Bachmann - Candidate without a church

One does not get medicaid money. The physician or medical supply company bills medicaid on your behalf and it goes straight to them.

You just blew your cover.
of course he did. He's another moocher.

I'm entitled! Who are you to say that I'm not?? I worked for almost 3.5 years before I went on disability. It's not my fault my injured finger has prevented me from working for the last 22 years.

True story....

As a recruiter, I called a woman who had the ideal background for a position. I told her all about it and she said as much as she would like to go on the interview, she can't becuase she is currently on disibility for an undisclosed reason.

I told her I understood and wished her luck with her recovery. joke...I swear.....5 minutes later she called me back and said "If they are willing top pay mke off the books, I can take the job....but I cant take it on the books or I will lose my disbility....."

I couldnt help it....I said "are you fucking kidding me?"

She wasn't.
I do not agree with much of what RDD believes.

But his approach is intelligent, non adversarial, and rational.

He does not deserve crticism such as yours. He has been antoagonized in the thread and thus why he has responded the way he has.

You do not need to agree with him....but he helps us understand why those that think differently than us, think as they do.
Too bad and i understand fully well what the scenario is. My criticism stands pat.


I must say I love the irony of your Mel Gibson image in your avatar. Well done and excellent choice.
No Irony intended or implied. Leave it to a partisan jerk-off as you to see something that isn't there.
They ran moderates, independents and conservative women away from the party.

I guess the Republicans need to keep running people like Open Borders McCain - seeing how well that worked out....

Exactly. I did not, did not, did not, DID NOT want McCain and he has done or said absolutely nothing since to make me think he would be a good president. But I held my nose bigtime and voted for him as he is only liberal and incompetent and is not a Marxist. And I would again this time but--keeping my fingers crossed--he has given no indication he intends to make another bid for election.

If the GOP fails to put up a real fiscal conservative this time and if that person is elected and does not follow through on his/her campaign promises, I think the GOP is done. I don't think it can recover from another four or eight years of quasi-liberalism.
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No I have a special arrangement. I treat myself and they pay me to be by own doctor.

Do you do surgery on yourself like House did?

Did you do your own lobotomy?

I didn't actually go through with it, but I did bill for it. Cha-ching! I collected the money and went laughing all the way to the bank. And by bank I mean to the rim shop to get 22" wheels for my Escalade.
Too bad and i understand fully well what the scenario is. My criticism stands pat.


I must say I love the irony of your Mel Gibson image in your avatar. Well done and excellent choice.
No Irony intended or implied. Leave it to a partisan jerk-off as you to see something that isn't there.

No I think it was a good choice by you. Mel Gibson obviously represents what you believe in hence why he's in your signature. Similar to how jesus is in my avatar. See, you and I are on the same page. Bravo.
i wouldn't vote for bachmann if the other candidate was teddy kennedy, with pol pot as his running mate.

Well you see, I find that interesting. Bachmann is by no means my first choice among the announced or probable GOP candidates-to-be, but I see any one of them being a better president than what we have. So you wouldn't vote for a Republican period? Or just not her? You prefer a Barack Obama to a Michelle Bachmann? And if you would vote for a Republican but not her, what exactly is so terrible about her that is so much worse than the known weaknesses you can find in ANY candidate?

Candidates like her with her social conservatism are bad for the party. They drive many conservative women FROM the party.
I can never understand the fact that social conservatives and their divisiveness do not understand that block voting wins elections. Obama won with that.
The GOP is going to get 95%+ of social conservatives anyway and would get most of the independents, the folks THAT WIN ELECTIONS FOR YOU, if the social conservatives are not influential in the GOP and kept their big government social agenda to themselves.
The social conservatives and their my way or the highway mentality wanting to use the force of big government to force their social "moral" agenda on Americans elected Obama.
They ran moderates, independents and conservative women away from the party.

I don't necessarily agree with your assessment, but as I said, I am not campaigning for Michelle Bachmann. I do resent it highly when little dick, small minded, petty men can't stand a strong, conservative woman no matter who she is, and I don't mind pointing that out, but that's a different topic. And I am willing except present company if they will extend any kind of fairness to her.

Here my point is not to bolster party image or push any ideology at all.

Do sensible, intellient, educated people honestly believe Michelle Bachmann would be a worse president and would do worse things for the country than the current occupant of the White House?
If the GOP fails to put up a real fiscal conservative this time and if that person is elected and does not follow through on his/her campaign promises, I think the GOP is done. I don't think it can recover from another four or eight years of quasi-liberalism.

Herman Cain can beat Barack Obama - can TROUNCE Obama. The left will smear anyone put forth. The little Goebbels of MSNBC and the NY Times are going to slander and libel anyone who opposes Obama and their agenda.

Cain saying he wouldn't put a Muslim in his cabinet doesn't hurt him with the public - no matter what Huffingpo, the Washington Post and the other leftist sources claim. A little more honesty and integrity and a lot less political correctness is exactly what the GOP needs.
Well you see, I find that interesting. Bachmann is by no means my first choice among the announced or probable GOP candidates-to-be, but I see any one of them being a better president than what we have. So you wouldn't vote for a Republican period? Or just not her? You prefer a Barack Obama to a Michelle Bachmann? And if you would vote for a Republican but not her, what exactly is so terrible about her that is so much worse than the known weaknesses you can find in ANY candidate?

Candidates like her with her social conservatism are bad for the party. They drive many conservative women FROM the party.
I can never understand the fact that social conservatives and their divisiveness do not understand that block voting wins elections. Obama won with that.
The GOP is going to get 95%+ of social conservatives anyway and would get most of the independents, the folks THAT WIN ELECTIONS FOR YOU, if the social conservatives are not influential in the GOP and kept their big government social agenda to themselves.
The social conservatives and their my way or the highway mentality wanting to use the force of big government to force their social "moral" agenda on Americans elected Obama.
They ran moderates, independents and conservative women away from the party.

I don't necessarily agree with your assessment, but as I said, I am not campaigning for Michelle Bachmann. I do resent it highly when little dick, small minded, petty men can't stand a strong, conservative woman no matter who she is, and I don't mind pointing that out, but that's a different topic. And I am willing except present company if they will extend any kind of fairness to her.

Here my point is not to bolster party image or push any ideology at all.

Do sensible, intellient, educated people honestly believe Michelle Bachmann would be a worse president and would do worse things for the country than the current occupant of the White House?
Indeed. Machismo runs rampant for the Statist DEMS and even some whom claim to be Conservatives that loathe individuals as Palin and Bachman.

It's funny to watch insecure men wince as thier testosterone levels rise with the threat to thier manhood of a woman that is stonger in character than they! :lol:

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