Backing the wrong horse!!!!!


Sep 25, 2014

I enjoy history & watching documentaries in relation to various subjects. I have just watched a PBS doco on the the rise of ISIS in Iraq & I am still shaking my head that American policy makers can still manage to back & support such a divisive politician as Al-Maliki.
History must have shown your decision makers that backing such a leader only leads to trouble, I.E. Diem South Vietnam in the '60's, Marcos in the Philippines the Shah in Iran, & Noriega in Panama just to grab a few off the the top of my head.
America can wield great power & influence in these uncertain times. I am not a Yank hater I believe in Australia's alliance with America & have served with & met many American serviceman.
I will more than likely get castigated for this view but that's all good. That's why I like this site cause I get to have my say & some may agree & some may not.

I enjoy history & watching documentaries in relation to various subjects. I have just watched a PBS doco on the the rise of ISIS in Iraq & I am still shaking my head that American policy makers can still manage to back & support such a divisive politician as Al-Maliki.
History must have shown your decision makers that backing such a leader only leads to trouble, I.E. Diem South Vietnam in the '60's, Marcos in the Philippines the Shah in Iran, & Noriega in Panama just to grab a few off the the top of my head.
America can wield great power & influence in these uncertain times. I am not a Yank hater I believe in Australia's alliance with America & have served with & met many American serviceman.
I will more than likely get castigated for this view but that's all good. That's why I like this site cause I get to have my say & some may agree & some may not.

The US govt (either Dem or Rep) loves to do anything with a short term view, who cares about 10 years time? Deal with it then, and if the potential to bomb people to fix these problems then all the better.

We do have a history of backing the wrong horse, and we have a history of sticking our nose far too often in the business of others.

All at a cost of trillions of dollars, thousands of lives, limbs & minds of our soldiers, not to mention all the lives of the innocents in those areas and the destruction we have caused.

"Walk softly but carry a big stick" -- not so much. And then we're surprised when we find out we're hated by so many people for exactly these reasons.


I enjoy history & watching documentaries in relation to various subjects. I have just watched a PBS doco on the the rise of ISIS in Iraq & I am still shaking my head that American policy makers can still manage to back & support such a divisive politician as Al-Maliki.
History must have shown your decision makers that backing such a leader only leads to trouble, I.E. Diem South Vietnam in the '60's, Marcos in the Philippines the Shah in Iran, & Noriega in Panama just to grab a few off the the top of my head.
America can wield great power & influence in these uncertain times. I am not a Yank hater I believe in Australia's alliance with America & have served with & met many American serviceman.
I will more than likely get castigated for this view but that's all good. That's why I like this site cause I get to have my say & some may agree & some may not.

We don't learn from past mistakes anymore and we sure as hell don't learn from history. You kidding me.
We actually kinda like repeating the same stupid mistakes over and over. That allow certain segments of our society to profit greatly. And that is what we are all about; allowing our plutocrats to prosper and profit greatly.

Hopefully your country does things a little smarter/better than us.

I saw that program as well. I had to turn it off. I hated the Iraq war for very good reason.

We do have a history of backing the wrong horse, and we have a history of sticking our nose far too often in the business of others.

All at a cost of trillions of dollars, thousands of lives, limbs & minds of our soldiers, not to mention all the lives of the innocents in those areas and the destruction we have caused.

"Walk softly but carry a big stick" -- not so much. And then we're surprised when we find out we're hated by so many people for exactly these reasons.


But hey, OPEC is not anti-US, oil is cheaper than it would be.

How many lives are worth a drop of 1 cent in a barrel of oil? That is the important question of the day.

We do have a history of backing the wrong horse, and we have a history of sticking our nose far too often in the business of others.

All at a cost of trillions of dollars, thousands of lives, limbs & minds of our soldiers, not to mention all the lives of the innocents in those areas and the destruction we have caused.

"Walk softly but carry a big stick" -- not so much. And then we're surprised when we find out we're hated by so many people for exactly these reasons.


But hey, OPEC is not anti-US, oil is cheaper than it would be.

How many lives are worth a drop of 1 cent in a barrel of oil? That is the important question of the day.

