Back in my day, i wanted to be a Doctor, Fireman, Policeman, someone who really cared for other people. Today, people want to be like George Floyd.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da

Candace Owens Says Martyring George Floyd Is ‘Bulls***’ |
Candace Owens, who has turned heads in the past with her controversial comments supporting President Donald Trump and stating that African Americans have a “victim mentality,” released a video about George Floyd‘s death on June 3 in which she said the idea of him as a “martyr” for the Black community is “b******” and said racially motivated police brutality does not exist.
You see it all the time, kids dressing up like hoodlums or gang bangers, kids going out and killing taxi drivers and then running away. This is your progressive America, you stupid prog slaves...Is this the America you have always dreamed of?


Candace Owens Says Martyring George Floyd Is ‘Bulls***’ |
Candace Owens, who has turned heads in the past with her controversial comments supporting President Donald Trump and stating that African Americans have a “victim mentality,” released a video about George Floyd‘s death on June 3 in which she said the idea of him as a “martyr” for the Black community is “b******” and said racially motivated police brutality does not exist.
You see it all the time, kids dressing up like hoodlums or gang bangers, kids going out and killing taxi drivers and then running away. This is your progressive America, you stupid prog slaves...Is this the America you have always dreamed of?

Back in my day, cops weren't sniveling cowards that shot people in the back.

Candace Owens Says Martyring George Floyd Is ‘Bulls***’ |
Candace Owens, who has turned heads in the past with her controversial comments supporting President Donald Trump and stating that African Americans have a “victim mentality,” released a video about George Floyd‘s death on June 3 in which she said the idea of him as a “martyr” for the Black community is “b******” and said racially motivated police brutality does not exist.
You see it all the time, kids dressing up like hoodlums or gang bangers, kids going out and killing taxi drivers and then running away. This is your progressive America, you stupid prog slaves...Is this the America you have always dreamed of?

Back in my day, cops weren't sniveling cowards that shot people in the back.

cops don't do that -though--you are full of shit

Candace Owens Says Martyring George Floyd Is ‘Bulls***’ |
Candace Owens, who has turned heads in the past with her controversial comments supporting President Donald Trump and stating that African Americans have a “victim mentality,” released a video about George Floyd‘s death on June 3 in which she said the idea of him as a “martyr” for the Black community is “b******” and said racially motivated police brutality does not exist.
You see it all the time, kids dressing up like hoodlums or gang bangers, kids going out and killing taxi drivers and then running away. This is your progressive America, you stupid prog slaves...Is this the America you have always dreamed of?

Did you watch Roy Rogers, the Lone Ranger, Hopalong Cassidy? How about Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett?

Candace Owens Says Martyring George Floyd Is ‘Bulls***’ |
Candace Owens, who has turned heads in the past with her controversial comments supporting President Donald Trump and stating that African Americans have a “victim mentality,” released a video about George Floyd‘s death on June 3 in which she said the idea of him as a “martyr” for the Black community is “b******” and said racially motivated police brutality does not exist.
You see it all the time, kids dressing up like hoodlums or gang bangers, kids going out and killing taxi drivers and then running away. This is your progressive America, you stupid prog slaves...Is this the America you have always dreamed of?

Back in my day, cops weren't sniveling cowards that shot people in the back.

Yes they were, we just didn't know about it because we didn't have the proliferation of video we have now.'s one of the reasons black culture is self destructive
...they hate industrious, smart, hard working, law-order, etc people like Columbus and love CRIMINALS!!!!
..their heroes are foul-mouthed rappers who hate women, cops, etc
...they teach Floyd's kids he's a hero, not a criminal...they teach Floyd's kids Columbus was EVIL--whites are EVIL --while blacks murder blacks at FOUR times the national rate

Candace Owens Says Martyring George Floyd Is ‘Bulls***’ |
Candace Owens, who has turned heads in the past with her controversial comments supporting President Donald Trump and stating that African Americans have a “victim mentality,” released a video about George Floyd‘s death on June 3 in which she said the idea of him as a “martyr” for the Black community is “b******” and said racially motivated police brutality does not exist.
You see it all the time, kids dressing up like hoodlums or gang bangers, kids going out and killing taxi drivers and then running away. This is your progressive America, you stupid prog slaves...Is this the America you have always dreamed of?

