Bachmann - Candidate without a church

If the choice is between Bachmann and Obama, you wouldn't vote for Bachmann?

The myth is we only have 2 choices.
Vote Libertarian for real change.

I would if the Libertarian Party ever put up a serious candidate that wasn't too far in left field socially and who was articulate enough to gain any kind of traction in the process. Unfortunately they insist on putting up people who come across as fanatical maniacs or who are so dull and colorless they don't attract enough attention to gain any kind of name recognition.

I won't throw away my vote to make some kind of ideological statement. I don't think the country can easily stand another four years of the current President, and I will be looking to remedy that situation.

Bob Barr not articulate? A US attorney, Congressman and top lawyer. Not a "fanatical maniac" at all.
Where do you get your info?
Throwing away your vote is voting for the current crop of Democrats and Republicans.
Exhibit A of throwing away your vote is the last 50 years.
They ran moderates, independents and conservative women away from the party.

I guess the Republicans need to keep running people like Open Borders McCain - seeing how well that worked out....

And his taking Palin as a running mate was a reflection of moderation and your corny "Open Borders McCain"?
That move of a self proclaimed social conservative sunk him even further to defeat.
Independents and moderates win elections. Social conservatives with their bigt government agenda lose elections for the GOP.
Hell, Bush spoke to the Log Cabin Republicans at one time before his band wagon Onward Christian Soldiers Show. It worked for while but fiscal conservatives are tired of that.
A big tent party is what we need and with one we will win big.
The myth is we only have 2 choices.
Vote Libertarian for real change.

I would if the Libertarian Party ever put up a serious candidate that wasn't too far in left field socially and who was articulate enough to gain any kind of traction in the process. Unfortunately they insist on putting up people who come across as fanatical maniacs or who are so dull and colorless they don't attract enough attention to gain any kind of name recognition.

I won't throw away my vote to make some kind of ideological statement. I don't think the country can easily stand another four years of the current President, and I will be looking to remedy that situation.

Bob Barr not articulate? A US attorney, Congressman and top lawyer. Not a "fanatical maniac" at all.
Where do you get your info?
Throwing away your vote is voting for the current crop of Democrats and Republicans.
Exhibit A of throwing away your vote is the last 50 years.

Bob Barr is usually about as exciting a speaker as watching paint dry. He was nicknamed the 'dour guy' or some such in Congress to which he quipped, "You don't pay me to smile." I don't believe he smiled once in his acceptance speech or on the campaign trail and the only thing of substance he said in that speech is that he would work to repeal the Patriot Act and DOM Act, both of which are favored by more voters than not and most voters in 2008 were focused on a collapsing economy. And he now comes across as something of a hypocrite re the DOM after he voted for it.

Three times married, I don't think anybody has ever figured out if all the kids in those marriages are his. That again shouldn't be a factor but it does raise some eyebrows. He was also a leader in the Clinton impeachment which many of us Republicans, almost all Democrats, and most Independents opposed. None of this by itself is a big deal, but you put it all together and it makes him less likable.

But Barr's main problem is that he comes across as a boring, uninteresting, joyless person. Anybody polling in the low single digits on election day is not going to win the election but in a tight election could pull enough votes to throw the election to somebody else. I don't believe Barr got even 1% of the vote though and Obama won by more than that so Barr did not cost McCain the election. McCain did that himself by running maybe the most incompetent election campaign I've witnessed in awhile.

But you absolutely threw your vote away voting for Bob Barr in 2008 if you didn't want Barack Obama to be President.
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I would if the Libertarian Party ever put up a serious candidate that wasn't too far in left field socially and who was articulate enough to gain any kind of traction in the process. Unfortunately they insist on putting up people who come across as fanatical maniacs or who are so dull and colorless they don't attract enough attention to gain any kind of name recognition.

I won't throw away my vote to make some kind of ideological statement. I don't think the country can easily stand another four years of the current President, and I will be looking to remedy that situation.

