Basically, this is the only forum I've never been banned from


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Most forums are pretty easy to get banned from. All you have to do is speak the truth, ignore all warnings telling you to stop telling the truth, and then you get banned.

I thought a gaming forum would be different, but it wasn't.

First, I took all kinds of flack because I told everyone I was the best Dungeon Master I know (true) and I started telling people my ideas on how they could be a better Dungeon Master.

Apparently, people were not used to my confident style of expressing myself, and they called me rude and self-centered.

When I told them that I expressed myself in a confident manner, like a man expresses himself, they got all bent out of shape saying I called them "unmanly."

Also, I started a thread on why I preferred D&D Next over Pathfinder, and that thread got shut down because "Edition Wars" thread are not allowed. I told the moderator that telling people they weren't allowed to compare games on a gaming forum was like telling people they couldn't eat at a restaurant, or telling people they can't watch a movie at a movie theater, or telling people they couldn't skate at a skating rink. I said it was a really stupid rule.

The moderator got all ass-hurt and started demanding I leave the forum.

After that died down, I purchased a science fiction roleplaying game published by that same moderator.

I read through the game, and started posting all the problems I had with it, like rules that made no sense, and I offered my volunteer services to go through the document and do a thorough editing job.

This moderator/game publisher refused my generous offer.

So then I told him that I would not be playing the game, because he broke the first rule of game publishers -- listen to gamers. I told him he needed to learn how to grow a thick skin, because part of the writing process is accepting editing/proofreading from others.

And then he banned me, saying that the $10 I paid for the game entitled me to a pdf, but did not entitle me to be rude.
This forum is unique, and I appreciate it. I can pretty much say whatever I want and I don't get banned for it. I've only been warned once, and that was when I said something really, really nasty about guno. And I deserved the warning, though guno does really provoke me.
How hard does someone have to try to be a real asshole to get banned from a RPG forum?

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