Back in my day, cops weren't sniveling cowards that shot people in the back.

Yes they were, we just didn't know about it because we didn't have the proliferation of video we have now.

no--you have no proof of that
AND--they are not murderers --the videos prove that
..there is no problem with the police--we've been over this many times
--so, you people are just babbling your crap OPINION

Candace Owens Says Martyring George Floyd Is ‘Bulls***’ |
Candace Owens, who has turned heads in the past with her controversial comments supporting President Donald Trump and stating that African Americans have a “victim mentality,” released a video about George Floyd‘s death on June 3 in which she said the idea of him as a “martyr” for the Black community is “b******” and said racially motivated police brutality does not exist.
You see it all the time, kids dressing up like hoodlums or gang bangers, kids going out and killing taxi drivers and then running away. This is your progressive America, you stupid prog slaves...Is this the America you have always dreamed of?

Back in my day, cops weren't sniveling cowards that shot people in the back.

Yes they were, we just didn't know about it because we didn't have the proliferation of video we have now.

..the other proof is, most cops do get exonerated ---because they usually do nothing wrong
....NO VIDEO of the MBrown shooting--but investigated THREE times--one by Obama's admin and the other by a cop HATER!!!!
It's the race baiters who need the division. They stoke it and exploit it for personal gain. All of it hurts America and that might be the point in some cases (how much funding comes from outside sources down the line?).

There of course needs to be accountability of abusive officers. In some respects, certainly in Canada, the police and their political defenders have done far more damage to their reputation than any organization or media outlet could. In your case, people are fired immediately, even your Chiefs resign. You have police charged and pay a price. I'm not sure what more you can expect. None of this would happen in Canada, the police would be defended and paid for a decade.

We saw major French political figures say they don't want the "woke" ideology from the U.S in their country. You have many other nations wondering just where your nation is headed.

Candace Owens Says Martyring George Floyd Is ‘Bulls***’ |
Candace Owens, who has turned heads in the past with her controversial comments supporting President Donald Trump and stating that African Americans have a “victim mentality,” released a video about George Floyd‘s death on June 3 in which she said the idea of him as a “martyr” for the Black community is “b******” and said racially motivated police brutality does not exist.
You see it all the time, kids dressing up like hoodlums or gang bangers, kids going out and killing taxi drivers and then running away. This is your progressive America, you stupid prog slaves...Is this the America you have always dreamed of?

Back in my day, cops weren't sniveling cowards that shot people in the back.

That's the way Hollywood portrayed them.
A bunch of sniveling cowards shot Bonnie & Clyde and John Dillinger.
Al Capone was considered to be a man of the people during Prohibition.
Who cares that he was a cold-blooded killer.
And everyone knows that the cops never show up till the bad guys have been dispatched by the hero.
It happens in every movie I've ever seen.

Candace Owens Says Martyring George Floyd Is ‘Bulls***’ |
Candace Owens, who has turned heads in the past with her controversial comments supporting President Donald Trump and stating that African Americans have a “victim mentality,” released a video about George Floyd‘s death on June 3 in which she said the idea of him as a “martyr” for the Black community is “b******” and said racially motivated police brutality does not exist.
You see it all the time, kids dressing up like hoodlums or gang bangers, kids going out and killing taxi drivers and then running away. This is your progressive America, you stupid prog slaves...Is this the America you have always dreamed of?

In black culture the highest honor is to commit crimes and to be killed by a cop. This is foreign to white people who teach their children to avoid crime and value your own life. George Floyd is considered a hero. Heroes are to be idolized and mimicked because they are shining examples of how to build a better society. A lot of us scratch our head as to why a mother would want her child murdered by racist cops or why she hopes that her son commits crimes as an adult. This is black culture. Honestly I can see why things are worse in black communities if these are their priorities. They are getting what they want and teaching their children what isimportant. It's weird if you ask me.

Getting murdered by racist cops should not be the highest prize to aspire to obtain in life. It really shouldn't, yet it is. I say again. WEIRD!

