Atheists Want Proof Of God?

Says the guy who thinks he has an invisible being guiding his life. :lmao:

He is a superior being with infinite knowledge and wisdom. My arguments here have gotten better and deeper over time while you are still blaming God for causing your retardation. What else are you blaming him for? Your pea brain. Your lack of accreditation. Your jealousy over what other people have. .
"Do you want to march a hundred million Christians into death camps"


it is YOUR side that talks about killing its enemies.

To accuse me of your own crimes is the act of a devious deplorable scoundrel.

Come on now scumbag, you Marxist piles of shit butchered 200 million peace time civilians in the 20th century.

Mass murder is just your way of dealing with life.

Constitutional conservatives on the other hand have never butchered anyone. Yes, we had to put you fuckers down to make you give up your slaves, but you started that war, just like you started this one. Seems you evil fucks just don't learn.

You promote and defend a god and religion that espouses death to gays and atheists. You promote and defend politicians like roy moore who SPECIFICALLY STATE they want to arrest and prosecute gays simply for being gay.

YOU are the one who defends death camps.

Son, you're a fucking liar, you must be a democrat.

you moronicons are just so insultingly stupid.

I have no posters on my walls.

"Do you smoke dope?"

Yes. because unlike you I believe in freedom and I oppose a nanny state.

Sure fuckwad.

So, healthcare for illegal aliens is a "right, " is it sparky?
Doesn't bother me.

Why would it?

I don't take anything on faith. You want me to believe? Show me.

I'm glad it doesn't bother you as your lack of faith doesn't bother me.

I can only think if you do not believe in the Biblical God, then you lose your life and end up in hell.

As for taking things on faith, those who do not believe the Biblical God, believe in silly things like no God, aliens, multiverses, and abiogenesis. I hope you don't as there is no proof. Otherwise, you are a liar.

Creation science tells me that there are no aliens, multiverses, and abiogenesis because God didn't create them. So far, I am right as rain.

ETA: I believe because I had faith and God revealed himself to me. Thus, I was able to verify my belief. Also, I ended comparing what I believed before in evolution and found out it was a lie (after comparing it with creation).

do you want to kill gays?

do you believe women should submit to their husbands?

do you have a beard?

Are you as ugly as you are stupid and dishonest, Quasimodo?
creationism is NOT science. It is silly mythology and should NOT be "taught" as "fact" in public schools.

That's where you are wrong just like you were wrong with aliens. Creation was science in the past and it's still science today. We found the chicken came before the egg in 2017. That is testable and observable. It follows the scientific method.

OTOH, evolution is just historical or forensic science, i.e. based on circumstantial evidence. None of it can be demonstrated by the scientific method. None is observable except for creation science's natural selection. Bill Nye believes is stupid things. He is an example of evolutionary science today.
Just want to add there is more evidence for aliens than there is for goD, and the phrase "creation science" just tickles the shit outta me. I mean talk about oxymorons.....

Other than the millions of illegal aliens you Communists are importing as shock troops in your war against America, there is a total of zero evidence to suggest life from outside this planet has ever visited. There is no evidence that such life exists, only the faith of those who speculate.
When was the last time a Navy F-18 chased Jesus?

They chased a UFO earlier this year.

Video shows apparent encounter between Navy pilot and UFO

And you have evidence that UFO's are alien in nature?

You are a moron and poorly educated, creep , we all realize that.

Yet all the UFO sightings in the 70's and 80's turned out to be craft from Skunk Works that turned into the Stealth Bomber and Fighter, along with the Comanche stealth helicopter and hundred of experimental craft that never made it that far.

Again, you are a dolt without the advantage of a basic education, but those not you, look up Occam's Razor.

There are a lot of military personnel who claim to have seen UFO's....

are you calling them morons and poorly educated?

just exactly what makes YOUR opinion on any subject worthy of note?

you believe in a deranged god....that alone makes all of your opinions suspect.

There may or may not be any UFOs but there is definitely no god.

Your an idiot, and like so many religious fanatics you are flat out dishonest.

You want to smoke dope and believe in little grey angels? Have at, but you are religious and I got to say, that's one dumb religion you are following.
Faith is something I believe. How would I prove I believe it?
Why would I lie about it? Why does it bother you?

You OP makes no sense. I am an atheist. I'll take your word for it that you believe in god. You don't have to prove it, I have no reason to believe that you would lie about it, and it doesn't bother me in the slightest, other than to make we wonder where you get your information about atheists.
creationism is NOT science. It is silly mythology and should NOT be "taught" as "fact" in public schools.

