Average Citizens.


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
White Supremacists, Counter-Protesters Face Off in LA

Are average citizens going to be the answer to Americas problem with illegal immigration? Will it lead to the next civil war?
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I hope you're not referring to white supremacists as average citizens?

I think he just did.

I was hoping I was reading that wrong.

What do you believe is not average about those that would call themselves White Supremacists?

Are they completely nuts for wanting to be separate? Are they insane because they feel things would be more relaxed if racial tensions were lessened due to separation?

Please enlighten us with your perspective.
I think he just did.

I was hoping I was reading that wrong.

What do you believe is not average about those that would call themselves White Supremacists?

Are they completely nuts for wanting to be separate? Are they insane because they feel things would be more relaxed if racial tensions were lessened due to separation?

Please enlighten us with your perspective.

My perspective is perfectly clear from what I've already posted. White supremacists sicken most average people, myself included. Average people don't support hate or call it "average".

But thank you for enlightening us with yours. Now we know.
I have to say that's a very narrow way of looking at the problem of illegal immigration and a far-fetched conclusion. White supremacists represent a highly devoted, aggressive, and vocal microscopic subset of the population. However, their opposition is much more diverse. It includes Jewish conservatives, secular liberals, far-leftist types, Black churches, minority alliances, white progressives, etc. Their common opposition makes a white supremacist "revolution" incredibly unlikely (I'm banking on impossible).

The term 'average citizen' is so broad that in short all it could mean is "a registered voter; someone who participates in politics." Hopefully, the 'average citizens' will work together to reach towards common goals that respect the dignity and life of both citizens, temporary residents, and undocumented workers and students. I believe the biggest issue to tackle isn't rounding up undocumented residents but targeting criminal elements within these communities by gaining mutual trust amongst civil persons. We also need to tackle cross border crime and seek solutions that address the causes of this criminal activity.
I think he just did.

I was hoping I was reading that wrong.

What do you believe is not average about those that would call themselves White Supremacists?

Are they completely nuts for wanting to be separate? Are they insane because they feel things would be more relaxed if racial tensions were lessened due to separation?

Please enlighten us with your perspective.

Just an interjection you got the term "separatist" and "supremacist" mixed up and confused here.

Your arguing about racial "separation", she was arguing about racial "supremacy". Now that you know what the argument is about please continue. I won't comment any further on the issue at hand though, because I think racism is a psychological disorder.

One thing I will say about "racial tensions" is that (though I'm one of the biggest first amendment rights advocates alive) if your concerned about "relaxing racial tensions" the common sense approach to that issue probably isn't to have a klan or neo-nazi rally and wave swastikas around in public squares.

Which tells me that either these "neo-nazis" are complete idiots or that they don't really give a damn about "relaxing racial tensions". Or a combination of both.

I lean towards a combination of both myself.

But with that, I say...SHALOM.:lol:
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I have to say that's a very narrow way of looking at the problem of illegal immigration and a far-fetched conclusion. White supremacists represent a highly devoted, aggressive, and vocal microscopic subset of the population. However, their opposition is much more diverse. It includes Jewish conservatives, secular liberals, far-leftist types, Black churches, minority alliances, white progressives, etc. Their common opposition makes a white supremacist "revolution" incredibly unlikely (I'm banking on impossible).

Any thing is possible in the mind of an angry drunk man.:eusa_angel:
I was hoping I was reading that wrong.

What do you believe is not average about those that would call themselves White Supremacists?

Are they completely nuts for wanting to be separate? Are they insane because they feel things would be more relaxed if racial tensions were lessened due to separation?

Please enlighten us with your perspective.

My perspective is perfectly clear from what I've already posted. White supremacists sicken most average people, myself included. Average people don't support hate or call it "average".

But thank you for enlightening us with yours. Now we know.

Hmmm... I don't recall stating an opinion. But feel free to make up shit and run with it, you seem to do it well.
This shows that the illegals have no fear of being deported by the law or Gov't (seeing how they know the Gov't fails to enforce the law)
so is it going to be left up to the average citizen to demand it be enforced?
This shows that the illegals have no fear of being deported by the law or Gov't (seeing how they know the Gov't fails to enforce the law)
so is it going to be left up to the average citizen to demand it be enforced?

What the Hell are you talking about? You didn't even post a link.
This shows that the illegals have no fear of being deported by the law or Gov't (seeing how they know the Gov't fails to enforce the law)
so is it going to be left up to the average citizen to demand it be enforced?

What the Hell are you talking about? You didn't even post a link.

What I think hes trying to say is: "dey tuk er jerbs" and "kill the mexicans."
The local paper covered this pretty well. There were about 50 Neo-Nazis, and about 500 people opposing them. By First Amendment law, the protestors were infringing on the Nazis free speech right. Given that some of the American flags that the Nazis were carrying had the swastika on the fiels of stripes, had I been there, I would have supported the protestors.

White Supremacists, Demonstrators Protest in LA - TIME

ANGELES) — A white supremacist group rallied against illegal immigration in downtown Los Angeles Saturday as hundreds of counter-protesters gathered to shout them down in a tense standoff that included several arrests, thrown rocks and police in riot gear.

Police officers stood between the white supremacists and counter-demonstrators on the south lawn of Los Angeles' City Hall, where about 50 members of the National Socialist Movement waved American flags and swastika banners for about an hour.

Five people, all of them counter-protestors, were arrested for throwing items, police said.

The white supremacists, many of them wearing flack helmets and black military fatigue uniforms, shouted "Sieg Heil" before each of their speakers took the podium to taunt counter-protesters with racial, anti-Semitic and misogynistic epithets.

"We will meet you head on," one of the white supremacists, whose name could not be made out over the fuzzy public address system, warned the crowd from behind several phalanxes of police in riot gear.

Read more: White Supremacists, Demonstrators Protest in LA - TIME
I don't get it. I realize the constitution states that we as Americans have the freedom of speech and that freedom is protected by the law. At the same time, people who belong to racists groups spew talk of hatred toward people not like themselves and are protected by the police when they come to our cities while people who speak out against their hatred are most often the ones arrested. Why is that? And why is it ok for racists to spew their hatred as long as they are White?
The local paper covered this pretty well. There were about 50 Neo-Nazis, and about 500 people opposing them. By First Amendment law, the protestors were infringing on the Nazis free speech right. Given that some of the American flags that the Nazis were carrying had the swastika on the fiels of stripes, had I been there, I would have supported the protestors.

White Supremacists, Demonstrators Protest in LA - TIME

ANGELES) — A white supremacist group rallied against illegal immigration in downtown Los Angeles Saturday as hundreds of counter-protesters gathered to shout them down in a tense standoff that included several arrests, thrown rocks and police in riot gear.

Police officers stood between the white supremacists and counter-demonstrators on the south lawn of Los Angeles' City Hall, where about 50 members of the National Socialist Movement waved American flags and swastika banners for about an hour.

Five people, all of them counter-protestors, were arrested for throwing items, police said.

The white supremacists, many of them wearing flack helmets and black military fatigue uniforms, shouted "Sieg Heil" before each of their speakers took the podium to taunt counter-protesters with racial, anti-Semitic and misogynistic epithets.

"We will meet you head on," one of the white supremacists, whose name could not be made out over the fuzzy public address system, warned the crowd from behind several phalanxes of police in riot gear.

Read more: White Supremacists, Demonstrators Protest in LA - TIME

The First Amendment protects our right to free speech from the government shutting us down....

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