldiers fought for recognition as citizens in a racist country and...American Indian people fought to hold on to their traditions, their land, and their lives." These were not compatible, harmonious goals that could provide the basis for interracial harmony.
I didnt read the rest of your post because you started off the post with the standard white guy response. "Everybody did it" while ignoring the fact that even if it was true that was no excuse and doesnt change anything.

No, i didnt say everybody did it. Every body did not steal land. But what I did say is that most land in this world Africa included, consists of land that was stolen once before. Sorry I had to repeat myself twice. I did not say that American Indians should not recieve compensation for anything. I might very well believe that to some extent. I made a statement about racism that reflects the way I see it. If you see that as a standard "white man answer" than you make a good case for my thoughts on racists and racism.
Thats a standard white rationalization with no proof at all. I cant speak on europe but I know the history of Africa before whites colonized the place and thats a blatantly white boy lie.

Yawwn .... your typical black boy answer? is that what that is?

Ancient Sudan~ Nubia: History: The Kushite Conquest of Egypt

I know its true, because thats just basic human nature. Just like when black africans drove Albinos right out of the contenant because they looked different. Read about Shaka Zulu again, a white man didnt make him do it. Read about the benin empire again. human history is older than any of us remember or is recorded,but a lot of things play over and over again
My ancestors, except for the Potowatami Tribe, weren't even in this country until late 1800s. they came from Ireland and lived in the North. No slave owners. I have no guilt because even if I have white ancestors, I cannot be held accountable for the past.
What do you mean by guilt?
There have been other black posters who have said all whites have, or should have, white guilt for the history of whites,
I've never understood why people say that. Not only do I feel that whites are incapable of guilt the ones left here arent the ones that actually did the deed.

Asclepias you express the same racism that you would decry.

"Not only do I feel that whites are incapable of guilt". Really? You claim such a thing based on skin color? Doesn't add up. The past is what it is, much of it is ugly and the ugliness was perpetrated by all races across the globe. Almost all people's were slaves at one time or another. The human race has been brutal through it's history. Thankfully we live in a place and at a time when wrongs can be righted and human dignity can be defended, but even here it has been an uphill battle and make no mistake white people were on the front lines of those battles and continue to be.

Don't use the same racist brush that the cohort of white racists use to paint entire people's as 'this' or 'that'.

Call out the ones that are, drag them into the light (metaphorically) for all to see. But to blame the 'white race', all people that are white, is no different than the reverse. You judge people by their color, even the ones that are on your side.

Asslips is just playing a role. Nothing there to take seriously.

Wrong, he expresses frustration with what in fact is the dominant part of the culture and your attitude is one of the things he is against, as am I. It isn't an either/or proposition and shining light on a problem doesn't mean you then attack the person with the flashlight.
You can change it by giving back the stolen land if you own any. Otherwise youre just all talk. Youre also being a little dramatic. No one is killing off white people.

Yes its your burden to bear. You are in possession of stolen goods. Give them back.

Theres very little land in this world that wasn't stolen from someone else, maybe even some black Americans owe Native americans some reparations. As Ive always believed, racism isnt some genetic proclivity but has more to do with culture and brainwashing of the masses

Plains Indian view of the ‘Buffalo’ Soldier

Quote from excerpt:

The Buffalo Soldiers of the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry harried the scattered bands throughout the fall, winter, and spring, skirmishing, burning lodges and food caches. But the Comanche held out, hunting on foot, eating grubs and rodents.

Finally, in the spring and summer of 1875, the Comanche chiefs gathered their starving people and surrendered at Fort Sill, in Indian Territory.

On the other side, it is worth noting, at the time and later, black soldiers writing in pension requests and veterans’ newspapers showed no signs of a special regard for the Indians. They used the same dismissive epithets--"hostile tribes,""naked savages,"and "redskins"—and the same racist caricatures employed by whites. Most recently we saw the same mentality and terminology used in the hunt for Osama Bin Laudin: Geronimo. Reminiscent of the use among whites of "blackface" to denigrate and stereotype African-Americans, a black private named Robinson went to a masquerade ball at Fort Bayard, New Mexico, in 1894, dressed as "an idiotic Indian squaw," according to a published report by a fellow soldier.

