Awww..Bush Expresses Sadness Over Afghanistan


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Former U.S. President George Bush said he and former First Lady Laura Bush feel "deep sadness" over the events unfolding in Afghanistan. "Laura and I have been watching the tragic events unfolding in Afghanistan with deep sadness. Our hearts are heavy for both the Afghan people who have suffered so much and for the Americans and NATO allies who have sacrificed so much," the former president said in a statement issued late on Monday."


Awwww...the guy who started this mess is now sad....awwww.........wait a minute....Karl Rove also has something to say about Afghanistan?? Let's have a look...

"This is the kind of barbarian that we saw for decades in Afghanistan that stopped after American troops and special operators joined with Afghans to liberate this country and now we're turning it back to the same people who refused to turn over Osama bin Laden"


Are you a 911 Truther?

The general wisdom nowadays is that pissed off Arabs started the War on Evil, not Dubya. I haven't heard that hypothesis since B. Hussein O seized power in 2009
Are you a 911 Truther?

The general wisdom nowadays is that pissed off Arabs started the War on Evil, not Dubya. I haven't heard that hypothesis since B. Hussein O seized power in 2009
No, I am not a truther....

I am someone who knew 20 years ago that invading and occupying Afghanistan was an overreaction to 9/11 and it will go about as well as when the Soviet Union tried to do it.....

There is a reason they call Afghanistan the place where empires go to die...

Both Bushes were idiots, especially W. They're still idiots who thought there was good reason to vote for Hillary and Biden. The neocon NWO the Bushes touted is evil. Nobody should ever ask for their opinion about anything.
Bush had a short attention span with Afghanistan and quickly declared victory after setting up a puppet government

He wanted to invade Iraq

I don't think the Dubya wanted to invade Iraq at all.

But he knew Saddam Hussein had to go.

Remember that Hussein had tried to assassinate an American President, and Dubya was President at the time and saw him as an existential threat to the office.

Personally, I would have had Hussein's ass capped as well, he tried to take out Dubya's beloved pappy.
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Both Bushes were idiots, especially W. They're still idiots who thought there was good reason to vote for Hillary and Biden. The neocon NWO the Bushes touted is evil. Nobody should ever ask for their opinion about anything.
Who did you vote for in 2000 and 2004?, 2008....2012?
I don't think the Dubya wanted to invade Iraq at all.

But he knew Saddam Hussein had to go.

Remember that Hussein had tried to assassinate an American President, and Dubya was President at the time and saw him as an existential threat to the office.

Personally, I would have had Hussein's ass capped as well, he tried to take out Dubya's beloved pappy.
You don't have to invade Iraq to assassinate their leader.....
You don't have to invade Iraq to assassinate their leader.....

Actually, assassination of foreign leaders by US personnel is prohbited by law- Executive Order 12333.

And Hussein wasn't assassinated at all, he was tried and executed by a jury of his peers.
Still a rat fuck. Hope he enjoys getting pineapples shoved up his ass in Hell, right next to daddy.
Actually, assassination of foreign leaders by US personnel is prohbited by law- Executive Order 12333.

And Hussein wasn't assassinated at all, he was tried and executed by a jury of his peers.

Quadaffi was executed and it doesn't happen without the U.S. Also Hussein didn't do anything that the U.S. didn't do after invading.
The worst traitor in us history should be asked....

Why did you refuse to help TNA take out Taliban?

Did you personally order pat tillman's execution?

What brilliant insight led you to admit "Osama" was NOT A PRIORITY?

How dumb does one have to be to still believe a word you say?

For the first time during this Administration, I agree with Biden.

The "mission" was a colossal blunder; the Afghani's are not worth the trouble. Better to get out now rather than spending more time, money, and energy on this worthless shit-hole country. I'm paraphrasing, of course.

History will recall that the U.S. embarked on an impossible, illegal, expensive, and pointless quest to bring Afghanistan into the 21st century. Most of the blame must go to Bush-43.
Quadaffi was executed and it doesn't happen without the U.S. Also Hussein didn't do anything that the U.S. didn't do after invading.

Qadaffi was lynched by a wild mob that Hillary Clinton took credit for stirring up.

Hussein was lawfully tried and hanged.
Pretty obvious that Biden supporters don't give a damn. U.S. Presidents (with the notable exception of Bill Clinton) do no operate in a vacuum when it comes to military adventures. Bush sought and received permission from congress including 35% of democrats (including Joe Biden) for incursion into Afghanistan. Democrats controlled congress for Bush's 2nd term and democrats had the whole shebang for the eight years after that including Biden who was now a heartbeat away from the presidency. The point is that y'all lefties are big on hatred but come up a little short in political history.
Bush the 1st was a CIA assassin and the 2nd one was a puppet.
Neither one was good for America or anyone else except the Richman and his anti-Christ buddies.

And, all of America's wars have been criminal operations except for perhaps the war of 1812 that began because Congress passed a Constitutional Amendment to prohibit all Esquires (lawyers) from holding public office.
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