BART director punished for 'Cotton-Picking' comment during meeting

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Now just a cotton picking minute. Blacks are not the only cotton picking people who picked cotton. Never apologize to the liberal zombies—it just makes them thirsty for more blood.




Now just a cotton picking minute. Blacks are not the only cotton picking people who picked cotton. Never apologize to the liberal zombies—it just makes them thirsty for more blood.




That's a cotton-pickin' shame.
When your fellow Americans are mentioned on account of their skin colour, it's racism.

The left's media were cautious to avoid that last night, but it was conspicuous by its absence, and it came across as inconvenient that the cops were black. No matter how careful they tried to be.
When your fellow Americans are mentioned on account of their skin colour, it's racism.

The left's media were cautious to avoid that last night, but it was conspicuous by its absence, and it came across as inconvenient that the cops were black. No matter how careful they tried to be.
It`s always about color in MAGAland, isn`t it?
When your fellow Americans are mentioned on account of their skin colour, it's racism.

The left's media were cautious to avoid that last night, but it was conspicuous by its absence, and it came across as inconvenient that the cops were black. No matter how careful they tried to be. do you describe someone to another person if you can't mention race or color?

I had a manager almost literally shit her pants because she asked me to describe an employee that was wearing WAY too much perfume and making people sick......and I didn't know her name, so I said "she's the old blond white woman that sits by so and so".
She almost imploded!!!! "YOU CAN'T SAY THAT"!!!!!
me...."Say WHAT"?
manager...."ANY OF THAT"!!!!
me..."HOW am I supposed to describe somebody if I CANNOT DESCRIBE THEM"??!!!
manager... "Not like THAT"!!
me...."Ok". "That....organism down that way (I pointed) sitting in a cubicle, is making people sick with it's toxic use of chemical bioweaponry".

She didn't like that very much. But she asked for it.

So.............HOW do you describe someone if you cannot DESCRIBE them???? HUH????
So.............HOW do you describe someone if you cannot DESCRIBE them???? HUH????
There are exceptions of course when a person needs to be described.

But you trying to make the point in the context of this discussion, makes you highly suspect. in my opinion.

AS is the reason for posting this thread I would suggest too.
There are exceptions of course when a person needs to be described.

But you trying to make the point in the context of this discussion, makes you highly suspect. in my opinion.

AS is the reason for posting this thread I would suggest too.

You seem to "highly suspect" everybody in your posts.

Which means you are only out to glorify yourself for your own narcissistic propaganda.
You seem to "highly suspect" everybody in your posts.

Which means you are only out to glorify yourself for your own narcissistic propaganda.
I'll take that suggestion into consideration.
I've heard some rational ideas of yours being expressed and that's worth noticing. The other exceptions are obviously not worth my time.

If you want an exchange of ideas on my level, I'll allow it at least until you blow the privilege.
I'll take that suggestion into consideration.
I've heard some rational ideas of yours being expressed and that's worth noticing. The other exceptions are obviously not worth my time.

If you want an exchange of ideas on my level, I'll allow it at least until you blow the privilege.

Ah. I see.

Well, I doubt very seriously I could ever lower my standards to YOUR level, as you seem to be stuck wallowing in your own overblown insignificance.
I'll take that suggestion into consideration.
I've heard some rational ideas of yours being expressed and that's worth noticing. The other exceptions are obviously not worth my time.

If you want an exchange of ideas on my level, I'll allow it at least until you blow the privilege.

Yo Donny. You're not all that
Exactly! It’s just like negotiating with terrorists. Appeasement only makes the aggressor more aggressive. They need to be hit back with their own accusations as that would likely be more accurate and more applicable anyway.

By "hit back", do you mean with fire hoses, hickory sticks, and dogs? Because I'd really like to see that.

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