Atheist/Darwinist Misconceptions in Science


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
"Creation scientist" is such an overused and misused epithet.
Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists (but I repeat myself) always smugly apply this epithet as if it is supposed to discredit all the science and facts presented. Nota bene: It does not do that. Not remotely.

"Alternative theory" is next in line by them. As if you can't abandon Darwin's Tautology unless and until you have PROVEN something different. Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists ignore the absolute fact that science doesn't work via necessity of some "theory." If Darwin's Tautology, "the fittest survive and those who survive are fittest," fails, it fails and that is that.
And here's the fact: It fails.

"Proof," "proven," yadda, yadda. Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists don't understand that science doesn't do proof. They appear only in mathematics.

"Gravity" equivalence. Oh brother. No physicist on earth says "Gravity is as well established as evolution." Why Darwinists cling to this non-equivalence can only be attributed to their zealous regurgitation of what their handlers pass down to them.

The fossil record fails to support Darwinism.
Lab experiments spanning over 100 years fail to support Darwinism. Oh yes, there's adaptation, but nobody has created any hopeful monsters beginning with fruit flies or bacteria.

Most critical of all, biochemistry refutes the simplistic nonsense wholesale. Biology books present the alphabeticization of "A>B>C>D" pretending that this is somehow meaningful. It isn't. The statistics of polypeptide synthesis by any naturalistic mechanism are insuperable. End of Darwin. Biochemistry was non-existent in 1859. It's very real today and it kills the old school. Dead.
"Creation scientist" is such an overused and misused epithet.
Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists (but I repeat myself) always smugly apply this epithet as if it is supposed to discredit all the science and facts presented. Nota bene: It does not do that. Not remotely.

"Alternative theory" is next in line by them. As if you can't abandon Darwin's Tautology unless and until you have PROVEN something different. Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists ignore the absolute fact that science doesn't work via necessity of some "theory." If Darwin's Tautology, "the fittest survive and those who survive are fittest," fails, it fails and that is that.
And here's the fact: It fails.

"Proof," "proven," yadda, yadda. Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists don't understand that science doesn't do proof. They appear only in mathematics.

"Gravity" equivalence. Oh brother. No physicist on earth says "Gravity is as well established as evolution." Why Darwinists cling to this non-equivalence can only be attributed to their zealous regurgitation of what their handlers pass down to them.

The fossil record fails to support Darwinism.
Lab experiments spanning over 100 years fail to support Darwinism. Oh yes, there's adaptation, but nobody has created any hopeful monsters beginning with fruit flies or bacteria.

Most critical of all, biochemistry refutes the simplistic nonsense wholesale. Biology books present the alphabeticization of "A>B>C>D" pretending that this is somehow meaningful. It isn't. The statistics of polypeptide synthesis by any naturalistic mechanism are insuperable. End of Darwin. Biochemistry was non-existent in 1859. It's very real today and it kills the old school. Dead.
there is no creation theory ......unless you can post it here--can you?
Evolution deniers love to use false science to attack minutia. But they can’t deny the basic truth that life started with simple creatures and became more complex over time.

When pressed for details on how their creation theory works, they pivot into another attack on evolution.
"Creation scientist" is such an overused and misused epithet.
Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists (but I repeat myself) always smugly apply this epithet as if it is supposed to discredit all the science and facts presented. Nota bene: It does not do that. Not remotely.

"Alternative theory" is next in line by them. As if you can't abandon Darwin's Tautology unless and until you have PROVEN something different. Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists ignore the absolute fact that science doesn't work via necessity of some "theory." If Darwin's Tautology, "the fittest survive and those who survive are fittest," fails, it fails and that is that.
And here's the fact: It fails.

"Proof," "proven," yadda, yadda. Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists don't understand that science doesn't do proof. They appear only in mathematics.

"Gravity" equivalence. Oh brother. No physicist on earth says "Gravity is as well established as evolution." Why Darwinists cling to this non-equivalence can only be attributed to their zealous regurgitation of what their handlers pass down to them.

