Aussies Remove Smart Cards From Temperature Stations and They go DOWN!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This crap is not honest and it is not even objective, much less science.

Temperatures Plunge After Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology Orders Fix | The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)

  • Date: 04/08/17
  • Graham Lloyd, The Australian
Recorded temperatures at the Bureau of Meteorology’s Thredbo Top automatic weather station have dropped below -10C in the past week, after action was taken to make the facility “fit for purpose”.
A record of the Thredbo Top station for 3am on Wednesday shows a temperature reading of -10.6C. This compares with the BoM’s monthly highlights for June and July, both showing a low of -9.6C.

The BoM said it had taken immediate action to replace the Thredbo station after concerns were raised that very low temperatures were not making it onto the official record. Controversy has dogged the bureau’s automatic weather station network since Goulburn man Lance Pigeon saw a -10.4C reading on the BoM’s website on July 2 automatically adjust to -10C, then disappear.

Later independent monitoring of the Thredbo Top station by scientist Jennifer Marohasy showed a recording of -10.6C vanish from the record.

BoM initially claimed the adjustments were part of its quality control procedures. But bureau chief executive Andrew Johnson later told Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg that investigations had found a number of cold-weather stations were not “fit for purpose” and would be replaced.

The BoM has admitted that, in addition to Goulburn and Thredbo Top, stations at Tuggeranong in the ACT, Butlers Gorge and Fingal in Tasmania and Mount Baw Baw in Victoria would be replaced.

An in-house investigation that includes two independent experts has been called. The bureau said it rejected allegations aired in some media outlets that it had sought to tamper with temperature data.

It has been reported online that electronic smart cards were allegedly fitted to the BoM’s automatic weather stations, which put a limit on how low temperatures could be recorded in official weather data. The BoM declined to comment ahead of the internal review....

On her website yesterday, Dr Marohasy said it was not the recording devices that were at fault. “To be clear, the problem is not with the equipment; all that needs to be done is for the smart-card readers to be removed,” Dr Marohasy said.

“So that after the automatic weather stations measure the correct temperature, this temperature can be brought forward firstly into the daily weather observation sheet and subsequently into the CDO (climate data online) dataset.”​

Is this an example of why government paid scientists seem to hate amateurs and private scientists more each year?
This crap is not honest and it is not even objective, much less science.

Temperatures Plunge After Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology Orders Fix | The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)

  • Date: 04/08/17
  • Graham Lloyd, The Australian
Recorded temperatures at the Bureau of Meteorology’s Thredbo Top automatic weather station have dropped below -10C in the past week, after action was taken to make the facility “fit for purpose”.
A record of the Thredbo Top station for 3am on Wednesday shows a temperature reading of -10.6C. This compares with the BoM’s monthly highlights for June and July, both showing a low of -9.6C.

The BoM said it had taken immediate action to replace the Thredbo station after concerns were raised that very low temperatures were not making it onto the official record. Controversy has dogged the bureau’s automatic weather station network since Goulburn man Lance Pigeon saw a -10.4C reading on the BoM’s website on July 2 automatically adjust to -10C, then disappear.

Later independent monitoring of the Thredbo Top station by scientist Jennifer Marohasy showed a recording of -10.6C vanish from the record.

BoM initially claimed the adjustments were part of its quality control procedures. But bureau chief executive Andrew Johnson later told Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg that investigations had found a number of cold-weather stations were not “fit for purpose” and would be replaced.

The BoM has admitted that, in addition to Goulburn and Thredbo Top, stations at Tuggeranong in the ACT, Butlers Gorge and Fingal in Tasmania and Mount Baw Baw in Victoria would be replaced.

An in-house investigation that includes two independent experts has been called. The bureau said it rejected allegations aired in some media outlets that it had sought to tamper with temperature data.

It has been reported online that electronic smart cards were allegedly fitted to the BoM’s automatic weather stations, which put a limit on how low temperatures could be recorded in official weather data. The BoM declined to comment ahead of the internal review....

On her website yesterday, Dr Marohasy said it was not the recording devices that were at fault. “To be clear, the problem is not with the equipment; all that needs to be done is for the smart-card readers to be removed,” Dr Marohasy said.

