At this point, does President BoneSpur have any credibility?

No it wasn't. Calling Mccain not war hero is an opinion, already stated.
Denying McCain is a war hero is attacking him. Saying, ”I like people who weren’t captured,” is an attack on every POW.

Claiming someone who endured five years of torture for their country is not a hero is despicable
Hey, c'mon now. Trump endured torture in service of his country.
Donald Trump said:
“It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world, it is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”
Because its fun pointing out how much of a coward he is for dodging the draft.

I remember the left made heroes of draft card burners. Now you seem to hate someone for getting out of the war you hated.. In case you were unaware a whole lot of people fought to stay out of the draft in those days. But you single out one person when pretty much everyone on your side of aisle did the same thing. Where was Bill C. during that war? I'd bet a dollar to a doughnut you have never posted about that.
You must be really old. I wasnt around when this occurred. Try another gambit.

Let me see if I follow how it works with you on this, Milkweed...

You weren't "around" when Bill Clinton dodged the Vietnam War draft by going to college in England...but you WERE around when Donald Trump dodged the Vietnam War with a medical deferment? You do realize that we're talking about the same Vietnam War...right? :confused-84::confused-84::confused-84:
Even before President BoneSpur became president, he was known for having stiffed hundreds of workers after promising to pay them and signing contracts. Stiffing them ruined lives and caused hardship to innocent people.

Boy Scouts refute President Trump's claim that chief said he gave 'greatest speech'

A half dozen witnesses were in a car on speaker phone when President BoneSpur said, "He knew what he signed up for".

President BoneSpur had a charitable foundation which is under criminal investigation. Seems President BoneSpur didn't contribute money and used the money that was contributed to buy stuff for the family and pay off lawsuits.


So, does President BoneSpur have any credibility at this point? Any at all?
And if he does, with whom? After all the this, who could possibly believe anything he says?

Ok, fair enough. And what branch of the military did Obama serve in?

He was in the Choom Corps! Or the Choom Special Forces! Something like that! I think he was a Choom Commander!
Because its fun pointing out how much of a coward he is for dodging the draft.

I remember the left made heroes of draft card burners. Now you seem to hate someone for getting out of the war you hated.. In case you were unaware a whole lot of people fought to stay out of the draft in those days. But you single out one person when pretty much everyone on your side of aisle did the same thing. Where was Bill C. during that war? I'd bet a dollar to a doughnut you have never posted about that.
You must be really old. I wasnt around when this occurred. Try another gambit.

Let me see if I follow how it works with you on this, Milkweed...

You weren't "around" when Bill Clinton dodged the Vietnam War draft by going to college in England...but you WERE around when Donald Trump dodged the Vietnam War with a medical deferment? You do realize that we're talking about the same Vietnam War...right? :confused-84::confused-84::confused-84:
  • There is one glaring difference here in that Clinton did not put down prisoners of war, did not dis Gold Star families, did not make insulting 'condolence' calls to the widows of fallen soldiers. Though he may have avoided the draft, he did not insult those who went, as opposed to the man of squalid character, Donald Jackass Trump.
Because its fun pointing out how much of a coward he is for dodging the draft.

I remember the left made heroes of draft card burners. Now you seem to hate someone for getting out of the war you hated.. In case you were unaware a whole lot of people fought to stay out of the draft in those days. But you single out one person when pretty much everyone on your side of aisle did the same thing. Where was Bill C. during that war? I'd bet a dollar to a doughnut you have never posted about that.
You must be really old. I wasnt around when this occurred. Try another gambit.

Let me see if I follow how it works with you on this, Milkweed...

You weren't "around" when Bill Clinton dodged the Vietnam War draft by going to college in England...but you WERE around when Donald Trump dodged the Vietnam War with a medical deferment? You do realize that we're talking about the same Vietnam War...right? :confused-84::confused-84::confused-84:
There is one glaring difference here in that Clinton did not put down prisoners of war, did not dis Gold Star families, did not make insulting 'condolence' calls to the widows of fallen soldiers. Though he may have avoided the draft, he did not insult those who went, as opposed to the man of squalid character, Donald Trump.

