

Silver Member
Sep 9, 2013
Quebec’s controversial ‘values charter’ will BAN bottom five religious symbols. The top three will be permitted.


• The proposal would ban “overt and conspicuous” religious symbols by government employees

• Would make it mandatory to have one’s face uncovered while providing or receiving a state service

• Quebec will entrench the concept of religious neutrality in the Quebec Charter of Rights and Freedoms

• A bill will be tabled this fall

• Marois’ minority government would require opposition support to pass the bill

• The Conservative government says it would mount a legal challenge against the new charter of Quebec values if it was deemed to violate religious freedoms

• “We’re categorical in rejecting this approach,” NDP leader Thomas Mulcair says

• Justin Trudeau accuses Marois of playing “divisive identity politics”

Quebec releases controversial ?values charter,? proposes that anyone giving, receiving public services would need face uncovered | National Post
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It only pertains to overt and conspicuous religious symbols and would apply to government employees.
It only pertains to overt and conspicuous religious symbols and would apply to government employees.

Well, they've already started exempting some of the larger more overt ones like the huge cross at the peak of Mont Royal overlooking the downtown Montreal. Not a good sign when you suggest one thing and do another.

They're in for a rough ride but most are predicting this to be nothing more than a "false flag" exercise to whip up support for another referendum.

Propose something alien to Canadian ethics, sit back and wait for the condemnations to pour towards Quebec then; "see we told you the rest of Canada hated us let's have another referendum".

The problems with this timing are twofold: as a minority gov't, they could very well lose enough seats for either the NDP or Liberals under Trudeau junior to grab the reins and, the rest of Canada, were there to be a referendum, might actually just wave goodbye from the pier.

One thing is certain; the terms of any separation are going to be tough on them with things like the military, monetary policy and national debt share being hotly debated this time around.
It only pertains to overt and conspicuous religious symbols and would apply to government employees.

Well, they've already started exempting some of the larger more overt ones like the huge cross at the peak of Mont Royal overlooking the downtown Montreal. Not a good sign when you suggest one thing and do another.

They're in for a rough ride but most are predicting this to be nothing more than a "false flag" exercise to whip up support for another referendum.

Propose something alien to Canadian ethics, sit back and wait for the condemnations to pour towards Quebec then; "see we told you the rest of Canada hated us let's have another referendum".

The problems with this timing are twofold: as a minority gov't, they could very well lose enough seats for either the NDP or Liberals under Trudeau junior to grab the reins and, the rest of Canada, were there to be a referendum, might actually just wave goodbye from the pier.

One thing is certain; the terms of any separation are going to be tough on them with things like the military, monetary policy and national debt share being hotly debated this time around.
I am not so sure this is such a bad thing. In the case of the burka, anyone providing government services should be required to have their face exposed and this, in a nutshell, is the reason for proposing the ban on all religious symbols in the workplace. All forms of secularism would have to be equal. Of course, permanent constructs, such as the cross at Mont Royal, would be exempted because of its historic nature/landmark.

But, in the end, I think you may be right when you say this may be "nothing more than a "false flag" exercise to whip up support for another referendum".
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If they held a referendum in the rest of Canada asking: do you want Quebec to separate? The answer would probably be YES!!!!

quebec holds the entire country hostage with their bs....let them go....i love how they exploit the country and how they get rewarded for it...the money amounts for births etc....that only go to the french speaking ones....i think they have stopped that now
The niqab, very bottom left in the photo, face covered, only eyes the only one I have a problem with.
Security risk, covered faces in public must be banned.

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