The fossil record fails to support Darwinism.
Lab experiments spanning over 100 years fail to support Darwinism. Oh yes, there's adaptation, but nobody has created any hopeful monsters beginning with fruit flies or bacteria.

Most critical of all, biochemistry refutes the simplistic nonsense wholesale. Biology books present the alphabeticization of "A>B>C>D" pretending that this is somehow meaningful. It isn't. The statistics of polypeptide synthesis by any naturalistic mechanism are insuperable. End of Darwin. Biochemistry was non-existent in 1859. It's very real today and it kills the old school. Dead.
The Christian Taliban are as much a danger to themselves as they are to others. While they typically revile education and knowledge, its comical to watch them rail against the very sciences they don't understand.
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"Creation scientist" is such an overused and misused epithet.
Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists (but I repeat myself) always smugly apply this epithet as if it is supposed to discredit all the science and facts presented. Nota bene: It does not do that. Not remotely.

"Alternative theory" is next in line by them. As if you can't abandon Darwin's Tautology unless and until you have PROVEN something different. Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists ignore the absolute fact that science doesn't work via necessity of some "theory." If Darwin's Tautology, "the fittest survive and those who survive are fittest," fails, it fails and that is that.
And here's the fact: It fails.

"Proof," "proven," yadda, yadda. Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists don't understand that science doesn't do proof. They appear only in mathematics.

"Gravity" equivalence. Oh brother. No physicist on earth says "Gravity is as well established as evolution." Why Darwinists cling to this non-equivalence can only be attributed to their zealous regurgitation of what their handlers pass down to them.

The fossil record fails to support Darwinism.
Lab experiments spanning over 100 years fail to support Darwinism. Oh yes, there's adaptation, but nobody has created any hopeful monsters beginning with fruit flies or bacteria.

Most critical of all, biochemistry refutes the simplistic nonsense wholesale. Biology books present the alphabeticization of "A>B>C>D" pretending that this is somehow meaningful. It isn't. The statistics of polypeptide synthesis by any naturalistic mechanism are insuperable. End of Darwin. Biochemistry was non-existent in 1859. It's very real today and it kills the old school. Dead.
there is no creation theory ......unless you can post it here--can you?

Nobody ever said there is a "creation theory." It's Darwinists/Atheists/Leftists who constantly DEMAND it as a "replacement" for failed Darwinism.

In the same manner, Darwinists/Atheists/Leftists constantly put the phrase in our mouths, "Goddidit." Nobody said such a thing except Darwinists/Atheists/Leftists. It's a common practice by the Left. Make up some nonsense remark and then smear US with what YOU said. This is some of what they claim is their rationality, superior intelligence, and scientific acumen. Clearly it is exactly the opposite.
"Creation scientist" is such an overused and misused epithet.
Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists (but I repeat myself) always smugly apply this epithet as if it is supposed to discredit all the science and facts presented. Nota bene: It does not do that. Not remotely.

"Alternative theory" is next in line by them. As if you can't abandon Darwin's Tautology unless and until you have PROVEN something different. Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists ignore the absolute fact that science doesn't work via necessity of some "theory." If Darwin's Tautology, "the fittest survive and those who survive are fittest," fails, it fails and that is that.
And here's the fact: It fails.

"Proof," "proven," yadda, yadda. Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists don't understand that science doesn't do proof. They appear only in mathematics.

"Gravity" equivalence. Oh brother. No physicist on earth says "Gravity is as well established as evolution." Why Darwinists cling to this non-equivalence can only be attributed to their zealous regurgitation of what their handlers pass down to them.

The fossil record fails to support Darwinism.
Lab experiments spanning over 100 years fail to support Darwinism. Oh yes, there's adaptation, but nobody has created any hopeful monsters beginning with fruit flies or bacteria.

