Axios: Speaker Ryan not running for re-election

Jim Jordan suggests Paul Ryan is stepping down because tax reform was his 'papal conversion'
Paul Ryan: If I am here one more term, my kids will only know me as a weekend dad.
Best of luck to Speaker Ryan as he cashes in on years of selling out American families to benefit those who have the most. When a nation cried out for a smarmy, spineless politician, you heeded the call.
Ryan sees the handwriting on the wall. He is not going to be Speaker after this fall's elections.

Ryan had a Republican House, a Republican Senate, and a reality TV President who will sign anything put in front of him.

As I put it in November 2016, Ryan was sitting in the catbird seat. He had the chance to repeal and replace ObamaCare. He had the chance to enact real tax reform. He had the chance to balance the budget.

Instead, Ryan exposed the massive hoax the GOP has been playing on the rubes these past nine years. There is no ObamaCare replacement. There is no real tax reform. There is no plan for balancing the budget.

Ryan pissed away a golden opportunity and he should step down.
Say hello to Speaker Steny Hoyer.

Huge blow to GOP morale with midterms 7 months away.
Fuck the GOP they threw their lot all in with Trump..time to pay

Election forecasters move Ryan seat toward Dems after his retirement
Source: The Hill
BY BEN KAMISAR - 04/11/18 10:09 AM EDT

Election handicappers are shifting Speaker Paul Ryan's (R-Wis.) House district toward Democrats after his retirement Wednesday morning.

The Cook Political Report moved Wisconsin's 1st district from a "Solid Republican" seat to a "Lean Republican" seat based on the news, while Sabato's Crystal Ball out of the University of Virginia shifted the race from "likely Republican" to a toss-up.

No serious Republican candidate had been running against Ryan for the nomination. But now with his impending retirement, Republicans have until the June 1 filing deadline to find another candidate to best Paul Nehlen, a white nationalist candidate who lost handily to Ryan in the 2016 GOP primary.

Democrats have already put their strongest foot forward in the district in years. Ironworker Randy Bryce is the favorite in the Democratic primary bec ause of his strong fundraising— he ended the first quarter of 2018 with $2.3 million in the bank, a strong haul for a candidate running against such a strong Republican opponent.

Read more: Election analysts move Ryan seat toward Dems after his retirement
This has nothing to do with Trump, everything to do with the Omnibus Bill if I were to guess. Just going by the massive, i mean massive backlash on twitter and on forums online, people were enraged by the Bill, not just for the massive costs, but more importantly, the massive costs without the Wall funding.

All I hear is attacks on Ryan and McConnell. I am guessing that him leaving is better news for Trump supporters. I am also guessing Ryan wasn't going to win the re-election bid, if I understand how it all works correctly. There have been conservatives on twitter talking about voting for anyone but Ryan, even the Democrats. That kind of talk is very hard to find in such a hyper partisan environment.

Entirely too well thought out, factual and detailed for this BOARD. So let me add..

Ryan never wanted the job! He really didn't. He was the GOP safe pick that might possibly put a coalition together of the FRACTIOUS GOP House--ironically pre-Trump. I hope he HATED every second.

A policy wonk which freed the idiot class among them to their corners with their own pet peeves and projects leaving many not to have to do any homework. Unfortunately, Ryan, a nice enough guy with his boyish looks, a free trader, and Ayn Rand devotee, 'fuck you, you're on you you own, CONSERVATIVE 'family values' guy leaves millions and millions of Americans out in the cold. A "thin the herder"!
"Ryan’s a good, compassionate man. But allowed Trump to define him. Did him so much harm. Painful to watch. Paul chose to stay silent & inert when faced w/actions that went against his principles, in order to be a team player. He’ll now be free to find his voice again, if he wants" - Wacky Ana Navarro

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