Barack Obama His Own Words!!


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2008

May 23, 2006

One of the central components of immigration reform is enforcement, and
this bill contains a number of important provisions to beef up border security.
But that's not enough. Real enforcement also means drying up the pool of jobs that encourages illegal immigration. And that can only happen if employers don't hire illegal workers.


June 5, 2006

Today, we take up the valuable time of the U.S. Senate with a proposed amendment to our Constitution that has absolutely no chance of passing. We do this, allegedly, in an attempt to uphold the institution of marriage in this country. We do this despite the fact that for over two hundred years, Americans have been defining and defending marriage on the state and local level without any help from the U.S. Constitution at all.


Energy Independence and the Safety of Our Planet
April 3, 2006

For decades, we've been warned by legions of scientists and mountains of evidence that this was coming - that we couldn't just keep burning fossil fuels and contribute to the changing atmosphere without consequence. And yet, for decades, far too many have ignored the warnings, either dismissing the science as a hoax or believing that it was the concern of enviros looking to save polar bears and rainforests.

August 1, 2006

Every one of us in Congress has heard from our constituents about the high cost of gas. A gallon is now $3 or more in most parts of the country, and there is every reason to believe that figure will continue to climb throughout the rest of the summer


December 15, 2005

Four years ago, following the most devastating attack in our history, this body passed the USA PATRIOT Act in order to give our nation's law enforcement the tools they need to track down terrorists who plot and lurk within our own borders and all over the world - terrorists who, right now, are looking to exploit weaknesses in our laws and our security to carry out
even deadlier attacks than we saw on September 11th.


"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or antitrade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." --explaining his troubles winning over some working-class voters San Francisco

"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed."
--on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people

"Hold on one second, sweetie, we're going to do -- we'll do a press avail." --to a female reporter for ABC's Detroit affiliate who asked about his plan to help American autoworkers

These are just a few of the word's of Barack Obama from the campaign and from his career as a US Senator. I will let you make up your own mind here without adding any editorial on this one, as it pretty much speaks for itself.
Thanks, Navy. Those words were a refreshing change of pace from the "politics as usual" crowd in DC. Let's elect this guy president, shall we?
"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed."
--on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people .
LOL that's pretty funny.
To be honest ignatov im going to have to take a pass on this guy. I just can't see the attraction other than he is different. Well so is my daughter in college, but she sure is not qualified to be president and I personally don't think he is either. To me Barack Obama is a great speaker and a lot of people are taken with him, but it's rather like getting caught up in a movie and never reading the book. For example, the movie "300" okay movie, good graphics very loosly based on a historical event but great to look at. However, when you read the book you get a whole different story. Again, though it should be interesting one way or the other. good luck.
He had a depth to his answers when he started campaigning that made him authentic. Like at one of the debates. Remember when Edwards and CLinton and Obama were still standing, and the question was "What is your greatest weakness" and Obama went first - and actually presented a weakness. He said that he doesn't remember details (or something) very well and has to have staff to keep track of those details (or something like this.)

Then HIllary says her weakness is that she loves her country so much (or something) and Edwards says his weakness is that he cares about the working class so much (or something).

I mean good god.

He was like that in other situations too. When asked about the education system he didn't give a pat answer, but answered from the perspective of a parent, I don't remember the response but it gave a depth to his answer that was refreshing and honest, period.

One of the reasons that he is a good speaker is because that honesty still comes through. Sure, he is politicking more now than then, but there is still an authenticity to his presentations.

McCain has been staged more and more. The free-wheeling reporter sessions were good, but have been cancelled. He has changed his message from leadership to reform, he has picked his running mate as what appears to be a political ploy, he has done many things that are designed to win (has ditched policy for 'narrative' which does NOT put country first), and I don't know where he stands anymore.

If he opposes earmarks, why did he take on Palin? If SHE oppposes earmarks why did she take them? Or s it that he had to pick her to rally the base, and he had to say the reform stuff because he needed to tie it all together and repackage himself?