Most critical of all, biochemistry refutes the simplistic nonsense wholesale. Biology books present the alphabeticization of "A>B>C>D" pretending that this is somehow meaningful. It isn't. The statistics of polypeptide synthesis by any naturalistic mechanism are insuperable. End of Darwin. Biochemistry was non-existent in 1859. It's very real today and it kills the old school. Dead.
there is no creation theory ......unless you can post it here--can you?

Nobody ever said there is a "creation theory." It's Darwinists/Atheists/Leftists who constantly DEMAND it as a "replacement" for failed Darwinism.

In the same manner, Darwinists/Atheists/Leftists constantly put the phrase in our mouths, "Goddidit." Nobody said such a thing except Darwinists/Atheists/Leftists. It's a common practice by the Left. Make up some nonsense remark and then smear US with what YOU said. This is some of what they claim is their rationality, superior intelligence, and scientific acumen. Clearly it is exactly the opposite.
Good to hear

In the absence of a creation theory there is nothing else but to acknowledge life evolved from simple creatures.

How it happens, why it happens, step by step how it happened are up for discussion.

What is beyond dispute is that we evolved
"Creation scientist" is such an overused and misused epithet.
Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists (but I repeat myself) always smugly apply this epithet as if it is supposed to discredit all the science and facts presented. Nota bene: It does not do that. Not remotely.

"Alternative theory" is next in line by them. As if you can't abandon Darwin's Tautology unless and until you have PROVEN something different. Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists ignore the absolute fact that science doesn't work via necessity of some "theory." If Darwin's Tautology, "the fittest survive and those who survive are fittest," fails, it fails and that is that.
And here's the fact: It fails.

"Proof," "proven," yadda, yadda. Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists don't understand that science doesn't do proof. They appear only in mathematics.

"Gravity" equivalence. Oh brother. No physicist on earth says "Gravity is as well established as evolution." Why Darwinists cling to this non-equivalence can only be attributed to their zealous regurgitation of what their handlers pass down to them.

The fossil record fails to support Darwinism.
Lab experiments spanning over 100 years fail to support Darwinism. Oh yes, there's adaptation, but nobody has created any hopeful monsters beginning with fruit flies or bacteria.

Most critical of all, biochemistry refutes the simplistic nonsense wholesale. Biology books present the alphabeticization of "A>B>C>D" pretending that this is somehow meaningful. It isn't. The statistics of polypeptide synthesis by any naturalistic mechanism are insuperable. End of Darwin. Biochemistry was non-existent in 1859. It's very real today and it kills the old school. Dead.
there is no creation theory ......unless you can post it here--can you?

Nobody ever said there is a "creation theory." It's Darwinists/Atheists/Leftists who constantly DEMAND it as a "replacement" for failed Darwinism.

In the same manner, Darwinists/Atheists/Leftists constantly put the phrase in our mouths, "Goddidit." Nobody said such a thing except Darwinists/Atheists/Leftists. It's a common practice by the Left. Make up some nonsense remark and then smear US with what YOU said. This is some of what they claim is their rationality, superior intelligence, and scientific acumen. Clearly it is exactly the opposite.
It’s comical to watch the religious extremists do their usual skedaddle when tasked with presenting their General Theory of Supernatural Creation.
"Creation scientist" is such an overused and misused epithet.
Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists (but I repeat myself) always smugly apply this epithet as if it is supposed to discredit all the science and facts presented. Nota bene: It does not do that. Not remotely.

"Alternative theory" is next in line by them. As if you can't abandon Darwin's Tautology unless and until you have PROVEN something different. Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists ignore the absolute fact that science doesn't work via necessity of some "theory." If Darwin's Tautology, "the fittest survive and those who survive are fittest," fails, it fails and that is that.
And here's the fact: It fails.

"Proof," "proven," yadda, yadda. Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists don't understand that science doesn't do proof. They appear only in mathematics.

"Gravity" equivalence. Oh brother. No physicist on earth says "Gravity is as well established as evolution." Why Darwinists cling to this non-equivalence can only be attributed to their zealous regurgitation of what their handlers pass down to them.

