badbob's What you should Give a Shit About


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
Libya was the richest nation in Africa. It's leader had just for-filled a promise that everyone would own their own home. Libyans paid 14 cents a gallon for gas. Qaddafi had armed and trained his people to fight Al Qaeda. They were winning this fight as could be seen by the prisons over flowing with Al Qaeda terrorist.. Libya was the freest country in the Muslim world including free to worship as they pleased with equal rights for women. 0bama came on the tube one night saying he couldn't wait for Congress he had to save the people of Libya from the evil Qaddafi, You know, 0bama doing his usual lying through his teeth.

He started his illegal war to save the people of Libya flying over 6,000 sorties of bunker busters and cluster bombs. Small arms have no effect on bombs. When the smoke cleared the prisons were emptied to make room for Black and Christian Libyans. Victory flags of Al Qaeda flew across what was left of the country. The people 0bama told us he had to save he murdered 130,000 of them. Hearing of the brutal death of Qaddafi he made drone jokes while hillary all over national 'news' cackled like as old hen finding a 12 inch rooster. While Malaysia convicted obama of, among other things genocide. Our Republican Congress did the same thing they did on all his other abuse of power and Constitutional violations, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I'll never vote for a democRat but I did quit the Enabler Party with a not very nice e-mail.

You stand them on their heads they all look the same. After the last school shooting many crazy and useless anti Second Amendment bills were written by Repugs and democRats. As far as me and the Constitution are concerned every gun bill written or voted for is a violation of these tyrants oath to the Constitution and voids their honor, if they ever had any to begin with. These same ones have no Social Security, instead voting them self full pay to the day they die. They have made their self immune to sexual harassment law suits and insider trading laws. They voted to opted out of the 'Affordable' Care Act. Every Bill they pass is everything but what it is called. If we did our duty as Americans we would push, pull ,or drag them from their perch, set up citizen courts and try them for their crimes. Death by government, you say it would never happen here, It happens every day. This is the country known for it's false flags to wage war. A government that doesn't bat an eye if they need to use the people like lab rats for chemical, biological or radioactive weapons. How many people have you known dying in an accidental fire in hearing distance of government thugs?

Sandy Hook, has anyone seen one drop of blood? There is a ton of evidence it was a false flag. But all that is needed is to watch the interviews with the parents and siblings of the suppose victims. They didn't win the lottery, they lost a child. Well in a way they did win the lottery with every one of these B movie actor getting over $60,000 from the bleeding hearts. Now a government judge is allowing these greedy actors to sue Remington. But the victims of the theater shooting or their relatives can't sue the theater that ban guns in the theater with signs posted all over NO GUNS, GUN FREE ZONE. When you take another American's right to protect himself then you take over the responsibility to keep him from harm. It's not rocket science. It should read Government vs Remington.

If you think you are not part of the problem then pick up your child's history or social studies text book. If your child has text books and everything about what they are teaching him is hidden on the net. I kept my girls books and those teachers felt my fire. One book describes the Second Amendment as giving the state the right to form a militia and since we now have a National Guard the Second Amendment is no longer used. Wasn't it nice these Federal Reserve Banksters donating those text books out of the goodness of their stone cold hearts 'for the children'? When you confront teachers with teaching your children total lies in a plot to take their freedoms they become 1 inch tall but tomorrow do it again.

All this and I haven't said one word about democRat liberals, leftest, Socialist (a necessary step to Communism) pieces of shit. Because I have a lot of words to say about these wastes of good dirt, but I'm not writing a book.

Offer still stands. Anyone who boxes up 0bama I will pay fourth class postage by way of leaking tuna boat to Malaysia.
Libya was the richest nation in Africa. It's leader had just for-filled a promise that everyone would own their own home. Libyans paid 14 cents a gallon for gas. Qaddafi had armed and trained his people to fight Al Qaeda. They were winning this fight as could be seen by the prisons over flowing with Al Qaeda terrorist.. Libya was the freest country in the Muslim world including free to worship as they pleased with equal rights for women. 0bama came on the tube one night saying he couldn't wait for Congress he had to save the people of Libya from the evil Qaddafi, You know, 0bama doing his usual lying through his teeth.

He started his illegal war to save the people of Libya flying over 6,000 sorties of bunker busters and cluster bombs. Small arms have no effect on bombs. When the smoke cleared the prisons were emptied to make room for Black and Christian Libyans. Victory flags of Al Qaeda flew across what was left of the country. The people 0bama told us he had to save he murdered 130,000 of them. Hearing of the brutal death of Qaddafi he made drone jokes while hillary all over national 'news' cackled like as old hen finding a 12 inch rooster. While Malaysia convicted obama of, among other things genocide. Our Republican Congress did the same thing they did on all his other abuse of power and Constitutional violations, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I'll never vote for a democRat but I did quit the Enabler Party with a not very nice e-mail.

You stand them on their heads they all look the same. After the last school shooting many crazy and useless anti Second Amendment bills were written by Repugs and democRats. As far as me and the Constitution are concerned every gun bill written or voted for is a violation of these tyrants oath to the Constitution and voids their honor, if they ever had any to begin with. These same ones have no Social Security, instead voting them self full pay to the day they die. They have made their self immune to sexual harassment law suits and insider trading laws. They voted to opted out of the 'Affordable' Care Act. Every Bill they pass is everything but what it is called. If we did our duty as Americans we would push, pull ,or drag them from their perch, set up citizen courts and try them for their crimes. Death by government, you say it would never happen here, It happens every day. This is the country known for it's false flags to wage war. A government that doesn't bat an eye if they need to use the people like lab rats for chemical, biological or radioactive weapons. How many people have you known dying in an accidental fire in hearing distance of government thugs?

Sandy Hook, has anyone seen one drop of blood? There is a ton of evidence it was a false flag. But all that is needed is to watch the interviews with the parents and siblings of the suppose victims. They didn't win the lottery, they lost a child. Well in a way they did win the lottery with every one of these B movie actor getting over $60,000 from the bleeding hearts. Now a government judge is allowing these greedy actors to sue Remington. But the victims of the theater shooting or their relatives can't sue the theater that ban guns in the theater with signs posted all over NO GUNS, GUN FREE ZONE. When you take another American's right to protect himself then you take over the responsibility to keep him from harm. It's not rocket science. It should read Government vs Remington.

If you think you are not part of the problem then pick up your child's history or social studies text book. If your child has text books and everything about what they are teaching him is hidden on the net. I kept my girls books and those teachers felt my fire. One book describes the Second Amendment as giving the state the right to form a militia and since we now have a National Guard the Second Amendment is no longer used. Wasn't it nice these Federal Reserve Banksters donating those text books out of the goodness of their stone cold hearts 'for the children'? When you confront teachers with teaching your children total lies in a plot to take their freedoms they become 1 inch tall but tomorrow do it again.

All this and I haven't said one word about democRat liberals, leftest, Socialist (a necessary step to Communism) pieces of shit. Because I have a lot of words to say about these wastes of good dirt, but I'm not writing a book.

Offer still stands. Anyone who boxes up 0bama I will pay fourth class postage by way of leaking tuna boat to Malaysia.
One of the most idiotic posts I have read

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