We import most of our oil from canada and mexico.

Once punitive EPA regulations are revoked, our dependency on foreign oil will decline even further.
We import most of our oil from canada and mexico.

Once punitive EPA regulations are revoked, our dependency on foreign oil will decline even further.


I'm struggling to see what the US importing oil from Canada and Mexico has to do with the price of oil.
Obama sucks! Evens Aussies can't stand him.

Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter and those before him. We're talking US Foreign policy over a long period of time here. Every president, more or less, has gone ahead and banged their head against the wall. Actually I'm trying to think of when Clinton did it. I can't think of much.

I enjoy history & watching documentaries in relation to various subjects. I have just watched a PBS doco on the the rise of ISIS in Iraq & I am still shaking my head that American policy makers can still manage to back & support such a divisive politician as Al-Maliki.
History must have shown your decision makers that backing such a leader only leads to trouble, I.E. Diem South Vietnam in the '60's, Marcos in the Philippines the Shah in Iran, & Noriega in Panama just to grab a few off the the top of my head.
America can wield great power & influence in these uncertain times. I am not a Yank hater I believe in Australia's alliance with America & have served with & met many American serviceman.
I will more than likely get castigated for this view but that's all good. That's why I like this site cause I get to have my say & some may agree & some may not.

You must understand that the American government is entirely corrupt and completely co-opted by a very small elite. These elitists, including most politicians of both parties, are nothing but a bunch of criminals.

You should also understand that most of the American public are good, moral, ethical people. Sadly many of them have not figured out that our political and financial systems are nothing but a fraud.
We import most of our oil from canada and mexico.

Once punitive EPA regulations are revoked, our dependency on foreign oil will decline even further.


I'm struggling to see what the US importing oil from Canada and Mexico has to do with the price of oil.

I'm sure you are.

You brought up opec.
I explained to you that we don't get much oil from opec.

Do you think oil is cheaper when it has to be drilled, produced, refined and shipped from "opec" thousands of miles away, or is it cheaper to import it from countries that share common borders with us?
I'll wait while you try to figure it out. :popcorn:

Now..if we can defund/defang/abolish the punitive "regulations" the EPA has placed on the oil industry we could produce and refine even MORE of it here...which will lead to cheaper prices at the pump.
I'm sure you are.

You brought up opec.
I explained to you that we don't get much oil from opec.

Do you think oil is cheaper when it has to be drilled, produced, refined and shipped from "opec" thousands of miles away, or is it cheaper to import it from countries that share common borders with us?
I'll wait while you try to figure it out. :popcorn:

Now..if we can defund/defang/abolish the punitive "regulations" the EPA has placed on the oil industry we could produce and refine even MORE of it here...which will lead to cheaper prices at the pump.

Still struggling.

You know that oil prices are based on world wide supply and demand right? You do know that OPEC has about 2/3s of all known reserves of oil, right? Maybe more actually.

You don't need to get oil from an OPEC country for the price of oil to go up and down.

Is it cheaper if it has to be drilled in Canada or drilled in Saudi Arabia? Makes no difference. The price of oil is the price of oil.

Crude Oil Price Oil Energy Petroleum Oil Price WTI Brent Oil Oil Price Charts and Oil Price Forecast

Oil prices.

Here's one for 2002.

The oil prices is the same the world over.

In 2001 there were four countries who were against the US and OPEC. Venezuela. 2002 the US helped a coup d'etat that removed Chavez. It ultimately failed.
Iraq. 2003 the US invaded. Oil production has risen above what it used to be.
Libya. 2011 Libya was bombed and their leader was deposed with the help of the US.
Iran. Sanctions against Iran have increased, media reports about how bad Iran are have increased. Iran wants a nuclear weapons. So? The US supported PAKISTAN (yes, really) to get nukes. I mean, doesn't this go hand in hand with supporting Pol Pot?

Four countries, Chevez tried to unite them against the US. Look what the US did.

Are you telling me the US went to all this effort because it gets oil from Mexico and Canada and the price it pays has nothing to do with world oil prices? Really?

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