The fossil record fails to support Darwinism.
Lab experiments spanning over 100 years fail to support Darwinism. Oh yes, there's adaptation, but nobody has created any hopeful monsters beginning with fruit flies or bacteria.

Most critical of all, biochemistry refutes the simplistic nonsense wholesale. Biology books present the alphabeticization of "A>B>C>D" pretending that this is somehow meaningful. It isn't. The statistics of polypeptide synthesis by any naturalistic mechanism are insuperable. End of Darwin. Biochemistry was non-existent in 1859. It's very real today and it kills the old school. Dead.
You certainly do repeat yourself. Rather, you repeat all the tired slogans and clichés you find at the ICR and Harun Yahya.

You will find it difficult to engage in the subjects of gravity and biological evolution when you lack the knowledge and vocabulary required to discuss those subjects.

I have to believe that’s why you retreat to the “ignore” function for posters who refute your specious opinions.

I’m really surprised you bother to open these silly threads as you’re unable to defend the nonsensical claims you dump into thread after thread.
"You are ignoring content by this member."

Go from the presence of a foolish man. - The Holy Bible, with good advice
"You are ignoring content by this member."

Go from the presence of a foolish man. - The Holy Bible, with good advice
Yes, you read my comment which is why you responded to it.

Yes, that’s a slogan you have used before.

We’re still left to question why you open nonsense threads for no other reason other than to announce your ignorance.
"Creation scientist" is such an overused and misused epithet.
Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists (but I repeat myself) always smugly apply this epithet as if it is supposed to discredit all the science and facts presented. Nota bene: It does not do that. Not remotely.

"Alternative theory" is next in line by them. As if you can't abandon Darwin's Tautology unless and until you have PROVEN something different. Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists ignore the absolute fact that science doesn't work via necessity of some "theory." If Darwin's Tautology, "the fittest survive and those who survive are fittest," fails, it fails and that is that.
And here's the fact: It fails.

"Proof," "proven," yadda, yadda. Leftists/Atheists/Darwinists don't understand that science doesn't do proof. They appear only in mathematics.

"Gravity" equivalence. Oh brother. No physicist on earth says "Gravity is as well established as evolution." Why Darwinists cling to this non-equivalence can only be attributed to their zealous regurgitation of what their handlers pass down to them.

The fossil record fails to support Darwinism.
Lab experiments spanning over 100 years fail to support Darwinism. Oh yes, there's adaptation, but nobody has created any hopeful monsters beginning with fruit flies or bacteria.

Most critical of all, biochemistry refutes the simplistic nonsense wholesale. Biology books present the alphabeticization of "A>B>C>D" pretending that this is somehow meaningful. It isn't. The statistics of polypeptide synthesis by any naturalistic mechanism are insuperable. End of Darwin. Biochemistry was non-existent in 1859. It's very real today and it kills the old school. Dead.
And the religious nutjob way of answering all major earth and universe mysteries, science continues to research.....Simplify it down to...."A big, invisible, all-powerful thingy (that we just happen to look like, because we're the supreme beings on the about ego) did it all."
And the religious nutjob way of answering all major earth and universe mysteries, science continues to research.....Simplify it down to...."A big, invisible, all-powerful thingy (that we just happen to look like, because we're the supreme beings on the about ego) did it all."

People of faith, such as Jews and Christians to name very closely related and scholarly "nutjobs" as you slander us, have won numerous Nobel Prizes, created fine universities for teaching and research. In fact, the Ivy League Colleges all have Christian charters, Mister Hateful Slanderer.
NOBODY but you says "a big invisible all-powerful thingy did it all." You say that and then maliciously attack us with your own mendacity.

Name for the audience ONE, just ONE university with an atheist charter.
Name for the audience ONE, just ONE hospital with an atheist charter.

You can't so why don't you admit you maliciously slander with lies.

In order to establish an explanation as the best, you do not have to have an explanation for the explanation. [That would necessitate explanations all the way down.] The universe has demonstrated that it requires an explanation. God has not. – Illogical Atheism by Bo Jinn, Kindle Section 1989 (Bo is a former militant atheist who could not maintain his foolish paradigm, as so many others like him have likewise failed to do.)