Candace Owens Says Martyring George Floyd Is ‘Bulls***’ |
Candace Owens, who has turned heads in the past with her controversial comments supporting President Donald Trump and stating that African Americans have a “victim mentality,” released a video about George Floyd‘s death on June 3 in which she said the idea of him as a “martyr” for the Black community is “b******” and said racially motivated police brutality does not exist.
You see it all the time, kids dressing up like hoodlums or gang bangers, kids going out and killing taxi drivers and then running away. This is your progressive America, you stupid prog slaves...Is this the America you have always dreamed of?

Did you watch Roy Rogers, the Lone Ranger, Hopalong Cassidy? How about Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett?

Oh, yes, as a teenager in the 1950s, I loved to watch those heroes.

It was great to see the good guys defeat the bad guys.

(I think that the good guys did often wear white hats, and the bad guys did often wear black hats. Of course, that would be taboo today.)

Candace Owens Says Martyring George Floyd Is ‘Bulls***’ |
Candace Owens, who has turned heads in the past with her controversial comments supporting President Donald Trump and stating that African Americans have a “victim mentality,” released a video about George Floyd‘s death on June 3 in which she said the idea of him as a “martyr” for the Black community is “b******” and said racially motivated police brutality does not exist.
You see it all the time, kids dressing up like hoodlums or gang bangers, kids going out and killing taxi drivers and then running away. This is your progressive America, you stupid prog slaves...Is this the America you have always dreamed of?

The thread premise is a lie; nothing but racist nonsense.

Candace Owens Says Martyring George Floyd Is ‘Bulls***’ |
Candace Owens, who has turned heads in the past with her controversial comments supporting President Donald Trump and stating that African Americans have a “victim mentality,” released a video about George Floyd‘s death on June 3 in which she said the idea of him as a “martyr” for the Black community is “b******” and said racially motivated police brutality does not exist.
You see it all the time, kids dressing up like hoodlums or gang bangers, kids going out and killing taxi drivers and then running away. This is your progressive America, you stupid prog slaves...Is this the America you have always dreamed of?

Did you watch Roy Rogers, the Lone Ranger, Hopalong Cassidy? How about Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett?

Oh, yes, as a teenager in the 1950s, I loved to watch those heroes.

It was great to see the good guys defeat the bad guys.

(I think that the good guys did often wear white hats, and the bad guys did often wear black hats. Of course, that would be taboo today.)

They certainly influenced me. All our childhood heroes, including Annie Oakley and Sky King, were good guys.
You see it all the time, kids dressing up like hoodlums or gang bangers, kids going out and killing taxi drivers and then running away. This is your progressive America, you stupid prog slaves...Is this the America you have always dreamed of?

I'm sure no one wants to grow up to be a criminal. Unfortunately, since we aren't too keen on solving poverty, racism, addiction, mental illness or the proliferation of guns, we shouldn't whine when we have them.

Of course, the Europeans have poverty relief programs, they treat addiction as a medical issue, and it's very hard to get a gun, so amazingly, they have very little crime compared to the US.

RW: "Uh, Murica! Fuck yeah!"

Okay, So you brought up being a professional athlete... That's nice. Of course, only 2% of High School Players make it to College Teams and only 2% of college players make it to the NFL or NBA or MLB. So that's really not a plan, either.

So here's a crazy idea. Instead of whining about the "Effects", let's correct the causes.
Negroes want to be like George Floyd??

I fully support that.

Floyd's dead...

Hey, buddy, tell us how not racist you are, that shit never gets old.

When did I ever say I wasn't racist?

I am, insofar as I make a distinction between decent people who happen to be black, and negroes who want you to think they matter for no other fact than they're negroes.

Tell me how you're not a liar. Tell me how you're not a thief. Tell me how you're no dishonest.

That shit never gets old...

Candace Owens Says Martyring George Floyd Is ‘Bulls***’ |
Candace Owens, who has turned heads in the past with her controversial comments supporting President Donald Trump and stating that African Americans have a “victim mentality,” released a video about George Floyd‘s death on June 3 in which she said the idea of him as a “martyr” for the Black community is “b******” and said racially motivated police brutality does not exist.
You see it all the time, kids dressing up like hoodlums or gang bangers, kids going out and killing taxi drivers and then running away. This is your progressive America, you stupid prog slaves...Is this the America you have always dreamed of?

The thread premise is a lie; nothing but racist nonsense.

shut the fuck up jones....

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