At least these 25 people weren't killed with a gun...they were killed with fire, so much better...

Over 22,000 of them were suicide...... you keep lying, you asshat.

Dead is dead.... they'd be alive if there wasn't a gun in the house.

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives.

no, they don't. Even if you accept the absurd number of 1.1 million DGU's, most of those were to prevent property crimes, not save lives.

Of course, the number is utter bullshit, so there's no point arguing it.

The FBI lists 200 uses of firearms in JUSTIFIABLE homicides a year.

So if you take yotterly silly number, of 1.1 million, you'd have to believe that in 1,099,800 cases were you had a desperate criminal and a scared guy compensating for a tiny pecker, the mere sight of a gun got the criminal to back off.

It's silly.
I've been over this with 2A before
there are NOT 1 million SD uses
it makes ALL his arguments RIDICULOUS--like the pool argument
their brains are so warped they believe this CRAZY crap was a SURVEY where they SURVEYED a few thousand people and ASKED them about their firearm use..then they extrapolated the data
..they are not logged in/not documented--not reported to police/etc
.....some other gun nut ADMITTED the [ hahahhaha ] SD users do not report their SD use!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for fear they would be ''arrested'''/etc [ HAHAHAHAH ] for using their firearm for SD!!
IDIOCY--this IS idiocy

..if there were 1 million SD uses, that would mean there would be over 60 SD uses for every ONE murder !!!! = ridiculous/impossible
..and if true, that would mean the US crime rate is much higher than reported
..actually I put out the facts [ not a SURVEY ] long ago where there are dozens of murders per every SD use....

17 different studies shitstain......and they all came out with those numbers....including the vaunted Centers for Disease Control, and the Department of Justice....actual researchers using research techniques used for every other thing they study....
they use the SURVEY
1.1 MILLION--your brain is washed
there is NOW WAY there are 1.1 MILLION

You don't believe it because feelings.
they are not documented at all
they extrapolated surveys are a fascist...we get it, you don't have to remind us....

The Pulse Night Club muslim shooter had an extensive background check for his job. He passed a separate background check for each gun he purchased.

Then that check was INADEQUATE.

Here's the gag. EVERY time we have a mass shooting, we find out from this friends, co-workers, and family that he was completely nuts.

In Omar's case, all his coworkers saw how he talked smack about ISIS, and his facebook activity was kind of the same.

A background check would have revealed that.

Besides the Pusle Night Club shooter, the Parkland shooter had over 30 police interactions and several arrests......he committed felonies by brining a knife and gun magazine onto his high school campus...but your doofus....obama, allowed him to walk on all of it because of his "Promise Program." He then passed a background check for those fascist doofus.....

Somehow, I doubt Obama did that personally.

If the background check had talked to his school or the Sheriff's, then they'd have known this.

So here's the deal. We will leave background checks ENTIRELY to the Gun Industry. They can set up the background checks and run them.

And if they sell a gun to the wrong guy, they can be held financially liable. Maybe criminally.
It is such a pleasure to fly the friendly skies. So enjoyable. Why don't you look up a film called "Shadow on the Land". It is about an authoritiarian government that rules our nation. A low budget 1960's TV film that was proposed as a series. All of these channels on cable TV and they never show that. See the rights you lost you spastic azz. Laws are in place for it all. One other thing. The naziism of the airline industry has kept to many women as stewardesses working as aging beasts and what is worse act like Hitler type frauleins.

Given the sexist attitudes towards flight attendants when they used to be called "Stewardresses", this isn't a bad thing. They are professional.
It is such a pleasure to fly the friendly skies. So enjoyable. Why don't you look up a film called "Shadow on the Land". It is about an authoritiarian government that rules our nation. A low budget 1960's TV film that was proposed as a series. All of these channels on cable TV and they never show that. See the rights you lost you spastic azz. Laws are in place for it all. One other thing. The naziism of the airline industry has kept to many women as stewardesses working as aging beasts and what is worse act like Hitler type frauleins.

Given the sexist attitudes towards flight attendants when they used to be called "Stewardresses", this isn't a bad thing. They are professional.
Political correctness makes people fucking retarded are a fascist...we get it, you don't have to remind us....

The Pulse Night Club muslim shooter had an extensive background check for his job. He passed a separate background check for each gun he purchased.

Then that check was INADEQUATE.

Here's the gag. EVERY time we have a mass shooting, we find out from this friends, co-workers, and family that he was completely nuts.

In Omar's case, all his coworkers saw how he talked smack about ISIS, and his facebook activity was kind of the same.

A background check would have revealed that.

Besides the Pusle Night Club shooter, the Parkland shooter had over 30 police interactions and several arrests......he committed felonies by brining a knife and gun magazine onto his high school campus...but your doofus....obama, allowed him to walk on all of it because of his "Promise Program." He then passed a background check for those fascist doofus.....

Somehow, I doubt Obama did that personally.

If the background check had talked to his school or the Sheriff's, then they'd have known this.

So here's the deal. We will leave background checks ENTIRELY to the Gun Industry. They can set up the background checks and run them.

And if they sell a gun to the wrong guy, they can be held financially liable. Maybe criminally.

Moron......the cops knew the parkland shooter was dangerous and refused to arrest him.....any one of which arrests would have barred him in a background check...a current background check...but because of obama's 'promise program" the didn't arrest him so that he wouldn't have that criminal moron.....

You are a moron.....
Moron......the cops knew the parkland shooter was dangerous and refused to arrest him.....any one of which arrests would have barred him in a background check...a current background check...but because of obama's 'promise program" the didn't arrest him so that he wouldn't have that criminal moron.....

He actually hadn't committed any crimes... that was the problem.

Hey, here's an idea. Let's not wait for the cops to arrest you to keep you from getting a gun!
It is such a pleasure to fly the friendly skies. So enjoyable. Why don't you look up a film called "Shadow on the Land". It is about an authoritiarian government that rules our nation. A low budget 1960's TV film that was proposed as a series. All of these channels on cable TV and they never show that. See the rights you lost you spastic azz. Laws are in place for it all. One other thing. The naziism of the airline industry has kept to many women as stewardesses working as aging beasts and what is worse act like Hitler type frauleins.

Given the sexist attitudes towards flight attendants when they used to be called "Stewardresses", this isn't a bad thing. They are professional.
Woman killed by pet rooster who pecked at her as she collected eggs from garden

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