“I just go one god further (in my atheism than do theists).” – Richard Dawkins, who finds this wordplay “an amusing strategy”. This is an example of the “fallacy of pluralism,” which is to say that since multiple representations of the same thing have been suggested, it follows that the very thing itself, therefore, does not exist. – Section 2019

Contemporary atheism does no resolve in the conclusion that God does not exist as much as it begins with it. – Section 2270

If the evidence from sociology is not powerful enough, we now have recent studies from the field of psychology which validate the ridiculousness of this fictional psychological pre-disposition to atheism. – Section 2385

Atheism was not only institutionalized in the USSR, it was brutally prescribed in a manner heinous enough to shame the Taliban. This happens to have been the case all across the Eastern sphere of influence, by the way. - Section 4599

Of 40,000 to 60,000 monks, only 800 to 1000 survived the Cambodian Killing Fields. - Section 4611

The only way to get rid of Christianity is to let it die out little by little. I especially wouldn’t want our movement to acquire a religious character and institute a form of worship. It would be appalling to me. – Adolf Hitler - Section 4641

Once the war was over, Hitler promised himself he would root out and destroy the Christian churches. Benito Mussolini was a staunchly affirmed atheist and anti-cleric. - Section 4706

“the gas chambers of Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Maidanek were ultimately prepared…at the desks and in the lecture halls of nihilistic scientists and philosophers.” – Victor Frankl, psychiatrist and Holocaust Survivor - Section 4751
And the religious nutjob way of answering all major earth and universe mysteries, science continues to research.....Simplify it down to...."A big, invisible, all-powerful thingy (that we just happen to look like, because we're the supreme beings on the about ego) did it all."

People of faith, such as Jews and Christians to name very closely related and scholarly "nutjobs" as you slander us, have won numerous Nobel Prizes, created fine universities for teaching and research. In fact, the Ivy League Colleges all have Christian charters, Mister Hateful Slanderer.
NOBODY but you says "a big invisible all-powerful thingy did it all." You say that and then maliciously attack us with your own mendacity.

Name for the audience ONE, just ONE university with an atheist charter.
Name for the audience ONE, just ONE hospital with an atheist charter.

You can't so why don't you admit you maliciously slander with lies.

In order to establish an explanation as the best, you do not have to have an explanation for the explanation. [That would necessitate explanations all the way down.] The universe has demonstrated that it requires an explanation. God has not. – Illogical Atheism by Bo Jinn, Kindle Section 1989 (Bo is a former militant atheist who could not maintain his foolish paradigm, as so many others like him have likewise failed to do.)

“I just go one god further (in my atheism than do theists).” – Richard Dawkins, who finds this wordplay “an amusing strategy”. This is an example of the “fallacy of pluralism,” which is to say that since multiple representations of the same thing have been suggested, it follows that the very thing itself, therefore, does not exist. – Section 2019

Contemporary atheism does no resolve in the conclusion that God does not exist as much as it begins with it. – Section 2270

If the evidence from sociology is not powerful enough, we now have recent studies from the field of psychology which validate the ridiculousness of this fictional psychological pre-disposition to atheism. – Section 2385

Atheism was not only institutionalized in the USSR, it was brutally prescribed in a manner heinous enough to shame the Taliban. This happens to have been the case all across the Eastern sphere of influence, by the way. - Section 4599

Of 40,000 to 60,000 monks, only 800 to 1000 survived the Cambodian Killing Fields. - Section 4611

The only way to get rid of Christianity is to let it die out little by little. I especially wouldn’t want our movement to acquire a religious character and institute a form of worship. It would be appalling to me. – Adolf Hitler - Section 4641

Once the war was over, Hitler promised himself he would root out and destroy the Christian churches. Benito Mussolini was a staunchly affirmed atheist and anti-cleric. - Section 4706

“the gas chambers of Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Maidanek were ultimately prepared…at the desks and in the lecture halls of nihilistic scientists and philosophers.” – Victor Frankl, psychiatrist and Holocaust Survivor - Section 4751
It’s a shame you’re reduced to cutting and pasting the same slogans from thread to thread.

