Assorted Brain Candy

The harmful consequences of fast food have been showcased by this hamburger, which is still intact after 14 years. Found accidentally by David Whipple in his court’s pocket after two years of purchase, he continued the experiment for 14 years, shocked to see that the burger still seems edible.

A 14 Year Old Burger Found, Still Looks edible!

David Whipple, a man who bought a hamburger on July 7 1999 and preserved it for a month to show his friends that it would look exactly the same after a month due to preservatives, forgot about it in his coat’s pocket, found it after two years and to his dismay, it looked still the same. He then decided to carry forward this experiment and after 14 years, the burger just refuses to age. Shocking? Isn't it?

According to Whipple, the experiment had not been started on purpose. He just used it for a month to show case enzyme’s reactions and forgot about it, until his wife found it after two years. Though even after 14 years, there has been no sign of mould or fungus on the bun or the meat and it did not smell differently. The burger has attracted so much attention that at one point Whipple had auctioned it on eBay and the bids had reached close to $2000. But later, he and his wife had changed their minds and decided to keep it with them for educational purposes and show their grandkids the ills of fast food.

In 2012, Melanie Hesketh, a mom from Ontario, Canada, had kept a McDonald’s cheeseburger for a year to discourage her teenage children from consuming ‘junk’ food, but she also could not believe that it could last for 14 long years. This edible burger of 14 years had been showcased on the popular TV show ‘The Doctors’.

A 14 Year Old Burger Found, Still Looks edible!
The harmful consequences of fast food have been showcased by this hamburger, which is still intact after 14 years. Found accidentally by David Whipple in his court’s pocket after two years of purchase, he continued the experiment for 14 years, shocked to see that the burger still seems edible.

A 14 Year Old Burger Found, Still Looks edible!

David Whipple, a man who bought a hamburger on July 7 1999 and preserved it for a month to show his friends that it would look exactly the same after a month due to preservatives, forgot about it in his coat’s pocket, found it after two years and to his dismay, it looked still the same. He then decided to carry forward this experiment and after 14 years, the burger just refuses to age. Shocking? Isn't it?

According to Whipple, the experiment had not been started on purpose. He just used it for a month to show case enzyme’s reactions and forgot about it, until his wife found it after two years. Though even after 14 years, there has been no sign of mould or fungus on the bun or the meat and it did not smell differently. The burger has attracted so much attention that at one point Whipple had auctioned it on eBay and the bids had reached close to $2000. But later, he and his wife had changed their minds and decided to keep it with them for educational purposes and show their grandkids the ills of fast food.

In 2012, Melanie Hesketh, a mom from Ontario, Canada, had kept a McDonald’s cheeseburger for a year to discourage her teenage children from consuming ‘junk’ food, but she also could not believe that it could last for 14 long years. This edible burger of 14 years had been showcased on the popular TV show ‘The Doctors’.

A 14 Year Old Burger Found, Still Looks edible!

I'm not surprised. Aint he the guy who used to go around squeezing tolilet paper?
The harmful consequences of fast food have been showcased by this hamburger, which is still intact after 14 years. Found accidentally by David Whipple in his court’s pocket after two years of purchase, he continued the experiment for 14 years, shocked to see that the burger still seems edible.

A 14 Year Old Burger Found, Still Looks edible!

David Whipple, a man who bought a hamburger on July 7 1999 and preserved it for a month to show his friends that it would look exactly the same after a month due to preservatives, forgot about it in his coat’s pocket, found it after two years and to his dismay, it looked still the same. He then decided to carry forward this experiment and after 14 years, the burger just refuses to age. Shocking? Isn't it?

According to Whipple, the experiment had not been started on purpose. He just used it for a month to show case enzyme’s reactions and forgot about it, until his wife found it after two years. Though even after 14 years, there has been no sign of mould or fungus on the bun or the meat and it did not smell differently. The burger has attracted so much attention that at one point Whipple had auctioned it on eBay and the bids had reached close to $2000. But later, he and his wife had changed their minds and decided to keep it with them for educational purposes and show their grandkids the ills of fast food.

In 2012, Melanie Hesketh, a mom from Ontario, Canada, had kept a McDonald’s cheeseburger for a year to discourage her teenage children from consuming ‘junk’ food, but she also could not believe that it could last for 14 long years. This edible burger of 14 years had been showcased on the popular TV show ‘The Doctors’.

A 14 Year Old Burger Found, Still Looks edible!

I'm not surprised. Aint he the guy who used to go around squeezing tolilet paper?
it's his grandson...

Still sounds like self-praise to me!! · · :lol:

Thank goodness it is a vice from which I am free !!


. just did it.
John Locke (born August 29, 1632 in Wrington, Somerset, England)

By 1675 Locke suffered from asthma, and, believing at this time that his ailment was phthisis and hoping to improve his health, he went to France late in the year. He spent his time partly in Montpellier, where there was a good medical school; partly in Paris, where he made friends with several scholars and scientists who influenced his developing empiricism; and partly traveling about France. He particularly studied that country's great works of civil engineering, its methods of cultivation, and Louis XIV's treatment of his Protestant subjects, whose rights, granted them by the Edict of Nantes, were being diminished legally or by chicanery. He also worked on what was to be his major book, the Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1689), and wrote short essays on various philosophical subjects.