Bob Barr not articulate? A US attorney, Congressman and top lawyer. Not a "fanatical maniac" at all.
Where do you get your info?
Throwing away your vote is voting for the current crop of Democrats and Republicans.
Exhibit A of throwing away your vote is the last 50 years.

Bob Barr is usually about as exciting a speaker as watching paint dry. He was nicknamed the 'dour guy' or some such in Congress to which he quipped, "You don't pay me to smile." I don't believe he smiled once in his acceptance speech or on the campaign trail and the only thing of substance he said in that speech is that he would work to repeal the Patriot Act and DOM Act, both of which are favored by more voters than not and most voters in 2008 were focused on a collapsing economy. And he now comes across as something of a hypocrite re the DOM after he voted for it.

Three times married, I don't think anybody has ever figured out if all the kids in those marriages are his. That again shouldn't be a factor but it does raise some eyebrows. He was also a leader in the Clinton impeachment which many of us Republicans, almost all Democrats, and most Independents opposed. None of this by itself is a big deal, but you put it all together and it makes him less likable.

But Barr's main problem is that is comes across as a boring, uninteresting, joyless person. Anybody polling in the low single digits on election day is not going to win the election but in a tight election could pull enough votes to throw the election to somebody else. I don't believe Barr got even 1% of the vote though and Obama won by more than that so Barr did not cost McCain the election. McCain did that himself by running maybe the most incompetent election I've witnessed in awhile.

But you absolutely threw your vote away voting for Bob Barr in 2008 if you didn't want Barack Obama to be President.

Obama is a great speaker.
You are looking for someone that is popular, joyful and interesting instead of someone that is competent to be a leader as Bob Barr has been his entire life. That mentality has us where we are now. Great speakers and handsome men that are incompetent leaders. The nation votes like a 5th grade elementary school kid does.
You are an uninformed citizen if you believe anyone that votes is "throwing away their vote".
Bob Barr not articulate? A US attorney, Congressman and top lawyer. Not a "fanatical maniac" at all.
Where do you get your info?
Throwing away your vote is voting for the current crop of Democrats and Republicans.
Exhibit A of throwing away your vote is the last 50 years.

Bob Barr is usually about as exciting a speaker as watching paint dry. He was nicknamed the 'dour guy' or some such in Congress to which he quipped, "You don't pay me to smile." I don't believe he smiled once in his acceptance speech or on the campaign trail and the only thing of substance he said in that speech is that he would work to repeal the Patriot Act and DOM Act, both of which are favored by more voters than not and most voters in 2008 were focused on a collapsing economy. And he now comes across as something of a hypocrite re the DOM after he voted for it.

Three times married, I don't think anybody has ever figured out if all the kids in those marriages are his. That again shouldn't be a factor but it does raise some eyebrows. He was also a leader in the Clinton impeachment which many of us Republicans, almost all Democrats, and most Independents opposed. None of this by itself is a big deal, but you put it all together and it makes him less likable.

But Barr's main problem is that is comes across as a boring, uninteresting, joyless person. Anybody polling in the low single digits on election day is not going to win the election but in a tight election could pull enough votes to throw the election to somebody else. I don't believe Barr got even 1% of the vote though and Obama won by more than that so Barr did not cost McCain the election. McCain did that himself by running maybe the most incompetent election I've witnessed in awhile.

But you absolutely threw your vote away voting for Bob Barr in 2008 if you didn't want Barack Obama to be President.

