Australia is looking for help, they can't help themselves

In a free nation you should have the right to decide if you want to risk getting a brand new type of “vaccine” that hasn’t been around long enough to determine the long term effects. Perhaps you already have had COVID-19 and are effectively more immune to it than if you were vaccinated. (Note: I have had two injections of the Moderna vaccine and plan on getting a booster shortly. At my age and with my health problems my risk analysis favored taking the vaccine.)

Remember the Swine Flu Vaccine of 1976. For some people it resulted in unexpected side effects.


How mRNA Vaccines Work
To trigger an immune response, many vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies. Not mRNA vaccines. Instead, mRNA vaccines use mRNA created in a laboratory to teach our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. That immune response, which produces antibodies, is what protects us from getting infected if the real virus enters our bodies.

In the spring of 1976, it looked like that year’s flu was the real thing. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t, and rushed response led to a medical debacle that hasn’t gone away.

“Some of the American public’s hesitance to embrace vaccines — the flu vaccine in particular — can be attributed to the long-lasting effects of a failed 1976 campaign to mass-vaccinate the public against a strain of the swine flu virus,” writes Rebecca Kreston for Discover. “This government-led campaign was widely viewed as a debacle and put an irreparable dent in future public health initiative, as well as negatively influenced the public’s perception of both the flu and the flu shot in this country.”
In Australia you do have that right, getting vaccinated is totally optional.
Not vaccinated against Covid? You just have to find a job where you're allowed to work un-vaccinated. Self employment maybe. A job online that can be done from home.
Bushfire volunteer fire-fighter in WA (Western Australia state)...and in Victoria state?
Not vaccinated? You're not allowed to fight fires, attend training, or attend meetings.
Would I like to be sharing a truck cabin with an unvaccinated person? NO.
So in my mind it's all fair enough.
In Australia you do have that right, getting vaccinated is totally optional.
Not vaccinated against Covid? You just have to find a job where you're allowed to work un-vaccinated. Self employment maybe. A job online that can be done from home.
Bushfire volunteer fire-fighter in WA (Western Australia state)...and in Victoria state?
Not vaccinated? You're not allowed to fight fires, attend training, or attend meetings.
Would I like to be sharing a truck cabin with an unvaccinated person? NO.
So in my mind it's all fair enough.
However like in the U.S. states in Australia can mandate vaccines. Here New York State is more for vaccine mandates while Florida is opposed. So we have demonstrations against vaccine mandates in states that have such requirements similar to the demonstrations in Australia.


In Australia, where 83% of people aged 16 and above have been fully inoculated against the coronavirus, nationwide vaccinations are voluntary. But states and territories have mandated vaccinations for many occupations and barred the unvaccinated from activities such as dining out and concerts.

The Melbourne demonstration against the vaccination mandate that came into effect on Saturday – requiring construction workers in Victoria state to be fully inoculated – was peaceful, with no immediate reports of unruly behaviour or arrests.

But a reporter at The Age posted video on Twitter of a protester carrying a mock gallows with three nooses hanging from it, and the newspaper showed a protester carrying a poster depicting Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews with a Hitler moustache and the hashtag #DictatorDan.

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But first they took their guns.
So what? Americans armed to the teeth with military style semi automatics made no effort to stop the steal, the most outrageous instance of tyrannical government oppression in America's history.
It's almost as if the 2nd Amendment nutters have been dribbling out their arses all these years.
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But first they took their guns.
They only took auto(not sure if there were any), semi auto, and pump-action shotguns...the semi auto guns the ones used in the massacres...the Port Arthur massacre the final straw.
The vast majority of the People were screaming at the govt to ban the semi auto guns..."NO MORE MASSACRES"!
So the govt did.
They only took auto(not sure if there were any), semi auto, and pump-action shotguns...the semi auto guns the ones used in the massacres...the Port Arthur massacre the final straw.
The vast majority of the People were screaming at the govt to ban the semi auto guns..."NO MORE MASSACRES"!
So the govt did.
Yep, they disarmed the populace and then----mass public incarceration.
Yep, they disarmed the populace and then----mass public incarceration.
There are millions of guns in the and hunters in rural areas.

Covid struck in 2020, 'just like a cold for most people' some in the media were saying.
Then people started dying.
People in aged care homes...'they were going to die anyway' some were saying.
Then Covid struck an aged care home in western Sydney...a man about 45 shown on the tv news 'hanging' on a wire fence outside the home, in tears; "Mum has caught Covid in there, they won't tell me anything, I don't know if she's still alive".
Yikes! The old people are someone's precious grandparents, parents, great grandparents, someone's much loved family members.
No1 morning radio host went off his brain with anger, was shouting at politicians, complaining bitterly about it. The virus taken into the home from outside.

Covid Delta is much worse, the People do not want to catch it and die, or be maimed for they suffer Covid restrictions 'for the greater good', and in the process their own good.
There was a "Call to arms"..."we are at war with Covid, please offer up your arms for vaccination to win the war."
Sons and Daughters of the Southern Cross took it all in their distancing, washing hands, hand sanitisers, wearing masks, etc...stay at home rules, work from home if possible rules, etc. Not like it was the trenches at Gallipoli.

