Barack Obama bombs in Berlin: weak, underwhelming address, a floundering president


" In stark contrast to that of his presidential predecessors, Barack Obama’s message on Wednesday was pure mush, another clichéd “citizens of the world” polemic with little substance. This was a speech big on platitudes and hopeless idealism, while containing much that was counter-productive for the world’s superpower. Ultimately it was little more than a laundry list of Obama’s favourite liberal pet causes, including cutting nuclear weapons, warning about climate change, putting an end to all wars, shutting Guantanamo, ending global poverty, and backing the European Project. It was a combination of staggering naiveté, the appeasement of America’s enemies and strategic adversaries, and the championing of more big government solutions. "
Oh, gosh, the folks on the right criticizing president Obama again without any reason whatsoever. Because as "thrill up his leg" Chris Matthews so expertly pointed out within minutes of Barry boring everyone nearly to death, the sun was interfering with our Teleprompter-in-Chief's ability to read the presidential Teleprompter (TOTUS, to the Secret Service), so thus the embarrassing, lackluster performance

How that eventually turns out to be Bush's fault we'll just have to wait and see.
Of Course Obama's Communist PR campaign bombed in Berlin.

The people of Berlin recognize a Communist and all the bogus rhetoric they propagate.

These are very serious times.

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