By the same token, it should not be too surprising to read of a black soldier calling a Plains Indian in 1890 "a voodoo ******," repeating the voice of a white soldier who called the Plains Indians in 1873 "red *******." This buffalo soldier only reflected the overall values of the culture in which he struggled for a place, hoping to ally himself with the dominant American group. As historian William Gwaltney, a descendent of buffalo soldiers, said, "Buffalo Soldiers fought for recognition as citizens in a racist country and...American Indian people fought to hold on to their traditions, their land, and their lives." These were not compatible, harmonious goals that could provide the basis for interracial harmony.
I didnt read the rest of your post because you started off the post with the standard white guy response. "Everybody did it" while ignoring the fact that even if it was true that was no excuse and doesnt change anything.

No, i didnt say everybody did it. Every body did not steal land. But what I did say is that most land in this world Africa included, consists of land that was stolen once before. Sorry I had to repeat myself twice. I did not say that American Indians should not recieve compensation for anything. I might very well believe that to some extent. I made a statement about racism that reflects the way I see it. If you see that as a standard "white man answer" than you make a good case for my thoughts on racists and racism.
Thats a standard white rationalization with no proof at all. I cant speak on europe but I know the history of Africa before whites colonized the place and thats a blatantly white boy lie.

Yawwn .... your typical black boy answer? is that what that is?

Ancient Sudan~ Nubia: History: The Kushite Conquest of Egypt

I know its true, because thats just basic human nature. Just like when black africans drove Albinos right out of the contenant because they looked different. Read about Shaka Zulu again, a white man didnt make him do it. Read about the benin empire again. human history is older than any of us remember or is recorded,but a lot of things play over and over again
Taking political control is not the same as committing genocide on a people due to their race. Racially the Egyptians and Kushites were the same people. You are just using your standard white deflection. From your link....

"The Kushites took advantage of the deteriorating situations in Egypt and exercised political control."

There was never a nation of albinos so that was a silly excuse as well.
And this makes population displacement any more ethical how?
You should ask the whites that displaced the native americans that question.
They are dead
Yes they are dead. So is any moral high ground whites thought they had on the issue.
What moral high ground? We were born here, we are native to this country, are we supposed to leave now?
The moral high ground whites assume when they say things like you just said. You were born here because your ancestors or other whites invaded the land. You have no claim to the land yet you get self righteous about being on the land. That type of attitude is what angers and disgusts the other races. Its like the justice and fairness you tout in theory is forgotten when its applied to your people in a negative fashion.

You should be thanking God the British conquered this land; you wouldn't want to be here otherwise...Could you image what it would be like if it was conquered by African's or the offense, but take a look at Africa and Mexico...both total shit-holes......this country was built by REAL Americans...its democracy, its infrastructure, its economics, its social values and everything that makes it the greatest country in the world....and you're exactly right; REAL Americans get a bit territorial when we feel like we're being invaded and disrespected by bottom feeding low-lifes. If you really cared to explore the truth I think you'd find most of us don't have any problem with anyone of any race or color that doesn't whine and complain, pulls their weight, works hard and contributes in a positive way.

They are dead
Yes they are dead. So is any moral high ground whites thought they had on the issue.
What moral high ground? We were born here, we are native to this country, are we supposed to leave now?
The moral high ground whites assume when they say things like you just said. You were born here because your ancestors or other whites invaded the land. You have no claim to the land yet you get self righteous about being on the land. That type of attitude is what angers and disgusts the other races. Its like the justice and fairness you tout in theory is forgotten when its applied to your people in a negative fashion.
So, if you own land, is it not yours? You should give it back to the NA?
Who did you purchase the land from and under what terms? If the NA's did not willingly sell you the land (which we know they didnt) you should give it back. You basically are in possession of stolen goods.

"Actually your wrong...The British conquered this land....that's how the world was back then...the strongest army took what they wanted...end of story. To try and compare the times and or hold modern generations responsible is just plain ignorant. How far back in time should we go to impose our current social standards and laws? Can we make laws and social behaviors retroactive? Sounds stupid doesn't it? You have to learn to let go of the past as you and your people are clearly imprisoned by it. The world, society and laws have changed and evolved and they will continue to do so. Sorry"

My ancestors, except for the Potowatami Tribe, weren't even in this country until late 1800s. they came from Ireland and lived in the North. No slave owners. I have no guilt because even if I have white ancestors, I cannot be held accountable for the past.
What do you mean by guilt?
There have been other black posters who have said all whites have, or should have, white guilt for the history of whites,
I've never understood why people say that. Not only do I feel that whites are incapable of guilt the ones left here arent the ones that actually did the deed.
of course whites are capable of guilt, if it fits. I feel guilty for not being a better mother to my child, guilty for not getting off my butt sooner in life to decide what I wanted to do with my life.
I meant guilt for doing wrong against other races.