I hate to point out the obvious, Esmeralda...but it's difficult to make condolence calls of any kind to the widows of fallen soldiers when the nation that you're President of isn't at war during your Presidency!

And if you're going to invoke a "character" clause for Presidents...don't make me laugh by claiming Slick Willie was some kind of role model!
Because its fun pointing out how much of a coward he is for dodging the draft.

I remember the left made heroes of draft card burners. Now you seem to hate someone for getting out of the war you hated.. In case you were unaware a whole lot of people fought to stay out of the draft in those days. But you single out one person when pretty much everyone on your side of aisle did the same thing. Where was Bill C. during that war? I'd bet a dollar to a doughnut you have never posted about that.
You must be really old. I wasnt around when this occurred. Try another gambit.

Let me see if I follow how it works with you on this, Milkweed...

You weren't "around" when Bill Clinton dodged the Vietnam War draft by going to college in England...but you WERE around when Donald Trump dodged the Vietnam War with a medical deferment? You do realize that we're talking about the same Vietnam War...right? :confused-84::confused-84::confused-84:
There is one glaring difference here in that Clinton did not put down prisoners of war, did not dis Gold Star families, did not make insulting 'condolence' calls to the widows of fallen soldiers. Though he may have avoided the draft, he did not insult those who went, as opposed to the man of squalid character, Donald Trump.

I hate to point out the obvious, Esmeralda...but it's difficult to make condolence calls of any kind to the widows of fallen soldiers when the nation that you're President isn't at war during your Presidency!

And if you're going to invoke a "character" clause for Presidents...don't make me laugh by claiming Slick Willie was some kind of role model!
Trump's character is a load of shit in the toilet: he is a pathelogical liar, he is a serial woman molester and brags about it, he attacks anyone who crosses him or disagrees with him and brags about how he will get revenge. Compared to him, Clinton is a paragon of virtue. As for difficulty: the job of US president is difficult. Trump cannot handle it because of his deathly weak and low character,
I remember the left made heroes of draft card burners. Now you seem to hate someone for getting out of the war you hated.. In case you were unaware a whole lot of people fought to stay out of the draft in those days. But you single out one person when pretty much everyone on your side of aisle did the same thing. Where was Bill C. during that war? I'd bet a dollar to a doughnut you have never posted about that.
You must be really old. I wasnt around when this occurred. Try another gambit.

Let me see if I follow how it works with you on this, Milkweed...

You weren't "around" when Bill Clinton dodged the Vietnam War draft by going to college in England...but you WERE around when Donald Trump dodged the Vietnam War with a medical deferment? You do realize that we're talking about the same Vietnam War...right? :confused-84::confused-84::confused-84:
There is one glaring difference here in that Clinton did not put down prisoners of war, did not dis Gold Star families, did not make insulting 'condolence' calls to the widows of fallen soldiers. Though he may have avoided the draft, he did not insult those who went, as opposed to the man of squalid character, Donald Trump.

I hate to point out the obvious, Esmeralda...but it's difficult to make condolence calls of any kind to the widows of fallen soldiers when the nation that you're President isn't at war during your Presidency!

And if you're going to invoke a "character" clause for Presidents...don't make me laugh by claiming Slick Willie was some kind of role model!
Trump's character is a load of shit in the toilet: he is a pathelogical liar, he is a serial woman molester and brags about it, he attacks anyone who crosses him or disagrees with him and brags about how he will get revenge. Compared to him, Clinton is a paragon of virtue. As for difficulty: the job of US president is difficult. Trump cannot handle it because of his deathly weak and low character,

Once again, Esmeralda...I hate to point out the inconvenient truth but Bill Clinton was a pathological liar...a serial woman molester who hid what he did...and the Clinton's have attacked dozens of the people who crossed them over the years. How does any of THAT make Clinton a paragon of virtue? He and his wife are sleazy politicians who have made themselves filthy rich trading political favors for cash!
At this point, President Trump has shown remarkable character. The early Halloween cowgirl joke, has lost what little she had and the widow is just embarrassing.
You must be really old. I wasnt around when this occurred. Try another gambit.

Let me see if I follow how it works with you on this, Milkweed...