I suppose we’ll have to wait until your next thread of Christian Taliban gee-had rants for your General Theory of Supernatural Creation.

Do you see any contradiction in colleges and universities teaching those evilutionist atheist Darwinist sciences?

I just gave you an entire new thread of conspiracy theories to explore.
And the religious nutjob way of answering all major earth and universe mysteries, science continues to research.....Simplify it down to...."A big, invisible, all-powerful thingy (that we just happen to look like, because we're the supreme beings on the about ego) did it all."

You mouth off "science" as if you knew something about it.
Why don't you enlighten readers here with some of the "science" you know, in your own words.
Don't cut and paste from someone else. Write your own. Can you do that, or are you limited to slanderous, inane comments such as the one above?
And the religious nutjob way of answering all major earth and universe mysteries, science continues to research.....Simplify it down to...."A big, invisible, all-powerful thingy (that we just happen to look like, because we're the supreme beings on the about ego) did it all."

People of faith, such as Jews and Christians to name very closely related and scholarly "nutjobs" as you slander us, have won numerous Nobel Prizes, created fine universities for teaching and research. In fact, the Ivy League Colleges all have Christian charters, Mister Hateful Slanderer.
NOBODY but you says "a big invisible all-powerful thingy did it all." You say that and then maliciously attack us with your own mendacity.

Name for the audience ONE, just ONE university with an atheist charter.
Name for the audience ONE, just ONE hospital with an atheist charter.

You can't so why don't you admit you maliciously slander with lies.

In order to establish an explanation as the best, you do not have to have an explanation for the explanation. [That would necessitate explanations all the way down.] The universe has demonstrated that it requires an explanation. God has not. – Illogical Atheism by Bo Jinn, Kindle Section 1989 (Bo is a former militant atheist who could not maintain his foolish paradigm, as so many others like him have likewise failed to do.)

“I just go one god further (in my atheism than do theists).” – Richard Dawkins, who finds this wordplay “an amusing strategy”. This is an example of the “fallacy of pluralism,” which is to say that since multiple representations of the same thing have been suggested, it follows that the very thing itself, therefore, does not exist. – Section 2019

Contemporary atheism does no resolve in the conclusion that God does not exist as much as it begins with it. – Section 2270

If the evidence from sociology is not powerful enough, we now have recent studies from the field of psychology which validate the ridiculousness of this fictional psychological pre-disposition to atheism. – Section 2385

Atheism was not only institutionalized in the USSR, it was brutally prescribed in a manner heinous enough to shame the Taliban. This happens to have been the case all across the Eastern sphere of influence, by the way. - Section 4599

Of 40,000 to 60,000 monks, only 800 to 1000 survived the Cambodian Killing Fields. - Section 4611

The only way to get rid of Christianity is to let it die out little by little. I especially wouldn’t want our movement to acquire a religious character and institute a form of worship. It would be appalling to me. – Adolf Hitler - Section 4641

Once the war was over, Hitler promised himself he would root out and destroy the Christian churches. Benito Mussolini was a staunchly affirmed atheist and anti-cleric. - Section 4706

“the gas chambers of Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Maidanek were ultimately prepared…at the desks and in the lecture halls of nihilistic scientists and philosophers.” – Victor Frankl, psychiatrist and Holocaust Survivor - Section 4751
When you say "fine universities" you are indicating that religious universities are independent truly scientifically based universities. Not so. Whether the religious facility is run by Catholics, Muslims, or Jews, they lift up their so-called, holy books and spout that at the core of our and the universes origin, is cited in their holy book.
A snake talks to a woman.....pahleez! It's laughable.
A single entity just whips up a universe....pahleez!...It too is laughable.
Those books were written when mankind/womankind were extremely superstitious and would believe whatever crap they were fed.
People were killed by governments for disagreeing with religious clerics. Major wars killed massive numbers of people...reason...religious fervor.
It's evil and is the bane of humanity and has been for many millennia.
And the religious nutjob way of answering all major earth and universe mysteries, science continues to research.....Simplify it down to...."A big, invisible, all-powerful thingy (that we just happen to look like, because we're the supreme beings on the about ego) did it all."