Obama is a great speaker.
You are looking for someone that is popular, joyful and interesting instead of someone that is competent to be a leader as Bob Barr has been his entire life. That mentality has us where we are now. Great speakers and handsome men that are incompetent leaders. The nation votes like a 5th grade elementary school kid does.
You are an uninformed citizen if you believe anyone that votes is "throwing away their vote".
Really? When did that happen outside the perview of a teleprompter?
Bob Barr is usually about as exciting a speaker as watching paint dry. He was nicknamed the 'dour guy' or some such in Congress to which he quipped, "You don't pay me to smile." I don't believe he smiled once in his acceptance speech or on the campaign trail and the only thing of substance he said in that speech is that he would work to repeal the Patriot Act and DOM Act, both of which are favored by more voters than not and most voters in 2008 were focused on a collapsing economy. And he now comes across as something of a hypocrite re the DOM after he voted for it.

Three times married, I don't think anybody has ever figured out if all the kids in those marriages are his. That again shouldn't be a factor but it does raise some eyebrows. He was also a leader in the Clinton impeachment which many of us Republicans, almost all Democrats, and most Independents opposed. None of this by itself is a big deal, but you put it all together and it makes him less likable.

But Barr's main problem is that is comes across as a boring, uninteresting, joyless person. Anybody polling in the low single digits on election day is not going to win the election but in a tight election could pull enough votes to throw the election to somebody else. I don't believe Barr got even 1% of the vote though and Obama won by more than that so Barr did not cost McCain the election. McCain did that himself by running maybe the most incompetent election I've witnessed in awhile.

But you absolutely threw your vote away voting for Bob Barr in 2008 if you didn't want Barack Obama to be President.

Obama is a great speaker.
You are looking for someone that is popular, joyful and interesting instead of someone that is competent to be a leader as Bob Barr has been his entire life. That mentality has us where we are now. Great speakers and handsome men that are incompetent leaders. The nation votes like a 5th grade elementary school kid does.
You are an uninformed citizen if you believe anyone that votes is "throwing away their vote".
Really? When did that happen outside the perview of a teleprompter?

He only used them after he became President. I saw his speech in Atlanta at Ga. Tech.
Anyone that know speaking and debating know that Obama is a great speaker.
Most con men are.
They ran moderates, independents and conservative women away from the party.

I guess the Republicans need to keep running people like Open Borders McCain - seeing how well that worked out....

And his taking Palin as a running mate was a reflection of moderation and your corny "Open Borders McCain"?
That move of a self proclaimed social conservative sunk him even further to defeat.
Independents and moderates win elections. Social conservatives with their bigt government agenda lose elections for the GOP.
Hell, Bush spoke to the Log Cabin Republicans at one time before his band wagon Onward Christian Soldiers Show. It worked for while but fiscal conservatives are tired of that.
A big tent party is what we need and with one we will win big.
I'll buy into independents. 'MODERATES' are people sitting on a fence waiting like buzzards to see who gets killed FIRST.

So guess what? FAIL.
Bob Barr not articulate? A US attorney, Congressman and top lawyer. Not a "fanatical maniac" at all.
Where do you get your info?
Throwing away your vote is voting for the current crop of Democrats and Republicans.
Exhibit A of throwing away your vote is the last 50 years.

Bob Barr is usually about as exciting a speaker as watching paint dry. He was nicknamed the 'dour guy' or some such in Congress to which he quipped, "You don't pay me to smile." I don't believe he smiled once in his acceptance speech or on the campaign trail and the only thing of substance he said in that speech is that he would work to repeal the Patriot Act and DOM Act, both of which are favored by more voters than not and most voters in 2008 were focused on a collapsing economy. And he now comes across as something of a hypocrite re the DOM after he voted for it.

Three times married, I don't think anybody has ever figured out if all the kids in those marriages are his. That again shouldn't be a factor but it does raise some eyebrows. He was also a leader in the Clinton impeachment which many of us Republicans, almost all Democrats, and most Independents opposed. None of this by itself is a big deal, but you put it all together and it makes him less likable.

But Barr's main problem is that is comes across as a boring, uninteresting, joyless person. Anybody polling in the low single digits on election day is not going to win the election but in a tight election could pull enough votes to throw the election to somebody else. I don't believe Barr got even 1% of the vote though and Obama won by more than that so Barr did not cost McCain the election. McCain did that himself by running maybe the most incompetent election I've witnessed in awhile.

