Baltimore is a hell hole because left wingers rioted over Freddie Grey...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Baltimore is a hell hole..... they have crime going through the roof and the ones to blame are democrats and left wing SJW morons, who have attacked the police over and over again, siding with violent criminals over cops and law abiding citizens.

They have every single gun control law the asshat, anti gunners want, and their gun murder rate keeps going up....

Why? Because the democrats hate police...

Baltimore police stopped noticing crime after Freddie Gray's death. A wave of killings followed.

“Immediately upon the riot, policing changed in Baltimore, and it changed very dramatically,” says Donald Norris, an emeritus professor at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, who reviewed USA TODAY's analysis. “The outcome of that change in policing has been a lot more crime in Baltimore, especially murders, and people are getting away with those murders.”

Police officials acknowledge the change. "In all candor, officers are not as aggressive as they once were, pre-2015. It’s just that fact," says acting Police Commissioner Gary Tuggle, who took command of Baltimore's police force in May.

Tuggle blames a shortage of patrol officers and the fallout from a blistering 2016 Justice Department investigation that found the city's police regularly violated residents' constitutional rights and prompted new limits on how officers there carry out what had once been routine parts of their job. At the same time, he says, police have focused more of their energy on gun crime and less on smaller infractions.


But some officers drew a different lesson: “Officers no longer put themselves on the firing line,” says Victor Gearhart, a retired lieutenant who supervised the overnight shift in Baltimore’s southern district before he was pushed out of the department for referring to Black Lives Matter activists as “thugs” in an email.

“These guys aren’t stupid. They realize that if they do something wrong, they’re going to get their head bit off. There’s no feeling that anybody’s behind them anymore, and they’re not going to do it,” he says. “Nobody wants to put their head in the pizza oven when the pizza oven is on.”


Where once it was common for officers to conduct hundreds of car stops, drug stops and street encounters every day, on May 4, 2015, three days after city prosecutors announced that they had filed charges against six officers over Gray’s death, the number fell to just 79. The average number of incidents police reported themselves dropped from an average of 460 a day in March to 225 a day in June of that year, even though summer weather typically brings higher crime. By the end of last year, it was lower still.
they hate the police and love criminals
they are blinded by racism
....I can understand being leery of ''white'' authority--but they can't differentiate between self defense/police/innocent black and a jackass, non-compliant, THREATENING-ARROGANT black criminal

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