Obama is authentic, organized, disciplined, (and I tend to align with many of his views)--- and McCain is politicking (and selling out to some extent, ie picking Palin over Lieberman) to get into the whitehouse.
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"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed."
--on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people

Now remind me again, was Kansas the 56th state or the 57th. :D
Now remind me again, was Kansas the 56th state or the 57th. :D

Oh, please. Are we playing that game? McCain thinks that Checkoslovakia is still a country. McCain thinks that (Shi'ite) Iran is harboring and training (Sunni) al Qaeda members.

Ask yourself which is more likely: that McCain doesn't understand the intricacies of the Middle East or that Obama doesn't know how many states are in the Union.
I think it is more likely that we need a little more humour and a lot less animosity.

Have you noticed that no one is changing any minds on here?

We're either preaching to the choir, trying to zig the other side or cussing each other out.

Everyone needs to relax alittle and keep in mind that although we may not agree, that's ok. Come November 4th, no matter who wins the election, we'll all still be Americans.
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I think it is more likely that we need a little more humour and a lot less animosity.

Have you noticed that no one is changing any minds on here?

We're either preaching to the choir, trying to zig the other side or cussing each other out.

Everyone needs to relax alittle and keep in mind that although we may not agree, that's ok. Come November 4th, no matter who wins the election, we'll all still be Americans.

Ya like after Bush won in 2000 and again in 2004 we were all still just Americans. How for 8 years we have listened to how Bush the genius stole 3 elections and then Bush the Idiot invaded Iraq.

And now we have Liberals demanding a President be arrested after he leaves office based on nothing more than spiteful anger because their guy got impeached and they haven't gotten even yet.

There is a major disconnect between the far left and the rest of the Country. And the Democrats are happy to be drug around by the nose ring by that Far Left.

After 8 years of listening to the left claim Bush was not their President the Conservatives need to LAUGH a little? After 8 years of listening to lies, misinformation and fabricated stories about a sitting President, WE need to relax?
Have you noticed that no one is changing any minds on here?

I can say that I've changed my mind since being on here. When I first came here I was an undecided voter, but after reading all the weak arguments about why Obama wouldn't make a good POTUS, I decided to support him. Republicans can't really make a good argument why McCain is better. Since Obama picked Biden as a running mate I see the Democrats as having the best balanced ticket.
These are just a few of the word's of Barack Obama from the campaign and from his career as a US Senator. I will let you make up your own mind here without adding any editorial on this one, as it pretty much speaks for itself.

Navy, I'm not sure I get what you hoped those quotes show? IMO they show a man firmly in touch with the realities of this world and the situation we find ourselves in.

I agree with Cali, he doesn't give staged pat answers.

I loved at Saddleback when asked his greatest moral failure and he said his failure was those times when he put himself in front of others! How often do you hear anyone, much less a politican admit to being selfish?

I've been following politics for 22 years (since I become old enough to vote) and he seems to be the most honest and forthright politician I've ever witnessed.

I think Obama should be using McCain's Straight Talk Express tag line...McCain sure doesn't need it anymore.
I think it's wonderful to bring in some REAL DATA given how often partisans start out by putting words into their opponents mouths so they can fault what their enemies did NOT say.

Actually, the reason I put this thread up was to show, that Barack Obama if you take his word's from the Senate and elsewhere, and put them side by side with the current views of most of the party he represents you have a problem , had anyone bothered to look. It also reflect , at least to me " the real" Barack Obama and not the packaged one, in a lot of respects. For example, when hs is discussing unwavering support for the USA Patriot Act. Is this not the same person who prides himself in his opposition to George W. Bush and chides John McCain for voting with George W. Bush? Seems to me that he say's one thing and does another. Further, I don't believe for a moment Barack Obama is stupid , and am not into name calling him, I do think however, some of the later comments reflect a lack of awareness on his part and a true sene of how he really feels. Take for example his comment about "clinging to guns and religion" , that to me at least , showed the true nature of the man, not the movie version. So you asked the reasoning behind it, there is is Silence, to evoke discussion on the real merits of Barack Obama to be president.

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