But you absolutely threw your vote away voting for Bob Barr in 2008 if you didn't want Barack Obama to be President.

Obama is a great speaker.
You are looking for someone that is popular, joyful and interesting instead of someone that is competent to be a leader as Bob Barr has been his entire life. That mentality has us where we are now. Great speakers and handsome men that are incompetent leaders. The nation votes like a 5th grade elementary school kid does.
You are an uninformed citizen if you believe anyone that votes is "throwing away their vote".

I am looking for people who are competent, honest, capable, and committed to the basic values and principles that I hold to be my elected leaders. I don't give a flying fig what party they belong to. But to get them, they have to be able to convince people to vote for them. Bob Barr obviously didn't do that. He did better than most libertarian candidates do as I think he did get something over a half million votes--roughly the same number of folks as are in the Albuquerque metro area. Not even 1% of the total vote.

You can stand on ideology if you want to and feel all pure and righteous as the ship sinks. It is your right as an American. I intend to continue to try to promote people that I think can plug the holes AND that that also have the ability to get people to vote for them so they will have the opportunity to plug them.

If it makes you feel any better, I would have voted for Bob Barr over Barack Obama if I thought he had a better chance than McCain did to beat Obama.

And though again she is not my choice for GOP nominee at this time, if she wins the nomination, I will be pulling for Michelle Bachmann to beat Barack Obama in 2012.
I guess the Republicans need to keep running people like Open Borders McCain - seeing how well that worked out....

And his taking Palin as a running mate was a reflection of moderation and your corny "Open Borders McCain"?
That move of a self proclaimed social conservative sunk him even further to defeat.
Independents and moderates win elections. Social conservatives with their bigt government agenda lose elections for the GOP.
Hell, Bush spoke to the Log Cabin Republicans at one time before his band wagon Onward Christian Soldiers Show. It worked for while but fiscal conservatives are tired of that.
A big tent party is what we need and with one we will win big.
I'll buy into independents. 'MODERATES' are people sitting on a fence waiting like buzzards to see who gets killed FIRST.

So guess what? FAIL.

Could not disagree more as partisan my way or the highway politics is what has ruined it for Americans. Gridlock gets us no where.
As someone that owns 3 businesses and works with government entities almost daily moderation is what runs a diverse country as large as the United States.
And that is what we have not had for a long time.
Bob Barr is usually about as exciting a speaker as watching paint dry. He was nicknamed the 'dour guy' or some such in Congress to which he quipped, "You don't pay me to smile." I don't believe he smiled once in his acceptance speech or on the campaign trail and the only thing of substance he said in that speech is that he would work to repeal the Patriot Act and DOM Act, both of which are favored by more voters than not and most voters in 2008 were focused on a collapsing economy. And he now comes across as something of a hypocrite re the DOM after he voted for it.

Three times married, I don't think anybody has ever figured out if all the kids in those marriages are his. That again shouldn't be a factor but it does raise some eyebrows. He was also a leader in the Clinton impeachment which many of us Republicans, almost all Democrats, and most Independents opposed. None of this by itself is a big deal, but you put it all together and it makes him less likable.

But Barr's main problem is that is comes across as a boring, uninteresting, joyless person. Anybody polling in the low single digits on election day is not going to win the election but in a tight election could pull enough votes to throw the election to somebody else. I don't believe Barr got even 1% of the vote though and Obama won by more than that so Barr did not cost McCain the election. McCain did that himself by running maybe the most incompetent election I've witnessed in awhile.

But you absolutely threw your vote away voting for Bob Barr in 2008 if you didn't want Barack Obama to be President.

