Odd, to say the least


Oh yes it is too!
Aug 25, 2008
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I heard about this in local news because it is a local school.

You have probably seen the goof from Thursday night’s McCain speech, where instead of addressing the nation in front of a backdrop of Walter Reed Hospital, McCain was standing at attention in front of ... Walter Reed Middle School in North Hollywood, California.


"It's shocking that so many important Republicans can't tell the difference between the hospital where we send our nation's fallen heroes and the junior high where I send my little girls."

The California Majority Report // McCain?s Walter Reed Gaffe -- One for the Yearbook?

Has this story had any real mention outside of the LA area?

McCain's team is either very poorly organized, or was just grabbing random clips (WTF?) for their candidate's major speech.

Very weird.
Sites like Daily Kos are all over a supposed gaffe by the McCain staff for showing the "wrong" picture of Walter Reed. Instead of the Army Hospital, they showed what they deem an obscure picture of a Middle School in California.

Well, I'm here to set the record straight. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The McCain campaign has already released an official statement. This is a non-story that mindless liberal lemmings are going to try and make hay over for nothing.


Washington D.C. (AP) - Early reports this morning are suggesting that the "green screen" backdrop used by Senator McCain during his speech last night were intended to depict the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, but actually—and mistakenly—depicted Walter Reed Middle School in North Hollywood, CA. This is an inaccurate assessment of the situation.

McCain staffers thoroughly vetted a variety of locations to be used as a backdrop for the presidential nominee's speech, and settled deliberately on Walter Reed Middle School for several reasons.

The fact that it is a middle school represents the sincere connection that the McCain campaign has to middle America, the lifeblood of this great country, and further depicts our sincere appreciation of the fact that children--even children in a traditionally liberal stronghold such as California--represent the future of this great nation.

By choosing a middle school sharing the same name as the Walter Reed Medical Facility, John McCain is demonstrating his sincere appreciation and hope that the young Americans attending this facility of education will grow up to be the sort of American heroes who will one day possibly be served by the Walter Reed Hospital.

This is the great hope and fervent prayer of our candidate--that all Americans, even those not appreciated by the urban elite, recognize the potential of a hero within themselves without having to lose five and a half years of their own lives in the process.

Haha, the "truth" sounds like a horrible attempt to covering a mistake.

I have to admit, this is pretty funny.
Thanks for your honesty, jsanders. This does look like a tap dance. McCain would be better served by saying, "Oops, we screwed up."

Inability to admit a mistake is a character flaw.
LOL I am glad I am not the only one that thinks that... I agree it is funny. And definitely weird.

I had heard that they were refusing to comment on it initially, so the fact that they now have this extensive description of why the backdrop was purposefully chosen seems odd, also. :lol:
Here's another quote:

Eventually, the McCain camp today issued a statement insisting that that no mistake had been made. "The changing image-screen was linked to the American thematics of the speech and the public school was simply part of it," said spokesman Tucker Bounds.

from the LA Times
Yes, from the article describing that the school is in a heavily democratic district and some of the teachers were horrified and the school issued a statement saying that the use of its image should not be taken as an endorsement!

By choosing a middle school sharing the same name as the Walter Reed Medical Facility, John McCain is demonstrating his sincere appreciation and hope that the young Americans attending this facility of education will grow up to be the sort of American heroes who will one day possibly be served by the Walter Reed Hospital.

I'm thinking not so much.
Haha, the "truth" sounds like a horrible attempt to covering a mistake.

I have to admit, this is pretty funny.

As it turns out the "truth" was a fictious news article.

Searching the Associated Press' website there is no such story.

AP Search

As it turns out the "truth" was a fictious news article.

Searching the Associated Press' website there is no such story.

AP Search

Or not:

Walter Reed Middle School students don't mind the media glare | L.A. Now | Los Angeles Times

"McCain messed up. He was talking about Walter Reed hospital, and he used our picture by mistake," said 11-year-old Joshua.

