Barr pushes back on Trump: This is Not a ‘Witch hunt’

Thanks for admitting you lied
God you are f'ing dumb. The claim was made by one of your own guys stupid. "Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin that he (Barr) and his handpicked prosecutor spiked a corruption allegation into Joe Biden and ended the investigation due to a lack of evidence...Raskin stood by his comment in a defiant press release on Wednesday. "I stand 100% by my statements that we were told by the FBI team that visited us on Monday, June 5, 2023"
Breaking: Dems are now claiming it was Barr who shut down the investigation into Biden's $5M bribery scheme with a foreign national, shocker.

Thank you for twisting that fact. The allegation was made when Barr was AG, but the FBI couldn’t corroborate anything the guy said. It’s that old “lack of evidence” thing that keeps coming up with all of these allegations.
Well, this didn't help.

July 24 2018
Speaking to a Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) gathering in Kansas City, Trump implored his audience to forget about what they see and read — and instead just listen to him.

“Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news,” Trump said, pointing at reporters as the crowd broke out in boos. “Just remember, what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”

“Sick with us,” he pleaded. “Just stick with us.”

People fall for such idiocy?
Yeah, we have to get rid of the "Deep State" FBI, Justice Dept, etc.
And the 'Fake News' MSM!
Only Trump has the truth. In fact he's make many of you into blithering enablers.

Barr pushes back on Trump: This is not a ‘witch hunt’​

06/06/23 - 2:47PM - TheHill

""Former Attorney General Bill Barr pushed back on former President Trump’s claims that a special counsel’s ongoing documents probe is politically motivated and said he thinks the public eventually will come to realize the former president’s culpability.

“Over time, people will see that this is not a case of the Department of Justice conducting a witch hunt,” Barr said in an interview on CBS on Tuesday.
“In fact, they approached this very delicately and with deference to the president, and this would have gone Nowhere had the president just returned the documents.
But he Jerked them around for a Year and a half.”

Did Hillary get indicted when she didnt return her documents under subpoena?
One of those chosen by Trump who ended up choosing to stab Trump and America in the back.

Barr is rapidly getting close to top 10 all time traitor status...

You are the treasonous traitor. Barr is talking reality and you are stuck in your fantasy world you thug.

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