Assuming a god created us as in Genesis...


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Does it make ANY sort of sense to create males first, with a penis, but no females with a vagina for the penis?

All female groups of some animals can reproduce (sharks and fishes, some reptiles, etc..) All male groups cannot.
In other words, isn't it more probable a deity creating us would have created us both together and not as a "oh ya huh you don't wanna mate with goats" response?
Does it make ANY sort of sense to create males first, with a penis, but no females with a vagina for the penis?

All female groups of some animals can reproduce (sharks and fishes, some reptiles, etc..) All male groups cannot.

Why don't you ask Him about that when you meet Him?
Does it make ANY sort of sense to create males first, with a penis, but no females with a vagina for the penis?

All female groups of some animals can reproduce (sharks and fishes, some reptiles, etc..) All male groups cannot.

Why don't you ask Him about that when you meet Him?

Ever considered God exists but religions are wrong? Especially ones doing things counter to science?
Does it make ANY sort of sense to create males first, with a penis, but no females with a vagina for the penis?

All female groups of some animals can reproduce (sharks and fishes, some reptiles, etc..) All male groups cannot.

Why don't you ask Him about that when you meet Him?

Ever considered God exists but religions are wrong? Especially ones doing things counter to science?

Of course. I expect everyone my age has considered that possibility. Most of us have also had the wisdom to consider that science has been wrong a few times.
Ass-u-me-ing God is, can the ancient Arab stories still so popular today really be the last Word on such a Being?

Ass-u-me-ing God is, can the ancient Arab stories still so popular today really be the last Word on such a Being?


Was thinking more along the lines of a patriarchal society with male deity created men first as a lie more than out of any legitimacy. A lone man can't reproduce and God's creation of human beings begins and ends with Adam. That's not very godlike to me. That's fairly obviously either wrong or the dumbest god ever conceived of.
Ass-u-me-ing God is, can the ancient Arab stories still so popular today really be the last Word on such a Being?


Was thinking more along the lines of a patriarchal society with male deity created men first as a lie more than out of any legitimacy. A lone man can't reproduce and God's creation of human beings begins and ends with Adam. That's not very godlike to me. That's fairly obviously either wrong or the dumbest god ever conceived of.

Again. voice your objections as to how He went about things to Him when you meet Him. No one on USMB is qualified to answer your questions and objections.
Ass-u-me-ing God is, can the ancient Arab stories still so popular today really be the last Word on such a Being?


Was thinking more along the lines of a patriarchal society with male deity created men first as a lie more than out of any legitimacy. A lone man can't reproduce and God's creation of human beings begins and ends with Adam. That's not very godlike to me. That's fairly obviously either wrong or the dumbest god ever conceived of.

Again. voice your objections as to how He went about things to Him when you meet Him. No one on USMB is qualified to answer your questions and objections.

Judaism encourages discussion and debate. Only cults discourage it.
Ass-u-me-ing God is, can the ancient Arab stories still so popular today really be the last Word on such a Being?


Was thinking more along the lines of a patriarchal society with male deity created men first as a lie more than out of any legitimacy. A lone man can't reproduce and God's creation of human beings begins and ends with Adam. That's not very godlike to me. That's fairly obviously either wrong or the dumbest god ever conceived of.

Again. voice your objections as to how He went about things to Him when you meet Him. No one on USMB is qualified to answer your questions and objections.

Judaism encourages discussion and debate. Only cults discourage it.

Well, that leaves me out. I'm neither a Jew nor do I practice Judaism nor do I belong to any cult. You should address your replies to someone who fits your definition.
Does it make ANY sort of sense to create males first, with a penis, but no females with a vagina for the penis?

All female groups of some animals can reproduce (sharks and fishes, some reptiles, etc..) All male groups cannot.

In many respects the account of creation in Genesis echoes the more scientific explanation taught today. The Hebrew language uses imagery, not abstract thought. When it speaks of woman coming from the rib of man, it is presenting the idea that the two are of one, or the same, substance. It could be argued that Genesis is attempting to reach far back in time, when we were still evolving from the earth (clay) and were asexual.

