Attorney Mike Davis Issues Dire Warning to Judge Juan Merchan and Democrats Over Weaponized Lawfare Against President Trump: “On January 20th at Noon,


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Attorney Mike Davis Issues Dire Warning to Judge Juan Merchan and Democrats Over Weaponized Lawfare Against President Trump: “On January 20th at Noon, They’re Going to Become the Hunted”

10 Jan 2025 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Attorney Mike Davis, founder of the conservative Article III Project (A3P) and a staunch ally of President-elect Donald Trump, has issued a stern warning to Judge Juan Merchan and Democrat prosecutors, accusing them of engaging in “weaponized lawfare” against Trump.
President-elect Donald Trump was sentenced on Friday for his conviction on 34 felony counts related to alleged hush money payments made before the 2016 election.
Manhattan Judge Juan Merchan issued an “unconditional discharge,” allowing the conviction to stand but imposing no jail time, fines, or probation.
This is the first time a U.S. president-elect has been sentenced to a felony conviction. That is the talking point Democrats want.
For the next four years, the fake news media will be happy to introduce President Trump as the first criminally sentenced US President in history.
Now, former Chief Counsel for Nominations to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley and A3P Founder Mike Davis issued a stark warning to Judge Juan Merchan and Democrats, accusing them of weaponizing the legal system against President Donald Trump.
Speaking to political commentator Benny Johnson, Davis vowed to push for a criminal investigation into the “third-world Marxist trash” tactics, claiming the legal proceedings against Trump are a blatant abuse of power.

I think Merchan knows his ass is on the line and that's why why he added the god speed comment, not that it will help him.
if not for the constant unconstitutional lawfare against Trump, he may not have had enough votes. So on one hand I'm glad they did it because they actually made Trump even more popular than before. On the other hand it shows just how corrupt our "justice" system has become, especially in New York.
They Had their Chance to Drop The Witch Hunts, Now It's Time To Investigate All Democrats and Charge Them For Violating their "Oath Of Office" to the Fullest Extent of the Law.
Americans need to be able to trust that justice really is blind. When justice is politicized and can no longer be trusted, we have to admit our country will eventually collapse. There cannot be multi-tiered justice system. If justices participate in this or actively promote it, they need life in prison- they should be held to THE HIGHEST STANDARDS!
James, Bragg and their puppet Judge Merchan have turned the New York Judicial system on it's head.

Attorney Mike Davis Issues Dire Warning to Judge Juan Merchan and Democrats Over Weaponized Lawfare Against President Trump: “On January 20th at Noon, They’re Going to Become the Hunted”

10 Jan 2025 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Attorney Mike Davis, founder of the conservative Article III Project (A3P) and a staunch ally of President-elect Donald Trump, has issued a stern warning to Judge Juan Merchan and Democrat prosecutors, accusing them of engaging in “weaponized lawfare” against Trump.
President-elect Donald Trump was sentenced on Friday for his conviction on 34 felony counts related to alleged hush money payments made before the 2016 election.
Manhattan Judge Juan Merchan issued an “unconditional discharge,” allowing the conviction to stand but imposing no jail time, fines, or probation.
This is the first time a U.S. president-elect has been sentenced to a felony conviction. That is the talking point Democrats want.
For the next four years, the fake news media will be happy to introduce President Trump as the first criminally sentenced US President in history.
Now, former Chief Counsel for Nominations to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley and A3P Founder Mike Davis issued a stark warning to Judge Juan Merchan and Democrats, accusing them of weaponizing the legal system against President Donald Trump.
Speaking to political commentator Benny Johnson, Davis vowed to push for a criminal investigation into the “third-world Marxist trash” tactics, claiming the legal proceedings against Trump are a blatant abuse of power.