You weren't "around" when Bill Clinton dodged the Vietnam War draft by going to college in England...but you WERE around when Donald Trump dodged the Vietnam War with a medical deferment? You do realize that we're talking about the same Vietnam War...right? :confused-84::confused-84::confused-84:
There is one glaring difference here in that Clinton did not put down prisoners of war, did not dis Gold Star families, did not make insulting 'condolence' calls to the widows of fallen soldiers. Though he may have avoided the draft, he did not insult those who went, as opposed to the man of squalid character, Donald Trump.

I hate to point out the obvious, Esmeralda...but it's difficult to make condolence calls of any kind to the widows of fallen soldiers when the nation that you're President isn't at war during your Presidency!

And if you're going to invoke a "character" clause for Presidents...don't make me laugh by claiming Slick Willie was some kind of role model!
Trump's character is a load of shit in the toilet: he is a pathelogical liar, he is a serial woman molester and brags about it, he attacks anyone who crosses him or disagrees with him and brags about how he will get revenge. Compared to him, Clinton is a paragon of virtue. As for difficulty: the job of US president is difficult. Trump cannot handle it because of his deathly weak and low character,

Once again, Esmeralda...I hate to point out the inconvenient truth but Bill Clinton was a pathological liar...a serial woman molester who hid what he did...and the Clinton's have attacked dozens of the people who crossed them over the years. How does any of THAT make Clinton a paragon of virtue? He and his wife are sleazy politicians who have made themselves filthy rich trading political favors for cash!
Most of what they are accused of is right wing propaganda; whereas, we witness Trump's lying daily, we heard him bragging about molesting women, he is on video talking about how he will get even with people, he is being sued for scamming people with his so called university, etc. We see and witness all of this stuff daily.
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Let me see if I follow how it works with you on this, Milkweed...

You weren't "around" when Bill Clinton dodged the Vietnam War draft by going to college in England...but you WERE around when Donald Trump dodged the Vietnam War with a medical deferment? You do realize that we're talking about the same Vietnam War...right? :confused-84::confused-84::confused-84:
There is one glaring difference here in that Clinton did not put down prisoners of war, did not dis Gold Star families, did not make insulting 'condolence' calls to the widows of fallen soldiers. Though he may have avoided the draft, he did not insult those who went, as opposed to the man of squalid character, Donald Trump.

I hate to point out the obvious, Esmeralda...but it's difficult to make condolence calls of any kind to the widows of fallen soldiers when the nation that you're President isn't at war during your Presidency!

And if you're going to invoke a "character" clause for Presidents...don't make me laugh by claiming Slick Willie was some kind of role model!
Trump's character is a load of shit in the toilet: he is a pathelogical liar, he is a serial woman molester and brags about it, he attacks anyone who crosses him or disagrees with him and brags about how he will get revenge. Compared to him, Clinton is a paragon of virtue. As for difficulty: the job of US president is difficult. Trump cannot handle it because of his deathly weak and low character,

Once again, Esmeralda...I hate to point out the inconvenient truth but Bill Clinton was a pathological liar...a serial woman molester who hid what he did...and the Clinton's have attacked dozens of the people who crossed them over the years. How does any of THAT make Clinton a paragon of virtue? He and his wife are sleazy politicians who have made themselves filthy rich trading political favors for cash!
Most of what they are accused of is right wing propaganda; whereas, we witness Trump's lying daily, we heard him bragging about molesting women, he is on video talking about how he will get even with people, he is being sued for scamming people with his so called university, etc. We see and witness all of this stuff daily.

But you don't think that's "left wing propaganda"?

The major difference between Trump and the Clinton's is that Trump made his money in the Private Sector as a businessman...the Clinton's made their money in the Public Sector exchanging political favors for cash payoffs disguised as contributions to their Foundation and as "speaking fees". Do you really not grasp what it is that they've done over the years? Can you really be THAT obtuse, Esmeralda?
There is one glaring difference here in that Clinton did not put down prisoners of war, did not dis Gold Star families, did not make insulting 'condolence' calls to the widows of fallen soldiers. Though he may have avoided the draft, he did not insult those who went, as opposed to the man of squalid character, Donald Trump.

