Surprise! Australian temperature readings drop after ministry orders 'fix'


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The warmist cult keeps telling us to trust the data collected by their chief wizards. Here's the proof that their data is fake. They are frauds.

Australia's Bureau of Meteorology announced that the equipment at several cold-weather temperature stations was being replaced to make it "fit for purpose." What the bureau didn't mention is that once the equipment was in place, temperatures from those stations dropped.

Climate Depot:

A record of the Thredbo Top station for 3am on Wednesday shows a temperature reading of -10.6C. This compares with the BoM's monthly highlights for June and July, both showing a low of -9.6C.

The BoM said it had taken immediate action to replace the Thredbo station after concerns were raised that very low temperatures were not making it onto the official record. Controversy has dogged the bureau's automatic weather station network since Goulburn man Lance Pigeon saw a -10.4C reading on the BoM's website on July 2 automatically adjust to -10C, then disappear.

Later independent monitoring of the Thredbo Top station by scientist Jennifer Marohasy showed a recording of -10.6C vanish from the record.

BoM initially claimed the adjustments were part of its quality control procedures. But bureau chief executive Andrew Johnson later told Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg that investigations had found a number of cold-weather stations were not “fit for purpose” and would be replaced.

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