Barry Obama: "My Accomplishments are Slight..."

JakeStarkey said:
The Harry Reids and Nancy Pelosis are, unfortunately, in power because my party allowed the wing nuts to take over. All Republicans are responsible for permitting Tom DeLay, Karl Rove, Don Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, etc., to grab the reins. We wanted the White House and continued power in the Congress so badly that we lost our collective mind. The American electorate made the Party pay, rightfully so.

What we need is a coherent, solidly conservative plan that excludes the power-mad rats that sank the Republican boat last time. We need a solid leader who can convincingly offer that plan in a calm, moderate voice. She or he has not yet appeared. In the meantime, the saner part of the party is fighting off the wing nut loony fringe to the far right.

Harry Dresden: the thing is Jake i hear so many Dems say they cant stand Pelosi or Reid themselves,and they feel Pelosi should not be were she is,but none of them seem to say it publicly,i dont see the people who make up the Democratic party calling for this woman to step down,she is no 3 in the line of succession after all.....if something ever happened to the Prez and the VP....we then have a certifiable power hungry lunatic in power....

Absolutely true, HD, but no different than the power-hungry DeLayites when they held office. We, the American People, are responsible for our government, because we vote these crazies into office, so many of us believing we can go back to Nintendo or X-Box or porn or gardening or whatever. If we want real government that works, HD, we must be vigilant.

We weren't and we have paid the price.
Your comment toward me and Lincoln, T-whiner, is irrelevant (as usual).

Lincoln loved the Constitution, and he used his powers to suspend habeas corpus, etc., to save the Union. We, the true freedom-loving Republicans who truly love America and the Constitution, will not and are not any longer tolerating your hate of the American way of life. You are catching on that you are finished in the Party. Unless you do five words: straighten up and be Americans.

Yes, Radioman, it was a superb speech, supported by Newt and (imagine) Sarah among others of his opponents.

Your very words in this thread belie the above when you addressed many that *I* know to be Constitutionalists. YOU are a LIAR, Jokey, plain and simple.

Deal with that. True Republicans are NOT as you, after all what IS this nation? What FORM Of government?

Your words profess you to be a hack. I am in good company with many in this thread that have come to similiar conclusions and something you are gonna have a hard time dealing with.

The word 'Repubican' just doesn't do you justice. I have other words but they would fall upon a blind HACK as yourself as meaningless as your posts here in this thread.

Have a shitty day poseur.

You, T-boy, are in the vast minority, and your day in the sun is over. May you have a good day.
You guys are working too hard. Trolls deserve to this mesage displayed on your monitor as well: This message is hidden because JakeStarkey is on your ignore list.
Your comment toward me and Lincoln, T-whiner, is irrelevant (as usual).

Lincoln loved the Constitution, and he used his powers to suspend habeas corpus, etc., to save the Union. We, the true freedom-loving Republicans who truly love America and the Constitution, will not and are not any longer tolerating your hate of the American way of life. You are catching on that you are finished in the Party. Unless you do five words: straighten up and be Americans.

Yes, Radioman, it was a superb speech, supported by Newt and (imagine) Sarah among others of his opponents.

Your very words in this thread belie the above when you addressed many that *I* know to be Constitutionalists. YOU are a LIAR, Jokey, plain and simple.

Deal with that. True Republicans are NOT as you, after all what IS this nation? What FORM Of government?

Your words profess you to be a hack. I am in good company with many in this thread that have come to similiar conclusions and something you are gonna have a hard time dealing with.

The word 'Repubican' just doesn't do you justice. I have other words but they would fall upon a blind HACK as yourself as meaningless as your posts here in this thread.

Have a shitty day poseur.

You, T-boy, are in the vast minority, and your day in the sun is over. May you have a good day.

A vast minority?


You, shithead, are closer to the truth (albeit in ways you are incapable of grasping) than you can possibly know.

A minority today may become a majority tomorrow.

The missing ingredient is obvious except to shitheads like you.

