Awesome POTUS theft-elected speaks to the nation for Thanksgiving

Don't you enjoy hearing a speech given by an adult who isn't behaving as a child? It's so refreshing after four years of that fat orange clown.

"Shoot them in the legs."

An idea a five year old could come up with.... and then realize how stupid it is.

But not Biden, he hasn't realized it's stupid after months of spewing the BS. His brain updates much slower than a 5 year olds.

And yet he still received more than 6 million more votes than that childish orange loser.

Wow, and only 8 million illegal aliens voted - but 10 million dead did too, so that rounded it out. Xi's man stole the presidency - how proud Communist China is.

So out of the 10 mil dead how many voted for Trump 8 mil.
Dunno, all I saw was Xi's man stumbling through a speech for the fawning little Goebbels.

Which is unusual. Xi and Putin's man usually tweets.

Nah, Bia-Degn is too fucking stupid to figure out how to tweet. But he sure knows how to take bribes from Putin.

Good old Quid Pro, for sale to every petty dictator on earth.
Don't you enjoy hearing a speech given by an adult who isn't behaving as a child? It's so refreshing after four years of that fat orange clown.
Could you get any lower in your groveling of your prog masters than what you just posted? Come on man, if you got any lower, you be sucking Xi Jiping's dick through Joe Bite Me Biden's ass. You are such a pitiful slave, now bow down to your prog gods for that welfare check...
Don't you enjoy hearing a speech given by an adult who isn't behaving as a child? It's so refreshing after four years of that fat orange clown.
He's rather be lied to like he has been for the last 4-5 years.
Then stop listening to Adam Shitface and Penguin Nadler, then get away from CNN, and become educated instead of a prog slave....
Comprehension difficulties? Go back and re-read the lists you just quoted.
Did he make any gaffes? I'll be gawddamned if I'm gonna watch that POS spew his oral diarrhea.

You liked hearing the racist rhetoric better.
I was talking to a young 30 year old who has stated that the term "Racist" has been used so much, that it doesnt mean shit anymore, because you progs only know that word out of the whole dictionary. But then back in the day, the Southern White Democrats didnt teach their slaves to learn, just obey for the little bits of food they were given to stay alive. The slaves of the progs....still get that little bit of food...
Did he make any gaffes? I'll be gawddamned if I'm gonna watch that POS spew his oral diarrhea.
On your simple mind that clearly shows just how easily mouth breathers, like yourself are manipulated and lack basic morals.
Lying pathologically while attacking the Constitution and democracy is OK with you.
Yet, harmless gaffes are an outrage!
Fuck man, you are a complete small-minded loser.
Don't you enjoy hearing a speech given by an adult who isn't behaving as a child? It's so refreshing after four years of that fat orange clown.
He's rather be lied to like he has been for the last 4-5 years.
Then stop listening to Adam Shitface and Penguin Nadler, then get away from CNN, and become educated instead of a prog slave....
Comprehension difficulties? Go back and re-read the lists you just quoted.
why the fuck am i even debating you, slaves are worth debating only free people who want to keep their constitution, and all its amendments, not vote for prog masters who will give free shit away......
Did he make any gaffes? I'll be gawddamned if I'm gonna watch that POS spew his oral diarrhea.
On your simple mind that clearly shows just how easily mouth breathers, like yourself are manipulated and lack basic morals.
Lying pathologically while attacking the Constitution and democracy is OK with you.
Yet, harmless gaffes are an outrage!
Fuck man, you are a complete small-minded loser.
Lying pathologically while attacking the Constitution and democracy is OK with you.
Yep, the progressives who want to take your rights away and you fucking voted for them. You a slave are the complete small-minded loser, all for that welfare check....Must suck to be you...
Don't you enjoy hearing a speech given by an adult who isn't behaving as a child? It's so refreshing after four years of that fat orange clown.
He's rather be lied to like he has been for the last 4-5 years.
Then stop listening to Adam Shitface and Penguin Nadler, then get away from CNN, and become educated instead of a prog slave....
Comprehension difficulties? Go back and re-read the lists you just quoted.
why the fuck am i even debating you, slaves are worth debating only free people who want to keep their constitution, and all its amendments, not vote for prog masters who will give free shit away......
Lmao! Loser thinks he's debating me!!!!

I'm baiting you, dumbass, not debating.
Don't you enjoy hearing a speech given by an adult who isn't behaving as a child? It's so refreshing after four years of that fat orange clown.
Could you get any lower in your groveling of your prog masters than what you just posted? Come on man, if you got any lower, you be sucking Xi Jiping's dick through Joe Bite Me Biden's ass. You are such a pitiful slave, now bow down to your prog gods for that welfare check...

That' it. Go ahead and get all those hurt feelings out. You should just go ahead and have yourself a good cry. You'll feel better afterward.
Did he make any gaffes? I'll be gawddamned if I'm gonna watch that POS spew his oral diarrhea.

You liked hearing the racist rhetoric better.
I was talking to a young 30 year old who has stated that the term "Racist" has been used so much, that it doesnt mean shit anymore, because you progs only know that word out of the whole dictionary. But then back in the day, the Southern White Democrats didnt teach their slaves to learn, just obey for the little bits of food they were given to stay alive. The slaves of the progs....still get that little bit of food...

Yep and who are the offspring of those Southern White Democrats? Southern White Republicans, who have the same mindset of the sheet wearers.

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