Awww! Thanks, Nancy!


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!

Thanks to you, we made history with a powerful and unforgettable showing. Democrats beat our $1.5 Million grassroots goal for September’s critical Federal Election Commission deadline!

Because of our incredible grassroots supporters we had a record-breaking deadline day on Friday. Please consider the records you helped us shatter:

The highest grossing day in online support in DCCC history.
The most contributions online in one day ever.
The most first-time online grassroots contributions in a single day.
Your overwhelming response and the groundswell of support is humbling. I cannot thank you enough for your generosity.

This was the first FEC deadline since President Obama introduced the American Jobs Act. It’s clear that Democrats stand stronger and more united than ever before in our fight to win the House Majority, grow the economy and respond to House Republicans’ extreme agenda.

The generous contributions of grassroots Democrats will be put to work immediately in our aggressive effort to hold Republicans accountable with targeted advertising, grassroots organizing, and rapid response research.

Thank you again for your extraordinary, record-breaking support. Onward to more Democratic victories together!

Nancy Pelosi

Glad I could help.

You worship for Politicians and A PARTY is rather nauseating.

And I'm sure that upstanding Pelso would'nt lie to you little sheep. Like they raised 1.5 million from those GRASSROOTS in the 36% of the people who APPROVE of the Obama..:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::lol:
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You worship for Politicians and A PARTY is rather nauseating.

And I'm sure that upstanding Pelso would'nt lie to you little sheep. Like they raised 1.5 million from those GRASSROOTS in the 36% of the people who APPROVE of the Obama..:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::lol:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

You're off by 7 points.

I don't put much stock in the Realclearpolitics polls.
most of the other polls show Obama under 40 down to 36%
Abc or Nbc today had a poll where only 37% expected the Obama to be reelected. it was posted here I think.
Last edited:
You worship for Politicians and A PARTY is rather nauseating.

And I'm sure that upstanding Pelso would'nt lie to you little sheep. Like they raised 1.5 million from those GRASSROOTS in the 36% of the people who APPROVE of the Obama..:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::lol:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

You're off by 7 points.

How many years you all going to post that same poll?
Abc or Nbc today had a poll where only 37% expected the Obama to be reelected. it was posted here I think.

What does a poll on whether people expect Obama to be re-elected have to do with his approval ratings?

I post RCP because they're a weighted average of all the other polls, making them a better snapshot than a single poll. (By the way, the lowest current poll of Obama's approval rating is 39%. The highest is 45%).

How many years you all going to post that same poll?
Abc or Nbc today had a poll where only 37% expected the Obama to be reelected. it was posted here I think.

What does a poll on whether people expect Obama to be re-elected have to do with his approval ratings?

I post RCP because they're a weighted average of all the other polls, making them a better snapshot than a single poll. (By the way, the lowest current poll of Obama's approval rating is 39%. The highest is 45%).

That's why I don't put much into the Realclearpolitical polls. but I ain't arguing with ya.
You worship for Politicians and A PARTY is rather nauseating.

And I'm sure that upstanding Pelso would'nt lie to you little sheep. Like they raised 1.5 million from those GRASSROOTS in the 36% of the people who APPROVE of the Obama..:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::lol:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

You're off by 7 points.

I don't put much stock in the Realclearpolitics polls.
RealClearPolitics doesn't do polling. They average all the other polls.
most of the other polls show Obama under 40 down to 36%
No, actually only one poll from two weeks ago has him under 40%.

Rasmussen, Gallup, CBS/Opinion Research, and FOX all have released polls in the last few days, all between 42 and 45.
Abc or Nbc today had a poll where only 37% expected the Obama to be reelected. it was posted here I think.
And that's not an approval rating poll.
lol - quibbling about how badly disappointed Americans are in Obama.

Is it very badly or extremely badly?

Maybe it's only very badly after all. Must be comforting hanging on to that shred.
lol - quibbling about how badly disappointed Americans are in Obama.

Is it very badly or extremely badly?

Maybe it's only very badly after all. Must be comforting hanging on to that shred.

I don't give two shits about Obama. I don't support him, and never have.

But I work in politics, and my job requires me to follow polls, and understand them. So it's a pet peeve of mine when people either make up numbers, or willfully disregard numbers they don't like, or just plain and simple don't understand what they mean.
Anyone gonna beat that shred?

I'm sure that there are viable Republican candidates out there somewhere.......but none of them will step up to the plate as long as the dugout is filled with "Tea Party Republicans" and the PA announcers are fickle windbags like the fat druggie and the Fox crew. Not a chance. Smart folks know that GOP inaction and roadblocking in DC has left the next POTUS with task that is pretty much undoable in one term.....and they want no part of it.
lol - quibbling about how badly disappointed Americans are in Obama.

Is it very badly or extremely badly?

Maybe it's only very badly after all. Must be comforting hanging on to that shred.

I don't give two shits about Obama. I don't support him, and never have.

But I work in politics, and my job requires me to follow polls, and understand them. So it's a pet peeve of mine when people either make up numbers, or willfully disregard numbers they don't like, or just plain and simple don't understand what they mean.

lol - that peeves me too. I understand.

Some people think I'm just hating on Obama when I mention his innumeracy, but I'm a mathematician and it sticks out like a sore thumb when Obama says 10 is half of 60 for instance. It's not the details so much as (a) what fudging says about your clarity of thought and (b) how fudging a little here and a little there can start to add up to serious errors.
lol - quibbling about how badly disappointed Americans are in Obama.

Is it very badly or extremely badly?

Maybe it's only very badly after all. Must be comforting hanging on to that shred.

I don't give two shits about Obama. I don't support him, and never have.

But I work in politics, and my job requires me to follow polls, and understand them. So it's a pet peeve of mine when people either make up numbers, or willfully disregard numbers they don't like, or just plain and simple don't understand what they mean.

I take issue with your sig. Jesus was a libertarian.

Thanks to you, we made history with a powerful and unforgettable showing. Democrats beat our $1.5 Million grassroots goal for September’s critical Federal Election Commission deadline!

Because of our incredible grassroots supporters we had a record-breaking deadline day on Friday. Please consider the records you helped us shatter:

The highest grossing day in online support in DCCC history.
The most contributions online in one day ever.
The most first-time online grassroots contributions in a single day.
Your overwhelming response and the groundswell of support is humbling. I cannot thank you enough for your generosity.

This was the first FEC deadline since President Obama introduced the American Jobs Act. It’s clear that Democrats stand stronger and more united than ever before in our fight to win the House Majority, grow the economy and respond to House Republicans’ extreme agenda.

The generous contributions of grassroots Democrats will be put to work immediately in our aggressive effort to hold Republicans accountable with targeted advertising, grassroots organizing, and rapid response research.

Thank you again for your extraordinary, record-breaking support. Onward to more Democratic victories together!

Nancy Pelosi

Glad I could help.



lol - quibbling about how badly disappointed Americans are in Obama.

Is it very badly or extremely badly?

Maybe it's only very badly after all. Must be comforting hanging on to that shred.

I don't give two shits about Obama. I don't support him, and never have.

But I work in politics, and my job requires me to follow polls, and understand them. So it's a pet peeve of mine when people either make up numbers, or willfully disregard numbers they don't like, or just plain and simple don't understand what they mean.

I take issue with your sig. Jesus was a libertarian.

I'm curious about how you came to that conclusion, but either way, "community organizer" and "libertarian" aren't mutually exclusive. My sig line isn't a left-right political statement, it's a pro-community organizer statement.

It's what I do for a living.

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