I think Merchan knows his ass is on the line and that's why why he added the god speed comment, not that it will help him.
if not for the constant unconstitutional lawfare against Trump, he may not have had enough votes. So on one hand I'm glad they did it because they actually made Trump even more popular than before. On the other hand it shows just how corrupt our "justice" system has become, especially in New York.
They Had their Chance to Drop The Witch Hunts, Now It's Time To Investigate All Democrats and Charge Them For Violating their "Oath Of Office" to the Fullest Extent of the Law.
Americans need to be able to trust that justice really is blind. When justice is politicized and can no longer be trusted, we have to admit our country will eventually collapse. There cannot be multi-tiered justice system. If justices participate in this or actively promote it, they need life in prison- they should be held to THE HIGHEST STANDARDS!
James, Bragg and their puppet Judge Merchan have turned the New York Judicial system on it's head.

Threatening judges seems rather at odds from someone who purports to support the party of law and order. It's something I'd only expect to ever see in a banana republic and - oh, hold on a moment...
Poor judge martian is going to be disintegrated with his own Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator!

Attorney Mike Davis Issues Dire Warning to Judge Juan Merchan and Democrats Over Weaponized Lawfare Against President Trump: “On January 20th at Noon, They’re Going to Become the Hunted”

10 Jan 2025 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Attorney Mike Davis, founder of the conservative Article III Project (A3P) and a staunch ally of President-elect Donald Trump, has issued a stern warning to Judge Juan Merchan and Democrat prosecutors, accusing them of engaging in “weaponized lawfare” against Trump.
President-elect Donald Trump was sentenced on Friday for his conviction on 34 felony counts related to alleged hush money payments made before the 2016 election.
Manhattan Judge Juan Merchan issued an “unconditional discharge,” allowing the conviction to stand but imposing no jail time, fines, or probation.
This is the first time a U.S. president-elect has been sentenced to a felony conviction. That is the talking point Democrats want.
For the next four years, the fake news media will be happy to introduce President Trump as the first criminally sentenced US President in history.
Now, former Chief Counsel for Nominations to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley and A3P Founder Mike Davis issued a stark warning to Judge Juan Merchan and Democrats, accusing them of weaponizing the legal system against President Donald Trump.
Speaking to political commentator Benny Johnson, Davis vowed to push for a criminal investigation into the “third-world Marxist trash” tactics, claiming the legal proceedings against Trump are a blatant abuse of power.

I think Merchan knows his ass is on the line and that's why why he added the god speed comment, not that it will help him.
if not for the constant unconstitutional lawfare against Trump, he may not have had enough votes. So on one hand I'm glad they did it because they actually made Trump even more popular than before. On the other hand it shows just how corrupt our "justice" system has become, especially in New York.
They Had their Chance to Drop The Witch Hunts, Now It's Time To Investigate All Democrats and Charge Them For Violating their "Oath Of Office" to the Fullest Extent of the Law.
Americans need to be able to trust that justice really is blind. When justice is politicized and can no longer be trusted, we have to admit our country will eventually collapse. There cannot be multi-tiered justice system. If justices participate in this or actively promote it, they need life in prison- they should be held to THE HIGHEST STANDARDS!
James, Bragg and their puppet Judge Merchan have turned the New York Judicial system on it's head.

What a hypocritical numbnut. Lawfare--I am sick and tired of MAGA turds slinging that word around like it flippin means something. I mean from the video, "Democrats think they are the hunters, but come January 20th, they are going to be the hunted". WTF do you think that means? It means targeting political opponents with investigations and criminal charges.

I mean Joe Biden has got to be an enigma. I mean he is a criminal genius, yet he suffers from debilitating dementia. How does that make any damn sense?

I mean it is coming people, you best buckle up and get ready for a hell of a ride, down shit creek, with no paddle. Yes, come January 20 all kinds of investigations are going to be opened up, against anyone and everyone that Trump feels crossed him. Congress isn't going to get shit done, other than more taxcuts for the wealthy, oh, and the complete defunding of the IRS enforcement division. Well except for single mothers taking the EITC, they will audit the hell out of them.