It's a story, one way or another, and the McCain campaign looks foolish for trying to skirt the issue. Just admit the error and move on.
Sorry, that's my fault for not making my post explicit enough. I was refering to this story:

Washington D.C. (AP) - Early reports this morning are suggesting that the "green screen" backdrop used by Senator McCain during his speech last night were intended to depict the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, but actually&#8212;and mistakenly&#8212;depicted Walter Reed Middle School in North Hollywood, CA. This is an inaccurate assessment of the situation.

McCain staffers thoroughly vetted a variety of locations to be used as a backdrop for the presidential nominee's speech, and settled deliberately on Walter Reed Middle School for several reasons.

The fact that it is a middle school represents the sincere connection that the McCain campaign has to middle America, the lifeblood of this great country, and further depicts our sincere appreciation of the fact that children--even children in a traditionally liberal stronghold such as California--represent the future of this great nation.

By choosing a middle school sharing the same name as the Walter Reed Medical Facility, John McCain is demonstrating his sincere appreciation and hope that the young Americans attending this facility of education will grow up to be the sort of American heroes who will one day possibly be served by the Walter Reed Hospital.

This is the great hope and fervent prayer of our candidate--that all Americans, even those not appreciated by the urban elite, recognize the potential of a hero within themselves without having to lose five and a half years of their own lives in the process.

It is fictitious. There is no AP news story about Walter Reed after the date of the convention.

AP Search

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"We totally meant to do that," said the McCain campaign.
Poor McCain. He really does remind me of my dad.
Sorry, that's my fault for not making my post explicit enough. I was refering to this story:

It is fictitious. There is no AP news story about Walter Reed after the date of the convention.

AP Search

so, basically TPM(the original source for this story in the OP) is lying yet again
With McCain's voting record on vet issues he sure as hell won't be thumping his chest about Walter Reed Army Medical Center . That's why he didn't use WRAMC as a backdrop.
By choosing a middle school sharing the same name as the Walter Reed Medical Facility, John McCain is demonstrating his sincere appreciation and hope that the young Americans attending this facility of education will grow up to be the sort of American heroes who will one day possibly be served by the Walter Reed Hospital.
That may be the funniest thing I've read here. :rofl:

I thought the backdrop was one of McCain's mansions?
It really doesn't speak well of his staff, that's for sure.

I just think that the proof is in the pudding, and when you line up Obama and McCain during the campaign season, Obama has run an incredible campaign, hiring the best people, demanding they keep to the high road, it's been disciplined and organized, and effective. His choice of running mate was honorable, Biden could immediately step in and be president. Biden is out there campaigning, on his own, he knows his stuff and he's great. You get the feeling that there is nothing 'hack' about the obama campaign.

Contrast that with the McCain campaign, who seem to hire people who make these sorts of basic blunders. And the pick of Palin. And the indications that she will be kept as much away from reporters as the campaign "feels is in its best interest." McCain is running a hack campaign and not putting the country's best interest ahead of his ambition.
It really doesn't speak well of his staff, that's for sure.

I just think that the proof is in the pudding, and when you line up Obama and McCain during the campaign season, Obama has run an incredible campaign, hiring the best people, demanding they keep to the high road, it's been disciplined and organized, and effective. His choice of running mate was honorable, Biden could immediately step in and be president. Biden is out there campaigning, on his own, he knows his stuff and he's great. You get the feeling that there is nothing 'hack' about the obama campaign.

Contrast that with the McCain campaign, who seem to hire people who make these sorts of basic blunders. And the pick of Palin. And the indications that she will be kept as much away from reporters as the campaign "feels is in its best interest." McCain is running a hack campaign and not putting the country's best interest ahead of his ambition.

Let's not pretend that Obama is running his own campaign.
All very true. On Palin, though, I almost feel sorry for his staff. Someone connected to his campaign admitted yesterday that Palin isn't ready to face the press...IMO, that means she isn't ready to be VP. She can't even be interviewed by Chris Wallace on FAUX because they fear she will either tell another lie or embarrass the campaign further.

It seems the backdrop was the Walter Reed Middle School. You'd think someone would have had the brains to realize their mistake before they made fools of themselves on national tv. Times like this make me glad so many tuned in.

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