People of faith, such as Jews and Christians to name very closely related and scholarly "nutjobs" as you slander us, have won numerous Nobel Prizes, created fine universities for teaching and research. In fact, the Ivy League Colleges all have Christian charters, Mister Hateful Slanderer.
NOBODY but you says "a big invisible all-powerful thingy did it all." You say that and then maliciously attack us with your own mendacity.

Name for the audience ONE, just ONE university with an atheist charter.
Name for the audience ONE, just ONE hospital with an atheist charter.

You can't so why don't you admit you maliciously slander with lies.

In order to establish an explanation as the best, you do not have to have an explanation for the explanation. [That would necessitate explanations all the way down.] The universe has demonstrated that it requires an explanation. God has not. – Illogical Atheism by Bo Jinn, Kindle Section 1989 (Bo is a former militant atheist who could not maintain his foolish paradigm, as so many others like him have likewise failed to do.)

“I just go one god further (in my atheism than do theists).” – Richard Dawkins, who finds this wordplay “an amusing strategy”. This is an example of the “fallacy of pluralism,” which is to say that since multiple representations of the same thing have been suggested, it follows that the very thing itself, therefore, does not exist. – Section 2019

Contemporary atheism does no resolve in the conclusion that God does not exist as much as it begins with it. – Section 2270

If the evidence from sociology is not powerful enough, we now have recent studies from the field of psychology which validate the ridiculousness of this fictional psychological pre-disposition to atheism. – Section 2385

Atheism was not only institutionalized in the USSR, it was brutally prescribed in a manner heinous enough to shame the Taliban. This happens to have been the case all across the Eastern sphere of influence, by the way. - Section 4599

Of 40,000 to 60,000 monks, only 800 to 1000 survived the Cambodian Killing Fields. - Section 4611

The only way to get rid of Christianity is to let it die out little by little. I especially wouldn’t want our movement to acquire a religious character and institute a form of worship. It would be appalling to me. – Adolf Hitler - Section 4641

Once the war was over, Hitler promised himself he would root out and destroy the Christian churches. Benito Mussolini was a staunchly affirmed atheist and anti-cleric. - Section 4706

“the gas chambers of Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Maidanek were ultimately prepared…at the desks and in the lecture halls of nihilistic scientists and philosophers.” – Victor Frankl, psychiatrist and Holocaust Survivor - Section 4751
When you say "fine universities" you are indicating that religious universities are independent truly scientifically based universities. Not so. Whether the religious facility is run by Catholics, Muslims, or Jews, they lift up their so-called, holy books and spout that at the core of our and the universes origin, is cited in their holy book.
A snake talks to a woman.....pahleez! It's laughable.
A single entity just whips up a universe....pahleez!...It too is laughable.
Those books were written when mankind/womankind were extremely superstitious and would believe whatever crap they were fed.
People were killed by governments for disagreeing with religious clerics. Major wars killed massive numbers of people...reason...religious fervor.
It's evil and is the bane of humanity and has been for many millennia.

You contribute nothing to any discussion except your own ignorance. I've tried to help you grow up and learn, but like so many Leftists, you don't want to learn. That would require you to admit that your emotional outbursts were utterly misplaced. Leftists almost never do that.
So my Ignore List just grew by you. So many here are not worth twenty seconds of bother. You're just the latest. "Go from the presence of a foolish man."

ciao brutto
It’s comical to watch the religious extremists do their usual skedaddle when tasked with presenting their General Theory of Supernatural Creation.

He/she who laughs last laughs best. What are you going to do when you find out you were wrong after death? Hope you like hot climates.

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