Obama is a great speaker.
You are looking for someone that is popular, joyful and interesting instead of someone that is competent to be a leader as Bob Barr has been his entire life. That mentality has us where we are now. Great speakers and handsome men that are incompetent leaders. The nation votes like a 5th grade elementary school kid does.
You are an uninformed citizen if you believe anyone that votes is "throwing away their vote".

I am looking for people who are competent, honest, capable, and committed to the basic values and principles that I hold to be my elected leaders. I don't give a flying fig what party they belong to. But to get them, they have to be able to convince people to vote for them. Bob Barr obviously didn't do that. He did better than most libertarian candidates do as I think he did get something over a half million votes--roughly the same number of folks as are in the Albuquerque metro area. Not even 1% of the total vote.

You can stand on ideology if you want to and feel all pure and righteous as the ship sinks. It is your right as an American. I intend to continue to try to promote people that I think can plug the holes AND that that also have the ability to get people to vote for them so they will have the opportunity to plug them.

If it makes you feel any better, I would have voted for Bob Barr over Barack Obama if I thought he had a better chance than McCain did to beat Obama.

And though again she is not my choice for GOP nominee at this time, if she wins the nomination, I will be pulling for Michelle Bachmann to beat Barack Obama in 2012.

Earlier you stated that your opposition to Barr was that he was not joyfull and not a good speaker.
Me standing on ideology?:lol::lol:
No sorry my dear, it is the likes of Bachmann that stand on ideology and ideology alone. Right wing fringe loons such as her are nothing but ideologues.
Obama is a great speaker.
You are looking for someone that is popular, joyful and interesting instead of someone that is competent to be a leader as Bob Barr has been his entire life. That mentality has us where we are now. Great speakers and handsome men that are incompetent leaders. The nation votes like a 5th grade elementary school kid does.
You are an uninformed citizen if you believe anyone that votes is "throwing away their vote".

I am looking for people who are competent, honest, capable, and committed to the basic values and principles that I hold to be my elected leaders. I don't give a flying fig what party they belong to. But to get them, they have to be able to convince people to vote for them. Bob Barr obviously didn't do that. He did better than most libertarian candidates do as I think he did get something over a half million votes--roughly the same number of folks as are in the Albuquerque metro area. Not even 1% of the total vote.

You can stand on ideology if you want to and feel all pure and righteous as the ship sinks. It is your right as an American. I intend to continue to try to promote people that I think can plug the holes AND that that also have the ability to get people to vote for them so they will have the opportunity to plug them.

If it makes you feel any better, I would have voted for Bob Barr over Barack Obama if I thought he had a better chance than McCain did to beat Obama.

And though again she is not my choice for GOP nominee at this time, if she wins the nomination, I will be pulling for Michelle Bachmann to beat Barack Obama in 2012.

Earlier you stated that your opposition to Barr was that he was not joyfull and not a good speaker.
Me standing on ideology?:lol::lol:
No sorry my dear, it is the likes of Bachmann that stand on ideology and ideology alone. Right wing fringe loons such as her are nothing but ideologues.

No, I didn't say that. You don't read carefully do you. Or maybe its a reading comprehension problem? I spelled out the reasons Bob Barr is not electable. And you ARE standing on ideology when you would vote for somebody who absolutely has no chance to win rather than hold your nose and vote for somebody who can win and would be better than the opposition.
And his taking Palin as a running mate was a reflection of moderation and your corny "Open Borders McCain"?
That move of a self proclaimed social conservative sunk him even further to defeat.
Independents and moderates win elections. Social conservatives with their bigt government agenda lose elections for the GOP.
Hell, Bush spoke to the Log Cabin Republicans at one time before his band wagon Onward Christian Soldiers Show. It worked for while but fiscal conservatives are tired of that.
A big tent party is what we need and with one we will win big.
I'll buy into independents. 'MODERATES' are people sitting on a fence waiting like buzzards to see who gets killed FIRST.

So guess what? FAIL.