“So that after the automatic weather stations measure the correct temperature, this temperature can be brought forward firstly into the daily weather observation sheet and subsequently into the CDO (climate data online) dataset.”​

Is this an example of why government paid scientists seem to hate amateurs and private scientists more each year?

Governmental ass kissers will never see the facts of stripping their own rights, liberty, and freedoms no matter where they live in the world they're all the same. Can't yah tell lol.
This crap is not honest and it is not even objective, much less science.

Temperatures Plunge After Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology Orders Fix | The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)

  • Date: 04/08/17
  • Graham Lloyd, The Australian
Recorded temperatures at the Bureau of Meteorology’s Thredbo Top automatic weather station have dropped below -10C in the past week, after action was taken to make the facility “fit for purpose”.
A record of the Thredbo Top station for 3am on Wednesday shows a temperature reading of -10.6C. This compares with the BoM’s monthly highlights for June and July, both showing a low of -9.6C.

The BoM said it had taken immediate action to replace the Thredbo station after concerns were raised that very low temperatures were not making it onto the official record. Controversy has dogged the bureau’s automatic weather station network since Goulburn man Lance Pigeon saw a -10.4C reading on the BoM’s website on July 2 automatically adjust to -10C, then disappear.

Later independent monitoring of the Thredbo Top station by scientist Jennifer Marohasy showed a recording of -10.6C vanish from the record.

BoM initially claimed the adjustments were part of its quality control procedures. But bureau chief executive Andrew Johnson later told Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg that investigations had found a number of cold-weather stations were not “fit for purpose” and would be replaced.

The BoM has admitted that, in addition to Goulburn and Thredbo Top, stations at Tuggeranong in the ACT, Butlers Gorge and Fingal in Tasmania and Mount Baw Baw in Victoria would be replaced.

An in-house investigation that includes two independent experts has been called. The bureau said it rejected allegations aired in some media outlets that it had sought to tamper with temperature data.

It has been reported online that electronic smart cards were allegedly fitted to the BoM’s automatic weather stations, which put a limit on how low temperatures could be recorded in official weather data. The BoM declined to comment ahead of the internal review....

On her website yesterday, Dr Marohasy said it was not the recording devices that were at fault. “To be clear, the problem is not with the equipment; all that needs to be done is for the smart-card readers to be removed,” Dr Marohasy said.

“So that after the automatic weather stations measure the correct temperature, this temperature can be brought forward firstly into the daily weather observation sheet and subsequently into the CDO (climate data online) dataset.”​

Is this an example of why government paid scientists seem to hate amateurs and private scientists more each year?

Governmental ass kissers will never see the facts of stripping their own rights, liberty, and freedoms no matter where they live in the world they're all the same. Can't yah tell lol.
I have a friend that worked for the national weather service for over 30 years. He supports global warming hook line and sinker. He had to and now he's as brainwashed as they come! It hilarious when I would disagree with him on the warming BULLSHIT, he would start foaming at the mouth and start crying Trump will destroy.....Trump is a clown......yada yada yada. I thought he started foaming at the mouth for real once.
This crap is not honest and it is not even objective, much less science.

Temperatures Plunge After Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology Orders Fix | The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)

  • Date: 04/08/17
  • Graham Lloyd, The Australian
Recorded temperatures at the Bureau of Meteorology’s Thredbo Top automatic weather station have dropped below -10C in the past week, after action was taken to make the facility “fit for purpose”.
A record of the Thredbo Top station for 3am on Wednesday shows a temperature reading of -10.6C. This compares with the BoM’s monthly highlights for June and July, both showing a low of -9.6C.

The BoM said it had taken immediate action to replace the Thredbo station after concerns were raised that very low temperatures were not making it onto the official record. Controversy has dogged the bureau’s automatic weather station network since Goulburn man Lance Pigeon saw a -10.4C reading on the BoM’s website on July 2 automatically adjust to -10C, then disappear.

Later independent monitoring of the Thredbo Top station by scientist Jennifer Marohasy showed a recording of -10.6C vanish from the record.

BoM initially claimed the adjustments were part of its quality control procedures. But bureau chief executive Andrew Johnson later told Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg that investigations had found a number of cold-weather stations were not “fit for purpose” and would be replaced.

The BoM has admitted that, in addition to Goulburn and Thredbo Top, stations at Tuggeranong in the ACT, Butlers Gorge and Fingal in Tasmania and Mount Baw Baw in Victoria would be replaced.