Rather than harbor guilt we just pay their way through life via EBT cards, free births and medical coverage, free schooling including college, discounted housing, incarceration expenses...the list goes on and on.
Theres very little land in this world that wasn't stolen from someone else, maybe even some black Americans owe Native americans some reparations. As Ive always believed, racism isnt some genetic proclivity but has more to do with culture and brainwashing of the masses

Plains Indian view of the ‘Buffalo’ Soldier

Quote from excerpt:

The Buffalo Soldiers of the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry harried the scattered bands throughout the fall, winter, and spring, skirmishing, burning lodges and food caches. But the Comanche held out, hunting on foot, eating grubs and rodents.

Finally, in the spring and summer of 1875, the Comanche chiefs gathered their starving people and surrendered at Fort Sill, in Indian Territory.

On the other side, it is worth noting, at the time and later, black soldiers writing in pension requests and veterans’ newspapers showed no signs of a special regard for the Indians. They used the same dismissive epithets--"hostile tribes,""naked savages,"and "redskins"—and the same racist caricatures employed by whites. Most recently we saw the same mentality and terminology used in the hunt for Osama Bin Laudin: Geronimo. Reminiscent of the use among whites of "blackface" to denigrate and stereotype African-Americans, a black private named Robinson went to a masquerade ball at Fort Bayard, New Mexico, in 1894, dressed as "an idiotic Indian squaw," according to a published report by a fellow soldier.

By the same token, it should not be too surprising to read of a black soldier calling a Plains Indian in 1890 "a voodoo ******," repeating the voice of a white soldier who called the Plains Indians in 1873 "red *******." This buffalo soldier only reflected the overall values of the culture in which he struggled for a place, hoping to ally himself with the dominant American group. As historian William Gwaltney, a descendent of buffalo soldiers, said, "Buffalo Soldiers fought for recognition as citizens in a racist country and...American Indian people fought to hold on to their traditions, their land, and their lives." These were not compatible, harmonious goals that could provide the basis for interracial harmony.
I didnt read the rest of your post because you started off the post with the standard white guy response. "Everybody did it" while ignoring the fact that even if it was true that was no excuse and doesnt change anything.

No, i didnt say everybody did it. Every body did not steal land. But what I did say is that most land in this world Africa included, consists of land that was stolen once before. Sorry I had to repeat myself twice. I did not say that American Indians should not recieve compensation for anything. I might very well believe that to some extent. I made a statement about racism that reflects the way I see it. If you see that as a standard "white man answer" than you make a good case for my thoughts on racists and racism.
Thats a standard white rationalization with no proof at all. I cant speak on europe but I know the history of Africa before whites colonized the place and thats a blatantly white boy lie.

Yawwn .... your typical black boy answer? is that what that is?

Ancient Sudan~ Nubia: History: The Kushite Conquest of Egypt

I know its true, because thats just basic human nature. Just like when black africans drove Albinos right out of the contenant because they looked different. Read about Shaka Zulu again, a white man didnt make him do it. Read about the benin empire again. human history is older than any of us remember or is recorded,but a lot of things play over and over again
Taking political control is not the same as committing genocide on a people due to their race. Racially the Egyptians and Kushites were the same people. You are just using your standard white deflection. From your link....

"The Kushites took advantage of the deteriorating situations in Egypt and exercised political control."

There was never a nation of albinos so that was a silly excuse as well.

And why is it that the Kushites and Egyptians had great armies? no, your just trying to deny that conquering people is as old as civilization it self, trying to say its an invention of white people, right. I only bring up albinos because thats one of your past claims how they were forced to leave. Well, i believe that cause if you go to Tanzania today youll see that albinos get prey on for their body parts, thanks to greedy people who pay witchdoctors for potions and good luck charms, like albino ears etc

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