Work in the Department of Justice, or hell, any government position. You are going to be required to give a loyalty oath, not to the Constitution, but to Trump. WTF? And tariffs, they are coming, but not to stop illegal immigration, not to raise revenue, not even to combat unfair trading practices from foreign nations. Nope, the reason behind the tariffs--granting exceptions.

Grease the fat orange man's palms, donate massive amounts of dark money to Republican PAC's, well you get an exemption. You think Tesla is going to be paying any tariffs for parts from foreign manufacturers, LMAO, of course not.
Ooh, a warning!

Well, that settles it.

Trump cultists are very impressed by fake authority figures. It's part of their authoritarian-follower nature.
there was coordination between state prosecutors , DAs, the WH and Bribens DOJ in all of the Trump indictments .. it will be revealed ..
Threatening judges seems rather at odds from someone who purports to support the party of law and order. It's something I'd only expect to ever see in a banana republic and - oh, hold on a moment...
the WH and Bribens DOJ coordinated with the prosecutors and DAs in all of Trumps indictments ..

This “case” had no crime, no damages, no proof, no facts, no Law, only a highly conflicted Judge, a star witness who is a disbarred, disgraced, serial perjurer.​

I really like this Mike Davis. I can't wait to see the sparks fly. When I review this case, I am amazed that it ever even got off the ground much less was dragged kicking and screaming against all legal odds all the way through to a conviction.

Real Third World Stuff. Proof positive that we are all just one step away of being arrested, charged, tried and convicted for anything at anytime no matter our innocence given the level of unchecked brutality of power.
Threatening judges seems rather at odds from someone who purports to support the party of law and order. It's something I'd only expect to ever see in a banana republic and - oh, hold on a moment...

Judges aren't above the law, in spite of President Biden letting Judge Conahan in Wilkes Barre slide last month.

If this Merchan fellow did nothing wrong, he has nothing to fear from any meddling charges that are presented. He will have every opportunity to hire a legal team and fight for his freedom.
Judges aren't above the law, in spite of President Biden letting Judge Conahan in Wilkes Barre slide last month.

If this Merchan fellow did nothing wrong, he has nothing to fear from any meddling charges that are presented.
Yet when people said "If Trump did nothing wrong he has nothing to fear" the trumpanzees all jumped up and down and screamed their lungs out.
He will have every opportunity to hire a legal team and fight for his freedom.
Did I miss something? Has anyone indicted Merchan? or are you getting all excited and carried away?
I really like this Mike Davis. I can't wait to see the sparks fly. When I review this case, I am amazed that it ever even got off the ground much less was dragged kicking and screaming against all legal odds all the way through to a conviction.

Real Third World Stuff. Proof positive that we are all just one step away of being arrested, charged, tried and convicted for anything at anytime no matter our innocence given the level of unchecked brutality of power.
This guy is more than willing to get down to their level and then some. You don’t butcher pigs with perfume
Yet when people said "If Trump did nothing wrong he has nothing to fear" the trumpanzees all jumped up and down and screamed their lungs out.

Did I miss something? Has anyone indicted Merchan?

Trump was only indicted on Fake charges to try and rig the election. Not because he did anything. Merchan might well be indicted, he'll certainly be investigated and called to testify to Congress about his actions.
Trump was only indicted on Fake charges to try and rig the election.
But the charges were approved of by a grand jury, isn't that odd. Then he was found guilty by another - wait for it - jury.
Not because he did anything.
Well he was indicted because the grand jury felt the evidence warranted it and he was convicted because the jury saw that Trump was a liar and a criminal.
Merchan might well be indicted, he'll certainly be investigated and called to testify to Congress about his actions.
Right, so this is all hot air and bluster, the usual waffling of Trump and his devotees.

Trump got off lightly, next time he might not be so lucky.
BREAKING: Judge Martian was heard singing...

Well, my bags are packed...I'm ready to go...
I'm standing here outside your door...I hate to wake you up to sayyyy gooooood byyyyeeeeeeee
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