Public incarceration? :)
At malls, beaches ["sun's up, surf's up"], workplaces, exercising in parks etc. visit doctors, buy office supplies. People could leave home if it was 'essential'...and with km radius limits.
There are millions of guns in the and hunters in rural areas.

Covid struck in 2020, 'just like a cold for most people' some in the media were saying.
Then people started dying.
People in aged care homes...'they were going to die anyway' some were saying.
Then Covid struck an aged care home in western Sydney...a man about 45 shown on the tv news 'hanging' on a wire fence outside the home, in tears; "Mum has caught Covid in there, they won't tell me anything, I don't know if she's still alive".
Yikes! The old people are someone's precious grandparents, parents, great grandparents, someone's much loved family members.
No1 morning radio host went off his brain with anger, was shouting at politicians, complaining bitterly about it. The virus taken into the home from outside.

Covid Delta is much worse, the People do not want to catch it and die, or be maimed for they suffer Covid restrictions 'for the greater good', and in the process their own good.
There was a "Call to arms"..."we are at war with Covid, please offer up your arms for vaccination to win the war."
Sons and Daughters of the Southern Cross took it all in their distancing, washing hands, hand sanitisers, wearing masks, etc...stay at home rules, work from home if possible rules, etc. Not like it was the trenches at Gallipoli.

Public incarceration? :)
At malls, beaches ["sun's up, surf's up"], workplaces, exercising in parks etc. visit doctors, buy office supplies. People could leave home if it was 'essential'...and with km radius limits.
No night time curfew eh? I notice, that like most American lefties, you have swallowed the bullshit indoctrination hook, line and sinker. Good luck, a bit of advice though, critical thinking will answer a lot of the questions that the left has been unable to answer. The truth will set you free.
No night time curfew eh? I notice, that like most American lefties, you have swallowed the bullshit indoctrination hook, line and sinker. Good luck, a bit of advice though, critical thinking will answer a lot of the questions that the left has been unable to answer. The truth will set you free.
Had one in Sydney in one area for a while, because people there would not stay home at night as instructed, and the new case numbers were out of control.
They obviously weren't heeding the Premier's request, so she applied a curfew, cop cars patrolling.
Night time curfews are good sometimes...make the people stay home and stop spreading the virus around their communities, most among their own families.
Had one in Sydney in one area for a while, because people there would not stay home at night as instructed, and the new case numbers were out of control.
They obviously weren't heeding the Premier's request, so she applied a curfew, cop cars patrolling.
Night time curfews are good sometimes...make the people stay home and stop spreading the virus around their communities, most among their own families.
Sorry, if you are afraid or sick--Stay home. I don't want to live in a country where they have that type of control of my freedom. I am a free man and I don't need anyone's permission to travel where and when I desire.
No night time curfew eh? I notice, that like most American lefties, you have swallowed the bullshit indoctrination hook, line and sinker. Good luck, a bit of advice though, critical thinking will answer a lot of the questions that the left has been unable to answer. The truth will set you free.
I am a Conservative.
Australian Conservatives are cool, calm, rational people as a general rule. Our BS meters are finely set.
The truth is...there's a Covid pandemic happening, with unvaccinated people wanting to get vaccinated, on their death beds...too late.
People are dying...details given each day on tv. Mostly unvaccinated people, ...some vaccinated but with 'underlying conditions'.
What to do?
To be, or not to be, that is the question.
To be vaccinated, or not to be vaccinated, is the question each person has to decide.
The little older lady who sits in the recliner said: "I'm getting vaccinated and going to the footy next year, come hell or high water. If I can't go to the footy I'd rather be dead".
No way I was going to allow [yes I know, "chauvinist pig"] her to drive to Sydney by herself at dusk, ...find her way back from the stadium to the car in the dark, then navigate the long drive home on the dim, dark, lonely motorway, and then the dim, dark, and possibly wet local roads in the middle of the night.
So we got vaccinated, double jabbed, now a booster in Jan 22. Off we go to the footy in March, hand in hand, vaccine pumping thru our veins. Masks on, social distancing where possible.
Un-vaccinated footy players not allowed to play, at this stage.
People are dying...details given each day on tv. Mostly unvaccinated people, ...some vaccinated but with 'underlying conditions'.
The CDC has reported that the majority of all fatalities in the US were people with underlying conditions. My experience as a septuagenarian with a heart condition being stricken with it in Jan. is that we are being lied to. They are artificially inflating the case and fatality numbers. Why was there no flu in '20-'21. Here is a hint, it wasn't because everyone was social distancing and masking. Re: the vaxx, this is indicative of my feelings, Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that did not protect the protected in the first place?
Sorry, if you are afraid or sick--Stay home. I don't want to live in a country where they have that type of control of my freedom. I am a free man and I don't need anyone's permission to travel where and when I desire.
Even if you get Covid and have a leg amputated [like the broadway star], have to live with scarred lungs, damaged heart, kidneys, liver etc?

I saw the placards in America; "Better to live in risky freedom than to die in communist lockdown."

Unpaid Covid fines will be taken from bank accounts and seized homes in Queensland


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