Again, fuck off.
What he could have said:

1. My accomplishements are nonexistent.
2. My accomplishments could fit inside this prize case.
3. My accomplishments are at the expense of every American.
4. My accomplishments are slightly socialist.
5. My accomplishments are so well hidden, I don't even know what they are.
6. My accomplishments are not coming up on the teleprompter.
7. My accomplishments are six trips to Europe in less than a year.
8. My accomplishments are being manufactured by the main strem media as we speak.
Whatever, guys. You are on the ash heap of history. Minorities can become majorities, but your small minority never will again. Learn it, love it, because that is you. Best of luck to you all in your delusions.
No, it is not. It is a rejection of Bush neo-conservatism, a recognition that evil and war exists in the world, and the intention of the U.S. once again to act mulitlaterally in concert with the other nations of the west. You want to bet that the U.S. is once again adhering to the treaties (particularly on war crimes) that Bush's administration unilaterally ended in 2001 and 2002? There is a reason why the Bush foreign policy wonks are not traveling internationally.
Considering that I am on the central committees for our Republican Party city and county organizations, and considering that I have been a delegate to four of the last five state conventions, and considering that others along with me are making sure your types have nothing to do with picking our candidates at the city, county, and state levels -- I enjoy your comments, PP, and yours, Liability. We simply do not tolerate your kind any more other than for the fun factor.

im curious, starkey, if there is a nationwide movement to move the republicans in a different than neo-con direction, what direction is that? whats a neocon, for that matter. im still holding on to the definition i voted for in 2000, wondering what went so wrong.

i associate the GOP squarely with the loud-mouth clowns nibbling your ass-end on this thread, sarah palin, and the loud-mouth clowns on talk-radio and fox. wrong?
What we voted for in 2000 is simply not what we actually got in the eight years of George W. Bush.

Some of the current wannabees are the kinds who want to be like the Rushs, Seans, Sarahs, Glenns, McConnells, DeLays, etc., in the Party. Some, but not all, are neo-conservatives (Neo-conservatism: Irving Kristol’s living legacy | openDemocracy is a good read for background). I know that Newt Gingrich and George Will and those sorts of Republican conservatives have held their noses when dealing with them. Listen to Newt's voice when he is on Sean Hannitty: that is worth a chuckle. But if one plays with slime, then one is slimed. And I think Newt and others have learned that. In the formerly red states gone blue the struggle is on between the loony fringe on the right and the moderate conservatives for control. I think the Conservative fiasco in the NY 23rd congressional district has made real Republicans aware that the reactionaries are only about power, not principles.
What we voted for in 2000 is simply not what we actually got in the eight years of George W. Bush.

Some of the current wannabees are the kinds who want to be like the Rushs, Seans, Sarahs, Glenns, McConnells, DeLays, etc., in the Party. Some, but not all, are neo-conservatives (Neo-conservatism: Irving Kristol’s living legacy | openDemocracy is a good read for background). I know that Newt Gingrich and George Will and those sorts of Republican conservatives have held their noses when dealing with them. Listen to Newt's voice when he is on Sean Hannitty: that is worth a chuckle. But if one plays with slime, then one is slimed. And I think Newt and others have learned that. In the formerly red states gone blue the struggle is on between the loony fringe on the right and the moderate conservatives for control. I think the Conservative fiasco in the NY 23rd congressional district has made real Republicans aware that the reactionaries are only about power, not principles.

only about noise, and not independent voters. arguably, there could have been a different outcome if spalin didnt try to help. palin/mccain cost the republicans the house and the senate with my votes and i would imagine millions of others. that kind of judgement is scary to people who dont listen to ann coulter.

youre saying the party is ready to kick the crack habit with palin and the republican power-media? big leap to shore.

newts lame. i associate him and the contract with the neocons. that was their promise/roadmap. so much for fiscal responsibility act.

thanks for the article. ive got a vivid pic of what a 'con is from the last decade, but ill check it out.

**clicking thru***
Whatever, guys. You are on the ash heap of history. Minorities can become majorities, but your small minority never will again. Learn it, love it, because that is you. Best of luck to you all in your delusions.


JokeStarkey just went from declaring that we were a VAST minority to declaring that we are a "small" minority. In the imbecile universe he inhabits, "VAST" and "small" mean exactly the same thing, evidently! :lol::lol::lol::lol:



Jokey has that whole credibility thing goin' ON! :lol::lol:
My, my, Liability, you are 'tardacious!

^ this from the retard that just said he had two "words" for me and the words were "bah bye." :cuckoo:


You are not just pwnd here consistently by everybody else, you are so fucking stupid, you literally pwnd yourself. Now, you are merely whimpering.

Did I mention "fuck off?"

Because if I didn't, that's my bad.

Fuck off.
Liability simply does not have what it takes to argue logically or play the dimes.
Liability simply does not have what it takes to argue logically or play the dimes.

You are still just whimpering. Your assessment simply carries no wieght.

But I may need to borrow YOUR dictionary. Are you a VAST Fail or are you a small Fail? Granted, either way you remain a Fail. That much has been made crystal clear -- by you.

But the right adjective sometimes helps.

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