Could not disagree more as partisan my way or the highway politics is what has ruined it for Americans. Gridlock gets us no where.
As someone that owns 3 businesses and works with government entities almost daily moderation is what runs a diverse country as large as the United States.
And that is what we have not had for a long time.
As a matter of COURSE gridlock gets us nowhere. No damage being done.

What about that don't *YOU* understand?

This is too easy. Maybe your stand in will be better than you?
I am looking for people who are competent, honest, capable, and committed to the basic values and principles that I hold to be my elected leaders. I don't give a flying fig what party they belong to. But to get them, they have to be able to convince people to vote for them. Bob Barr obviously didn't do that. He did better than most libertarian candidates do as I think he did get something over a half million votes--roughly the same number of folks as are in the Albuquerque metro area. Not even 1% of the total vote.

You can stand on ideology if you want to and feel all pure and righteous as the ship sinks. It is your right as an American. I intend to continue to try to promote people that I think can plug the holes AND that that also have the ability to get people to vote for them so they will have the opportunity to plug them.

If it makes you feel any better, I would have voted for Bob Barr over Barack Obama if I thought he had a better chance than McCain did to beat Obama.

And though again she is not my choice for GOP nominee at this time, if she wins the nomination, I will be pulling for Michelle Bachmann to beat Barack Obama in 2012.

Earlier you stated that your opposition to Barr was that he was not joyfull and not a good speaker.
Me standing on ideology?:lol::lol:
No sorry my dear, it is the likes of Bachmann that stand on ideology and ideology alone. Right wing fringe loons such as her are nothing but ideologues.

No, I didn't say that. You don't read carefully do you. Or maybe its a reading comprehension problem? I spelled out the reasons Bob Barr is not electable. And you ARE standing on ideology when you would vote for somebody who absolutely has no chance to win rather than hold your nose and vote for somebody who can win and would be better than the opposition.

So you vote for only those that "have a chance to win"?
I vote for the most qualified person. Not ideologues.
I'll buy into independents. 'MODERATES' are people sitting on a fence waiting like buzzards to see who gets killed FIRST.

So guess what? FAIL.

Could not disagree more as partisan my way or the highway politics is what has ruined it for Americans. Gridlock gets us no where.
As someone that owns 3 businesses and works with government entities almost daily moderation is what runs a diverse country as large as the United States.
And that is what we have not had for a long time.
As a matter of COURSE gridlock gets us nowhere. No damage being done.

What about that don't *YOU* understand?

This is too easy. Maybe your stand in will be better than you?

You may be happy with the status quo but I believe we can do better.
The nation is depending on us. So far we have fucked it all up.
Your stand in probably told you that. Isn't their fault you wear blinders and are deaf.
Could not disagree more as partisan my way or the highway politics is what has ruined it for Americans. Gridlock gets us no where.
As someone that owns 3 businesses and works with government entities almost daily moderation is what runs a diverse country as large as the United States.
And that is what we have not had for a long time.
As a matter of COURSE gridlock gets us nowhere. No damage being done.

What about that don't *YOU* understand?

This is too easy. Maybe your stand in will be better than you?

You may be happy with the status quo but I believe we can do better.
The nation is depending on us. So far we have fucked it all up.
Your stand in probably told you that. Isn't their fault you wear blinders and are deaf.
Yeah we can...don't vote for ANY democrat and scrutinize the Hell outta Repubicans.

Blinders my ass. That statement and about a buck fifty MIGHT garner you a cup of weak coffee.
Earlier you stated that your opposition to Barr was that he was not joyfull and not a good speaker.
Me standing on ideology?:lol::lol:
No sorry my dear, it is the likes of Bachmann that stand on ideology and ideology alone. Right wing fringe loons such as her are nothing but ideologues.

No, I didn't say that. You don't read carefully do you. Or maybe its a reading comprehension problem? I spelled out the reasons Bob Barr is not electable. And you ARE standing on ideology when you would vote for somebody who absolutely has no chance to win rather than hold your nose and vote for somebody who can win and would be better than the opposition.