I hate to point out the obvious, Esmeralda...but it's difficult to make condolence calls of any kind to the widows of fallen soldiers when the nation that you're President isn't at war during your Presidency!

And if you're going to invoke a "character" clause for Presidents...don't make me laugh by claiming Slick Willie was some kind of role model!
Trump's character is a load of shit in the toilet: he is a pathelogical liar, he is a serial woman molester and brags about it, he attacks anyone who crosses him or disagrees with him and brags about how he will get revenge. Compared to him, Clinton is a paragon of virtue. As for difficulty: the job of US president is difficult. Trump cannot handle it because of his deathly weak and low character,

Once again, Esmeralda...I hate to point out the inconvenient truth but Bill Clinton was a pathological liar...a serial woman molester who hid what he did...and the Clinton's have attacked dozens of the people who crossed them over the years. How does any of THAT make Clinton a paragon of virtue? He and his wife are sleazy politicians who have made themselves filthy rich trading political favors for cash!
Most of what they are accused of is right wing propaganda; whereas, we witness Trump's lying daily, we heard him bragging about molesting women, he is on video talking about how he will get even with people, he is being sued for scamming people with his so called university, etc. We see and witness all of this stuff daily.

But you don't think that's "left wing propaganda"?

The major difference between Trump and the Clinton's is that Trump made his money in the Private Sector as a businessman...the Clinton's made their money in the Public Sector exchanging political favors for cash payoffs disguised as contributions to their Foundation and as "speaking fees". Do you really not grasp what it is that they've done over the years? Can you really be THAT obtuse, Esmeralda?
Can you really be that stupid and partisan? From the beginning right wing propaganda has been after the Clintons. Their foundation has been found to have done no wrong; it was only accusations and that is about the truth for most of the things you are saying they have done, accusations, which you choose to believe because of partisanship. In contrast, Trump's foundation has been found to be in the wrong; we see Trump caught in lies daily. We have him on video and audio saying disgusting things about women and claiming he will pay back people whom he perceives have harmed him in some way. We see him lying to us about everything under the sun, like what he said to the widow of a fallen soldier. We have present behavior right before us daily and his past behavior on video and tape, In contrast, the ONLY thing against Clinton that is real, the rest being all accusations, is some sperm on a dress,
Even before President BoneSpur became president, he was known for having stiffed hundreds of workers after promising to pay them and signing contracts. Stiffing them ruined lives and caused hardship to innocent people.

Boy Scouts refute President Trump's claim that chief said he gave 'greatest speech'

A half dozen witnesses were in a car on speaker phone when President BoneSpur said, "He knew what he signed up for".

President BoneSpur had a charitable foundation which is under criminal investigation. Seems President BoneSpur didn't contribute money and used the money that was contributed to buy stuff for the family and pay off lawsuits.


So, does President BoneSpur have any credibility at this point? Any at all?
And if he does, with whom? After all the this, who could possibly believe anything he says?
Yes, he kept Hillary out of the white house.
Yes, she might have been able to get healthcare for even more people the bitch. Or kept us the world leader. No one wants that.

Conservatives would whether have mass suffering and extreme debt destroying peoples lives than admit that single payer is the better option.

Single payer is a disaster waiting to happen. All you have to do is look at Britain or Canada and witness the failure of these systems.
Both systems are far better than ours: everyone is taken care of for cheaper and they live longer and healthier.