That's where you are wrong just like you were wrong with aliens. Creation was science in the past and it's still science today. We found the chicken came before the egg in 2017. That is testable and observable. It follows the scientific method.

OTOH, evolution is just historical or forensic science, i.e. based on circumstantial evidence. None of it can be demonstrated by the scientific method. None is observable except for creation science's natural selection. Bill Nye believes is stupid things. He is an example of evolutionary science today.
"Creation science" found that the chicken came before the egg?

Oh do tell!

This should be good y'all.
You OP makes no sense. I am an atheist. I'll take your word for it that you believe in god. You don't have to prove it, I have no reason to believe that you would lie about it, and it doesn't bother me in the slightest, other than to make we wonder where you get your information about atheists.

Since you are an "Atheist," prove there is no god and no possibility of a god?

Further, aren't you one of the AGW cultists, a Gaia worshipper who thinks a sentient earth is punishing mankind for carbon sins?
Creationism is not science. It doesn't matter how many you try to call it that, it will never be.

Sure it is. None of what you believe can be demonstrated nor observable. Nobody saw how the universe came into being 13.7 billion years ago. While we have God as witness when he created the universe about 6,000 years ago. Before that the atheists lied with the eternal universe. That shows you believed in what turned out to be pseudoscience..
creationism is NOT science. It is silly mythology and should NOT be "taught" as "fact" in public schools.

That's where you are wrong just like you were wrong with aliens. Creation was science in the past and it's still science today. We found the chicken came before the egg in 2017. That is testable and observable. It follows the scientific method.

OTOH, evolution is just historical or forensic science, i.e. based on circumstantial evidence. None of it can be demonstrated by the scientific method. None is observable except for creation science's natural selection. Bill Nye believes is stupid things. He is an example of evolutionary science today.
"Creation science" found that the chicken came before the egg?

Oh do tell!

This should be good y'all.

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creationism is NOT science. It is silly mythology and should NOT be "taught" as "fact" in public schools.

That's where you are wrong just like you were wrong with aliens. Creation was science in the past and it's still science today. We found the chicken came before the egg in 2017. That is testable and observable. It follows the scientific method.

OTOH, evolution is just historical or forensic science, i.e. based on circumstantial evidence. None of it can be demonstrated by the scientific method. None is observable except for creation science's natural selection. Bill Nye believes is stupid things. He is an example of evolutionary science today.
"Creation science" found that the chicken came before the egg?

Oh do tell!

This should be good y'all.

It means the age old question has been settled now and it is a fact. It also disproves ToE as the egg didn't come first in order to develop into a common ancestor.
Sure it is. None of what you believe can be demonstrated nor observable. Nobody saw how the universe came into being 13.7 billion years ago. While we have God as witness when he created the universe about 6,000 years ago. Before that the atheists lied with the eternal universe. That shows you believed in what turned out to be pseudoscience..

So, is god lying to us with all the evidence that shows a planet that is 4.6 billion years old? Is he lying because he wants to be able to trick people so he can send them to hell?
Faith that I have a soul and a greater purpose in life has always given me strength, comfort, a righteous path and hope .. sooo .. I'm sticking with it.

Organized religion, not so much .. while .. a true believer and an honest religious orator of whatever faith can be truly inspirational.

I kinda pity the lost souls and critics, they are generally marked by their unhappiness and personal insecurities.
So, is god lying to us with all the evidence that shows a planet that is 4.6 billion years old? Is he lying because he wants to be able to trick people so he can send them to hell?

That's based on radiometric decay of uranium and thorium in rocks which gives wildly different results. We still can measure helium left in these rocks. If they were 4.6 B yrs old, then there would be no helium left as it would've leaked out in around 100 K years. Thus, the problem with the assumptions made for using radiometric dating is real.
Faith is something I believe. How would I prove I believe it?
Why would I lie about it? Why does it bother you?
I think you're a bit off the mark. No atheist really wants proof of god,because no atheist believs proof of god exists. I can't speak for all atheists, but I think admitting you believe only out of faith is all any of them would ask of you.
Says the guy who thinks he has an invisible being guiding his life. :lmao:

He is a superior being with infinite knowledge and wisdom. My arguments here have gotten better and deeper over time while you are still blaming God for causing your retardation. What else are you blaming him for? Your pea brain. Your lack of accreditation. Your jealousy over what other people have. .
Is putting others down making you feel better? Because I doubt that god would approve.

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