So you vote for only those that "have a chance to win"?
I vote for the most qualified person. Not ideologues.

The most qualified based on what? Business expertise? Political expertise? Foreign policy expertise? Legal expertise? Social policy expertise? The person most qualified in all of those could be a leftwing psycho nut who preached Lenin's philosophy and admired Ghengis Khan.

What makes Bob Barr more qualified than a John McCain? Or a Newt Gingrich? Or a Michelle Bachmann? Or a Gary Johnson? Or a Mitt Romney? Or a Barack Obama?

If you don't judge qualifcations by who fits your personal belief system, values, principles (i.e. ideology), please lay out what you see as qualifications for a candidate.
As a matter of COURSE gridlock gets us nowhere. No damage being done.

What about that don't *YOU* understand?

This is too easy. Maybe your stand in will be better than you?

You may be happy with the status quo but I believe we can do better.
The nation is depending on us. So far we have fucked it all up.
Your stand in probably told you that. Isn't their fault you wear blinders and are deaf.
Yeah we can...don't vote for ANY democrat and scrutinize the Hell outta Repubicans.

Blinders my ass. That statement and about a buck fifty MIGHT garner you a cup of weak coffee.

"don't vote for ANY Democrat"
If that is not blinders then nothing is. Straight line voting is what has ruined American politics and the country.
I drink Bourbon. guys will go to all lengths to discredit a conservative woman.
You mean the bitch? LMAO! She did that to herself you ignorant fool!!
Next we will see a post saying that Bachmann has changed supermarkets and now shops at Stop and Shop......likely becuase she found out that the owner of Waldbaums supermarkets is Jewish.
Next we will be seeing the bitch dying of a migrain headache condition and flopping on the whorehouse floor.

Suggestion...if you really care about ensuring we have the right person in the white house, spend time analyzing the virtues of a candidate and stop- seeking unwarranted criticisms.

Or do what you do....

LMAO!! The bitch is your pick?? What a fool you are............:lol:
No, I didn't say that. You don't read carefully do you. Or maybe its a reading comprehension problem? I spelled out the reasons Bob Barr is not electable. And you ARE standing on ideology when you would vote for somebody who absolutely has no chance to win rather than hold your nose and vote for somebody who can win and would be better than the opposition.

So you vote for only those that "have a chance to win"?
I vote for the most qualified person. Not ideologues.

The most qualified based on what? Business expertise? Political expertise? Foreign policy expertise? Legal expertise? Social policy expertise? The person most qualified in all of those could be a leftwing psycho nut who preached Lenin's philosophy and admired Ghengis Khan.

What makes Bob Barr more qualified than a John McCain? Or a Newt Gingrich? Or a Michelle Bachmann? Or a Gary Johnson? Or a Mitt Romney? Or a Barack Obama?

If you don't judge qualifcations by who fits your personal belief system, values, principles (i.e. ideology), please lay out what you see as qualifications for a candidate.

If you do not know then you need to stay home next election.
I admit I fall back on my days as a defensive end. When you cross that line you are not judged by your beliefs or values. I was judged by if I got THE JOB DONE.
Bob Barr has got the job done everywhere he has ever been. CIA, Congress, US Attorney and Harvard University professor just to name a few.
If you can not see that we need someone that CAN GET THE JOB DONE then you are ignoring the massive failures the last 3 Presidents, including Obama.
Clinton, Bush and Obama: all failures.
And you want more of the same because "they have a chance to win."
No maam. In my world of business that is not how it has ever worked. Same as the gridiron. Getting the job done is #1 priority. I could care less if the President had a bone through their nose, worse high top Chuck Connors green canvas All Stars, tattoos up and down and all around. We need a LEADER that gets the damn job done.
We have had enough of the pretty boys.

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