We could ask whether the feminine qualities and emotions emerged in this transition, whereas qualities we may normally associate with the masculine gender were noticeably present in the asexual creature.
Does it make ANY sort of sense to create males first, with a penis, but no females with a vagina for the penis?

All female groups of some animals can reproduce (sharks and fishes, some reptiles, etc..) All male groups cannot.
Maybe God has a wife, and just doesn't want you to know about it.
Ass-u-me-ing God is, can the ancient Arab stories still so popular today really be the last Word on such a Being?


Was thinking more along the lines of a patriarchal society with male deity created men first as a lie more than out of any legitimacy. A lone man can't reproduce and God's creation of human beings begins and ends with Adam. That's not very godlike to me. That's fairly obviously either wrong or the dumbest god ever conceived of.

Hey now! :razz:

He was the best Deity imaginable by humans at the Time those stories were written.

:eusa_eh: God evolves?
Ass-u-me-ing God is, can the ancient Arab stories still so popular today really be the last Word on such a Being?


Was thinking more along the lines of a patriarchal society with male deity created men first as a lie more than out of any legitimacy. A lone man can't reproduce and God's creation of human beings begins and ends with Adam. That's not very godlike to me. That's fairly obviously either wrong or the dumbest god ever conceived of.

Again. voice your objections as to how He went about things to Him when you meet Him. No one on USMB is qualified to answer your questions and objections.

Does it make ANY sort of sense to create males first, with a penis, but no females with a vagina for the penis?

All female groups of some animals can reproduce (sharks and fishes, some reptiles, etc..) All male groups cannot.

Major fail; Read Genesis before posting. God created "Man" both Male and Female.
Geesh! Do you ever get ANYTHING Biblical correct?
Does it make ANY sort of sense to create males first, with a penis, but no females with a vagina for the penis?

All female groups of some animals can reproduce (sharks and fishes, some reptiles, etc..) All male groups cannot.

Major fail; Read Genesis before posting. God created "Man" both Male and Female.
Geesh! Do you ever get ANYTHING Biblical correct?

Actually, you need to read the Bible, too. Contrary to popular belief, there are two creation accounts in Genesis and these accounts contain multiple contradictions. The first creation story is told in Genesis 1:1 to 2:3, and the second story is from Genesis 2:4-25.

According the First Chapter of Genesis, on day five the fishes and birdies were brought forth; and on day six all other creatures great and small were created, and then and only then were Adam and Eve created together. I will not quote the verses since everyone has heard this story many times and should know it by heart.

However, there is another creation account in the Second Chapter of Genesis which says that Adam was created first, then the animals, and finally Eve. This is the creation sequence as described in Genesis Chapter 2:15-23, KJV (I have eliminated verse numbers for easier reading and edited for brevity without changing substance):

“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

“And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.

“And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”

Now it is clear from the quoted scripture that God first created Adam, then the animals and finally Eve. There is simply no way to interpret these words to give any other order of creation. The Bible says that Adam was alone in the garden and God decided that Adam needed a helpmate. The flow of the narrative proves that Adam was created before the animals, and there is a single sentence which establishes this beyond the possibility of debate; “And..the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air.....; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.”

The word “but” in the above sentence is a conjunction which shows that the sentences prior to and subsequent to this conjunction are related. The context shows that the latter sentence diminishes or restricts the former, so that the proper definition of “but” is: still, yet, or in spite of . This shows that God was attempting to create a helpmate for his first creation, Adam, but initially failed. Of course, God would not attempt to find a helpmate for a non-existing being, so that Adam clearly was created prior to the animals. It is logically and linguistically impossible to read the above verses and interpret the order of creation in any way other than: Adam, then the animals, then Eve.

There are many other contradictions between the two versions, such as Genesis 1:20 which says that birds and fowl were created out of the water and Genesis 2:19 which claims they were created out of the ground. This has caused many Christians to believe the accounts are not to be taken literally, but allegorically. The official position of the Catholic Church is that the Creation accounts should not be taken literally.

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