An in-house investigation that includes two independent experts has been called. The bureau said it rejected allegations aired in some media outlets that it had sought to tamper with temperature data.

It has been reported online that electronic smart cards were allegedly fitted to the BoM’s automatic weather stations, which put a limit on how low temperatures could be recorded in official weather data. The BoM declined to comment ahead of the internal review....

On her website yesterday, Dr Marohasy said it was not the recording devices that were at fault. “To be clear, the problem is not with the equipment; all that needs to be done is for the smart-card readers to be removed,” Dr Marohasy said.

“So that after the automatic weather stations measure the correct temperature, this temperature can be brought forward firstly into the daily weather observation sheet and subsequently into the CDO (climate data online) dataset.”​

Is this an example of why government paid scientists seem to hate amateurs and private scientists more each year?

Governmental ass kissers will never see the facts of stripping their own rights, liberty, and freedoms no matter where they live in the world they're all the same. Can't yah tell lol.

Oh and I mention what I did because it involves stripping us of our rights using gawd dam global warming, or any other bs lies they can dream up to use on us as long as it makes them billions and the slaves poorer.
This crap is not honest and it is not even objective, much less science.

Temperatures Plunge After Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology Orders Fix | The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)

  • Date: 04/08/17
  • Graham Lloyd, The Australian
Recorded temperatures at the Bureau of Meteorology’s Thredbo Top automatic weather station have dropped below -10C in the past week, after action was taken to make the facility “fit for purpose”.
A record of the Thredbo Top station for 3am on Wednesday shows a temperature reading of -10.6C. This compares with the BoM’s monthly highlights for June and July, both showing a low of -9.6C.

The BoM said it had taken immediate action to replace the Thredbo station after concerns were raised that very low temperatures were not making it onto the official record. Controversy has dogged the bureau’s automatic weather station network since Goulburn man Lance Pigeon saw a -10.4C reading on the BoM’s website on July 2 automatically adjust to -10C, then disappear.

Later independent monitoring of the Thredbo Top station by scientist Jennifer Marohasy showed a recording of -10.6C vanish from the record.

BoM initially claimed the adjustments were part of its quality control procedures. But bureau chief executive Andrew Johnson later told Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg that investigations had found a number of cold-weather stations were not “fit for purpose” and would be replaced.

The BoM has admitted that, in addition to Goulburn and Thredbo Top, stations at Tuggeranong in the ACT, Butlers Gorge and Fingal in Tasmania and Mount Baw Baw in Victoria would be replaced.

An in-house investigation that includes two independent experts has been called. The bureau said it rejected allegations aired in some media outlets that it had sought to tamper with temperature data.

It has been reported online that electronic smart cards were allegedly fitted to the BoM’s automatic weather stations, which put a limit on how low temperatures could be recorded in official weather data. The BoM declined to comment ahead of the internal review....

On her website yesterday, Dr Marohasy said it was not the recording devices that were at fault. “To be clear, the problem is not with the equipment; all that needs to be done is for the smart-card readers to be removed,” Dr Marohasy said.

“So that after the automatic weather stations measure the correct temperature, this temperature can be brought forward firstly into the daily weather observation sheet and subsequently into the CDO (climate data online) dataset.”​

Is this an example of why government paid scientists seem to hate amateurs and private scientists more each year?

Governmental ass kissers will never see the facts of stripping their own rights, liberty, and freedoms no matter where they live in the world they're all the same. Can't yah tell lol.
I have a friend that worked for the national weather service for other 30 years. He supports global warming hook line and sinker. He had to and now he's as brainwashed as they come! It hilarious when I would disagree with him on the warming BULLSHIT, he would start foaming at the mouth and start crying Trump will destroy.....Trump is a clown......yada yada yada. I thought he started foaming at the mouth for real once.

Yep and many do see it they are also afraid to come out and prove the truth when they see it because half of them will end up dead if it becomes to viral. Meaning Too many people start understanding exactly what the truth is, and then it becomes a hot topic among lets say the internet, colleges, or hell the people in general.

You should see how many Homeopathic Doctors are being murdered it's a trip but you can tell sheep that.

A "smart card" is nothing more than a computer programed to do what its told. I would be interested in the program that is on it. I want to see just what it is they did to make cooling go away..

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