At this point, does President BoneSpur have any credibility?

Trash talking is trash talking.

If I say someone isn't a war hero, that's an opinion.

Is trump not entitled to an opinion?

The only fucking reason you give a SHIT about McCain is he has voted against everything Trump stood for. He's the best democrat ya'll have.
Trash talking is trash talking.

If I say someone isn't a war hero, that's an opinion.

Is trump not entitled to an opinion?

The only fucking reason you give a SHIT about McCain is he has voted against everything Trump stood for. He's the best democrat ya'll have.
Can you give us an example of trash talking then? I'm just curious.
Trash talking is trash talking.

If I say someone isn't a war hero, that's an opinion.

Is trump not entitled to an opinion?

The only fucking reason you give a SHIT about McCain is he has voted against everything Trump stood for. He's the best democrat ya'll have.
Can you give us an example of trash talking then? I'm just curious.

Preston: ESPN's Cowherd wrong to trash talk our military personnel | Human Events

This is trash talking and stereotyping the entire military. This is also the start of ESPN's liberal attacks. This is not an opinion, its a disgusting stereotype of the entire military.

THIS is trash talking.
Trash talking is trash talking.

If I say someone isn't a war hero, that's an opinion.

Is trump not entitled to an opinion?

The only fucking reason you give a SHIT about McCain is he has voted against everything Trump stood for. He's the best democrat ya'll have.
Can you give us an example of trash talking then? I'm just curious.

Preston: ESPN's Cowherd wrong to trash talk our military personnel | Human Events

This is trash talking and stereotyping the entire military. This is also the start of ESPN's liberal attacks. This is not an opinion, its a disgusting stereotype of the entire military.

THIS is trash talking.
How is that different from what Drumpf said about McCain?
Denying McCain is a war hero is attacking him. Saying, ”I like people who weren’t captured,” is an attack on every POW.

I cannot seem to remember Senator McCain crying about it ... :dunno:
Oh ... That's right ... He didn't.

Trash talking is trash talking.

If I say someone isn't a war hero, that's an opinion.

Is trump not entitled to an opinion?

The only fucking reason you give a SHIT about McCain is he has voted against everything Trump stood for. He's the best democrat ya'll have.

I lived in AZ for more than 25 years and never missed the opportunity to vote against McCain. BUT, I would never demean or ridicule his military service or his time as a POW.

You are defending the indefensible.

Clinton was a known draft dodger and the left was silent for 8 years.

NYT from 1992:

Bill Clinton's Vietnam Test

Interesting, we shouldn't judge Clinton back in 1992 on his draft dodging but on his merits. Yet 25 years later, it's good for the left to judge Trump on him getting out of the war with legitimate medical issue. Not on his merits, but on his Clinton-esque behavior, which is of course, acceptable for Clinton.

So in short, liberals, shut the fuck up and stop acting like you give a shit what Trump did in 1966. You're the biggest pile of hypocritical horseshit sleazy people I've ever seen.

So your defense is Trump did it because Clinton did it but when Clinton did it it was bad but not when Trump did the same?

That's your defense?
Well also because a preadolescent Obama draft dodged the Vietnam conflict.

Obama didn't serve, Clinton didn't serve, Trump didn't serve. Liberals only care about the latter. Why is that?
I don’t recall Clinton or Obama trash talking gold star families?

Khan went after Trump and entered the political ring. Trump never went after the family. And Trump has not trash talked the Johnson family.
Khan lost a son to his country

For this, Trump wants to ban him and his relatives from this country BECAUSE OF RELIGION
Funny, draft dodging is a crime. Yet, I can't seem to find a link showing anywhere where Trump was charged with the crime of draft dodging.

In fact, Clinton did the same thing and the left was SILENT.

Faux outrage. Move on.
Faux outrage. Move on.

I am pretty sure the faux outrage goes both ways.

People running around like their pants are on fire over President Trump, Senator McCain, Colin Kaepernick, The National Anthem ... Yadda-yadda-yadda.
People talking about what respect means ... Talking about how we should treat soldiers for their service.

When I joined the service ... This is the oath I took:

"I, (NAME), do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

It doesn't say jack shit about the flag ...
It doesn't say anything about the National Anthem ...
It doesn't say anything about Senator McCain's war service ...
Where it does say something about the President, it only refers to orders ...

Before I would get upset or offended about any of that crap ... I would rather gut half these bitches around here for their constant and relentless assault on the Constitution.
That's what I took an oath to uphold ... So let's just be thankful I am willing to cut these goat smelling, stupid as$&#*%!!*%$@!**%#@&& 's some slack.

As far as President Trump and his comments about Senator McCain ... They were tacky and uncouth.
I could say the same thing about Hillary Clinton's wardrobe ... Big deal.


more credibility than Bill, more than Hillary, more than Barack.


that's a damn low bar.
Except that Bill and Obama were great presidents. Under them, Americans got healthcare and the economy did well.

The GOP ruined the economy under Bush, the guy Bannon said was the most destructive president ever. And under President BoneSpur, the American people, tens of millions could lose healthcare.

And the GOP wants to cut trillions including Medicare and Medicaid to give tax cuts to billionaires. Even worse than the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts. That can't be denied.

Only R-Derp would call the eight years of stagnant economic growth despite pouring trillions of stimulus into the economy under Obama as "doing well"!

Note to liberal idiots...I had healthcare BEFORE the Affordable Care Act!
Trillions? Really?

Why not Ga Zillions?


No it wasn't. Calling Mccain not war hero is an opinion, already stated.
Denying McCain is a war hero is attacking him. Saying, ”I like people who weren’t captured,” is an attack on every POW.

Claiming someone who endured five years of torture for their country is not a hero is despicable
Because Trump likes people who weren't captured. Like Trump. He was never captured.

But he has been "found out".

It doesn't bother his "base". Because being a cult figure has it's perks.
Denying McCain is a war hero is attacking him. Saying, ”I like people who weren’t captured,” is an attack on every POW.

I cannot seem to remember Senator McCain crying about it ... :dunno:
Oh ... That's right ... He didn't.


Someone is only insulted if they cry?

That may be true for trump but not for real men.

Someone is only insulted if they cry?

That may be true for trump but not for real men.

Actually I thought Senator McCain handled it fairly well ... :thup:
He certainly doesn't need you worrying about him ... Wuss.

You gotta do a lot of walking to golf. You only cart between holes. Does Trump do all that walking with bone spurs? Must be painful.

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