At Last, Violence Against Women Act Lets Tribes Prosecute Non-Native Domestic Abusers


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
WASHINGTON -- Two years after Congress reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act, Native American tribes can finally take advantage of one of the law's most significant updates: a provision that allows tribal courts to investigate and prosecute non-Native men who abuse Native women on reservations.

Starting Saturday, tribes can claim jurisdiction over non-Native men who commit crimes of domestic violence, dating violence or who violate a protection order against a victim who lives on tribal land. Until now, that jurisdiction has fallen to federal or state law enforcement, who are often hours away from reservations and lack the resources to respond. The result has effectively allowed non-Native abusers immunity from punishment.

For the first time, tribal law enforcement will now have the ability to intervene.

At Last, Violence Against Women Act Lets Tribes Prosecute Non-Native Domestic Abusers

New law offers protection to abused Native American women - The Washington Post

It was a long time coming.
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If woman are just as strong and there's no different. Why shouldn't we treat them as we treat a man? I don't get why the system needs to be leaned against men on this issue.

I understand why you might struggle with this social problem.
WASHINGTON -- Two years after Congress reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act, Native American tribes can finally take advantage of one of the law's most significant updates: a provision that allows tribal courts to investigate and prosecute non-Native men who abuse Native women on reservations.

Starting Saturday, tribes can claim jurisdiction over non-Native men who commit crimes of domestic violence, dating violence or who violate a protection order against a victim who lives on tribal land. Until now, that jurisdiction has fallen to federal or state law enforcement, who are often hours away from reservations and lack the resources to respond. The result has effectively allowed non-Native abusers immunity from punishment.

For the first time, tribal law enforcement will now have the ability to intervene.

More: At Last Violence Against Women Act Lets Tribes Prosecute Non-Native Domestic Abusers

It was a long time coming.
For once, I agree on your premise.
IN certain cultures, women are treated as mere chattel. Laws must be enacted to protect their rights.
Its about time.

I've seen the horrible results of our discrimination, our downright battering of Native Americans and this is one of them.
Its about time.

I've seen the horrible results of our discrimination, our downright battering of Native Americans and this is one of them.
Oh yeah, white men running into the reservations and beating native women is a huge problem...Thank god we got that handled.
Its about time.

I've seen the horrible results of our discrimination, our downright battering of Native Americans and this is one of them.
Oh yeah, white men running into the reservations and beating native women is a huge problem...Thank god we got that handled.

You seem to have overlooked their abusive white husbands and boyfriends - and RAPE.
Its about time.

I've seen the horrible results of our discrimination, our downright battering of Native Americans and this is one of them.
Oh yeah, white men running into the reservations and beating native women is a huge problem...Thank god we got that handled.

You seem to have overlooked their abusive white husbands and boyfriends - and RAPE.

White people like you really need to stop pretending to be indian.
Yea, that's the biggest problem facing Native American/First Nations reservations right now -internecine male/female violence. Though I'd probably place casino corruption, tribal council corruption, drugs, alcoholism, racism, drunk-driving, crank addiction, crank labs, burglary, battery, and murder way the hell ahead of non-native boyfriends/husbands abusing their Indian girlfriends/spouses.

BTW Shitting Bull, where does one draw the line between native and non-native? How pure does one's DNA have to be either way? 1/2? 1/4? 1/8? You've already established in this forum that you're a Jew-hating, heterosexual-hating bigot, but let's see if you can control your venom long enough to offer a straight answer. How "non-Native American" does one have to be in order that this new corpus of bigot laws be applied?
Yea, that's the biggest problem facing Native American/First Nations reservations right now -internecine male/female violence. Though I'd probably place casino corruption, tribal council corruption, drugs, alcoholism, racism, drunk-driving, crank addiction, crank labs, burglary, battery, and murder way the hell ahead of non-native boyfriends/husbands abusing their Indian girlfriends/spouses.

BTW Shitting Bull, where does one draw the line between native and non-native? How pure does one's DNA have to be either way? 1/2? 1/4? 1/8? You've already established in this forum that you're a Jew-hating, heterosexual-hating bigot, but let's see if you can control your venom long enough to offer a straight answer. How "non-Native American" does one have to be in order that this new corpus of bigot laws be applied?

Read the law.

New law offers protection to abused Native American women - The Washington Post
Its about time.

I've seen the horrible results of our discrimination, our downright battering of Native Americans and this is one of them.
Oh yeah, white men running into the reservations and beating native women is a huge problem...Thank god we got that handled.

You seem to have overlooked their abusive white husbands and boyfriends - and RAPE.
You seem to have over looked most NA women are abused by their drunk NA boyfriends. If you ever visited a reservation you would know that.
Its about time.

I've seen the horrible results of our discrimination, our downright battering of Native Americans and this is one of them.
Oh yeah, white men running into the reservations and beating native women is a huge problem...Thank god we got that handled.

You seem to have overlooked their abusive white husbands and boyfriends - and RAPE.
You seem to have over looked most NA women are abused by their drunk NA boyfriends. If you ever visited a reservation you would know that.

Nope, I didn't overlook it. Tribal courts already had jurisdiction over that.
Its about time.

I've seen the horrible results of our discrimination, our downright battering of Native Americans and this is one of them.
Oh yeah, white men running into the reservations and beating native women is a huge problem...Thank god we got that handled.

You seem to have overlooked their abusive white husbands and boyfriends - and RAPE.
You seem to have over looked most NA women are abused by their drunk NA boyfriends. If you ever visited a reservation you would know that.

Nope, I didn't overlook it. Tribal courts already had jurisdiction over that.
And their doing such a great job.
Sorry Shitting Bull. Just as I expected, not a whisp of a hint in the new law as to what does and doesn't constitute a "Native American." So you tell us, chickenshit, where does one cross the line from white into non-white, and where does one cross the line from native to non-native? Sound off coward. Race-baiting racist coward.
Sorry Shitting Bull. Just as I expected, not a whisp of a hint in the new law as to what does and doesn't constitute a "Native American." So you tell us, chickenshit, where does one cross the line from white into non-white, and where does one cross the line from native to non-native? Sound off coward. Race-baiting racist coward.

You sound young and ignorant.
WASHINGTON -- Two years after Congress reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act, Native American tribes can finally take advantage of one of the law's most significant updates: a provision that allows tribal courts to investigate and prosecute non-Native men who abuse Native women on reservations.

Starting Saturday, tribes can claim jurisdiction over non-Native men who commit crimes of domestic violence, dating violence or who violate a protection order against a victim who lives on tribal land. Until now, that jurisdiction has fallen to federal or state law enforcement, who are often hours away from reservations and lack the resources to respond. The result has effectively allowed non-Native abusers immunity from punishment.

For the first time, tribal law enforcement will now have the ability to intervene.

At Last, Violence Against Women Act Lets Tribes Prosecute Non-Native Domestic Abusers

New law offers protection to abused Native American women - The Washington Post

It was a long time coming.

So no protections for male victims of domestic violence?

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