Barbarians Inside the Gates

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Oct. 11, 2005 / 8 Tishrei, 5766

Just Another Week of Harm to A Great Civilization by Barbarians Inside the Gates
By Dennis Prager for Jewish World Review
October 11, 2005

Not a week goes by that some part of the Left does not hurt America. But in the past two weeks, three examples stood out for the degree of such harm.

--the ACLU files suit against Southwest Airlines
--judge appointed by Clinton orders release of remaining Abu Ghraib photos
--smearing of Bill Bennett as a racist

for full articles:

I bet that Southwest thing is about the woman with the obscene tee-shirt. I KNEW they wouldn't be able to resist :whip:
You're right. Here's what the article had to say about that:

"The first example involved the ACLU, which has threatened Southwest Airlines with a lawsuit. Southwest ordered a passenger off a flight after she refused to cover her T-shirt on which was printed an expletive — "Fu—ers" — referring to President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

The ACLU position is not surprising. That organization had once defended a high school student whose school had prohibited him from wearing to class a T-shirt that read "Big Pecker."

I have previously noted in this column the widespread approval of foul language on the Left, such as the expletive-filled entertainment at a John Kerry fundraiser organized by Nor is it surprising that a high percentage of my e-mail from people on the Left contains obscenities. To most Americans, the huge increase in public cursing is a sign of a deteriorating civilization; to the Left it is a sign of a freer, less hypocritical one."

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