Australia may take 4,000 Christian Iraqi and Syrian refugees


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America

Australia may take 4,000 Christian Iraqi and Syrian refugees

Australia may take 4,000 Christian Iraqi and Syrian refugees « Refugee Resettlement Watch
Posted by Ann Corcoran on August 14, 2014
The Abbott government, which is constantly beaten-up by those who want Australia to take in the world, is considering resettling persecuted Christians, but that isn’t enough for the no-borders pushers.

From the Sydney Morning Herald:

The Abbott government is considering offering refuge to as many as 4000 Iraqis and Syrians after the new Anglican Primate of Australia, Philip Freier, called for asylum in Australia for Christians facing slaughter in northern Iraq.

Dr Freier, Anglican Archbishop of Melbourne, said he had written to Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Immigration Minister Scott Morrison asking that they emulate France in offering refuge to Christians facing forced conversion to Islam or death.

By the way, has anyone seen anything from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service or any of the other US “religious” resettlement contractors saying we should be taking CHRISTIANS into the US now? Or, are they so politically-correct and fearful of saying anything against Islam that they keep their mouths shut?

(New readers of RRW probably don’t know that Catholics and Lutherans are responsible for much of the Muslim refugee resettlement happening in the US right now.)

Greens call out Abbott

The text of the Sydney Morning Herald story does not include anything from the Green Party, but there is a clip of Green Party leader Adam Bandt criticizing Tony Abbott for what he calls hypocrisy because while perhaps agreeing to take 4,000 refugees now, the government is holding hundreds of Iraqis in detention. He wonders why the disparity in treatment.

It is pretty obvious to me! Those in detention are mostly Muslims who broke into Australia illegally—not persecuted Christians running for their lives at the moment.

Here is the caption under the film clip:

PM needs to decide if he’s a humanitarian or a hypocrite: Greens

Granting extra places to refugees fleeing Iraq is a good start, but it would be hypocritical of the government to send refugees already in detention back to Iraq says Adam Bandt.
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Republicans offered to take 150,000 Christians from Iraq after the GOP blew up their country.

Ok, so they didn't.

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