The complaint about waiting lines is . . . a whiny nothingburger. So what? Those that need it the most get it the quickest. As it should be.
/----/ "Both systems are far better than ours: everyone is taken care of for cheaper and they live longer and healthier." And yet they still come to America to get treatment denied by their wonderful single payer. Go figure.
Canadians Increasingly Come to U.S. For Health Care | Best ...
Aug 3, 2016 - ... some Canadians are heading to the U.S. for medical treatment. ... health-care system, many Americans look at the Canadian system with ...
/—-/ Then why post it if you don’t care?
Because its fun pointing out how much of a coward he is for dodging the draft.
/----/ You don't even know what dodging the draft means. You think it's anyone who didn't serve, which would including Bill Clinton, your moral hero.
See? You think youre a mind reader. I cant stand Bill Clinton and yes I know what dodging the draft means. Drumpf dodged the draft. See?
/----/ What laws did Trump break?
Definition of draft dodger
:a person who illegally avoids joining the armed forces
5 deferments?
/----/ SO? A college students received deferments on a regular basis. It doesn't make them cowards. BTW, Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, received five student draft deferments during the Vietnam War,
Can you really be that stupid and partisan? From the beginning right wing propaganda has been after the Clintons. Their foundation has been found to have done no wrong; it was only accusations and that is about the truth for most of the things you are saying they have done, accusations, which you choose to believe because of partisanship. In contrast, Trump's foundation has been found to be in the wrong; we see Trump caught in lies daily. We have him on video and audio saying disgusting things about women and claiming he will pay back people whom he perceives have harmed him in some way. We see him lying to us about everything under the sun, like what he said to the widow of a fallen soldier. We have present behavior right before us daily and his past behavior on video and tape, In contrast, the ONLY thing against Clinton that is real, the rest being all accusations, is some sperm on a dress,

I am not quite sure Special Counsel Mueller is looking at sperm stains on a dress right now ... The funny part is that the Democrats demanded it ... :thup:

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Even before President BoneSpur became president, he was known for having stiffed hundreds of workers after promising to pay them and signing contracts. Stiffing them ruined lives and caused hardship to innocent people.

Boy Scouts refute President Trump's claim that chief said he gave 'greatest speech'

A half dozen witnesses were in a car on speaker phone when President BoneSpur said, "He knew what he signed up for".

President BoneSpur had a charitable foundation which is under criminal investigation. Seems President BoneSpur didn't contribute money and used the money that was contributed to buy stuff for the family and pay off lawsuits.


So, does President BoneSpur have any credibility at this point? Any at all?
And if he does, with whom? After all the this, who could possibly believe anything he says?

At this point, your the only one that cares.
I hate to point out the obvious, Esmeralda...but it's difficult to make condolence calls of any kind to the widows of fallen soldiers when the nation that you're President isn't at war during your Presidency!

And if you're going to invoke a "character" clause for Presidents...don't make me laugh by claiming Slick Willie was some kind of role model!
Trump's character is a load of shit in the toilet: he is a pathelogical liar, he is a serial woman molester and brags about it, he attacks anyone who crosses him or disagrees with him and brags about how he will get revenge. Compared to him, Clinton is a paragon of virtue. As for difficulty: the job of US president is difficult. Trump cannot handle it because of his deathly weak and low character,

Once again, Esmeralda...I hate to point out the inconvenient truth but Bill Clinton was a pathological liar...a serial woman molester who hid what he did...and the Clinton's have attacked dozens of the people who crossed them over the years. How does any of THAT make Clinton a paragon of virtue? He and his wife are sleazy politicians who have made themselves filthy rich trading political favors for cash!
Most of what they are accused of is right wing propaganda; whereas, we witness Trump's lying daily, we heard him bragging about molesting women, he is on video talking about how he will get even with people, he is being sued for scamming people with his so called university, etc. We see and witness all of this stuff daily.

But you don't think that's "left wing propaganda"?

The major difference between Trump and the Clinton's is that Trump made his money in the Private Sector as a businessman...the Clinton's made their money in the Public Sector exchanging political favors for cash payoffs disguised as contributions to their Foundation and as "speaking fees". Do you really not grasp what it is that they've done over the years? Can you really be THAT obtuse, Esmeralda?
Can you really be that stupid and partisan? From the beginning right wing propaganda has been after the Clintons. Their foundation has been found to have done no wrong; it was only accusations and that is about the truth for most of the things you are saying they have done, accusations, which you choose to believe because of partisanship. In contrast, Trump's foundation has been found to be in the wrong; we see Trump caught in lies daily. We have him on video and audio saying disgusting things about women and claiming he will pay back people whom he perceives have harmed him in some way. We see him lying to us about everything under the sun, like what he said to the widow of a fallen soldier. We have present behavior right before us daily and his past behavior on video and tape, In contrast, the ONLY thing against Clinton that is real, the rest being all accusations, is some sperm on a dress,
They can’t defend trump so they deflect. Right out of page #1 of their playbook.

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