The fall of Shaftesbury and his adherents, now called Whigs, and the accession of James II forced Locke to live in Holland from 1683 to 1689. He was declared a traitor (1685) but returned to England in 1689 after William of Orange became king. In 1691 Locke retired to Essex, where he continued to write, prepare fresh editions of the Essay, superintend a French translation (by P. Coste, 1700), and answer criticism.***​

***"The New Encyclopædia Britannica" Chicago, London, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2005, Vol. 7, Micropaedia, p.435

Wow, he was a traitor. I didn't know that.
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You might not know...

Ketchup was once sold as a medicine. In medieval Japan, dentists extracted teeth with their hands. Your brain uses 40% of the oxygen that enters your bloodstream. Queen termites can lay an egg every second… or 86,000 eggs a day. If the average man never shaved, his beard would be 13 feet long on the day he died. Both rabbits and horses can't vomit. Technically speaking, a female "dude" is known as a "dudine." There's an estimated one trillion bacteria on each of your feet. 95% of the creatures on Earth are smaller than a chicken egg. Crocodiles can't move their tongues. Twinkie inventor Jimmy Dewar ate 40,177 Twinkies in his lifetime. The average American eats 5 gallons of frozen desserts a year.

Goldfish have a memory span of three seconds. Siberia contains more than 25% of the world's forest. In ancient Egypt, pillows were made of stones. A spider's blood is transparent. In the Middle Ages, chicken soup was considered an aphrodisiac. Ancient Rome had rent-a-chariot businesses. George Washington's feet were size 13. Virus means "poison" in Latin. In the 1800s you could buy ketchup flavored with lobster, walnuts, or oysters. The average American dog will cost its owner $14,600 over its lifetime. Drunk ants always fall on their right side. In Antarctica, sunsets can be green.

Benjamin Franklin gave guitar lessons. Honeybees can fly as fast as 30 mph. When medieval Europeans burned witches, the witches' families had to pay for the wood. An adult crocodile can go two years without eating. It takes 720 peanuts to make a pound of peanut butter. When you're looking at someone you love, your pupils dilate; it's the same for someone you hate. The average cow produces 70,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime. Injured fingernails grow faster than uninjured ones. Given the opportunity, chimpanzees will hunt ducks. When pizza became popular in the U.S. in the 1930s, sales of oregano shot up 5,200%. Squirrels cannot see the color red. If a grasshopper is hungry enough, it will eat the paint off your house.

You can buy horseradish ice cream in Tokyo. Centipedes are carnivores, millipedes are vegetarians. According to Pickle Packers Intl, the crunch of a pickle should be audible from 10 paces. Checkers used to be known as "chess for ladies." In the 1500s, England's Queen Elizabeth I outlawed wife beating after 10 p.m. A group of jellyfish is known as a "smack." Christopher Colombus's fee for "discovering" America: about $300. Laid end to end, the blood vessels in your body would wrap around the equator three times. Coconut shells can absorb more impact than most crash helmets. Last animal in the dictionary: the zyzzyva, a tropical American weevil. Napoleon's writing was so unreadable that many of his letters were mistaken for battlefield maps. Walt Disney was afraid of mice.

The water we drink is over 3 billion years old. Pontius Pilate was born in Scotland. It's impossible to snore in the weightlessness of space. Mosquitos have 47 teeth. At Old English weddings, guests threw shoes at the groom. You can think 625 thoughts on the caloric energy of one Cheerio. The average meteor is no larger than a grain of sand. Brain cells are the only human cells that don't reproduce. Eagles can't hunt when it's raining. Female spiders spin better webs than males do. Abe Lincoln's favorite sport was wrestling. It takes an estimated 2,893 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll pop.

Einstein couldn't read until the age of nine. If an octopus is hungry enough, it will eat its own arms. Only pharaohs were allowed to eat mushrooms in Ancient Egypt. 15% of Americans wet their toilet paper before using it. Karate was invented in India. The bullfrog is the only animal that never sleeps. British anatomist Richard Owen invented the word dinosaur in 1841. On average, females hear better than males at every age. Carrots come from Afghanistan. Pound for pound, grasshoppers contain more protein than beef. A snail breathes through its foot. Every second, your senses send about 100 million different messages to your brain.

...interesting, isn't it?

Please share some trivia with us too, please. :razz:
sorry I am late to this thread. But it still blows my mind away the water we drink is over 3 billion year's old. I knew it not fron school, just from common sence.
Did you know that cows moo in regional accents? Or that 1 in 10 European babies was conceived in an IKEA bed? Or that two-thirds of the people on Earth have never seen snow?
A shrimp's heart is in its head.

If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die.

Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.

In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.

Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married.

In the course of an average lifetime you will, while sleeping, eat 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders

A crocodile can't move its tongue and cannot chew. Its digestive juices are so strong that it can digest a steel nail.

Over the last 150 years the average height of people in industrialized nations has increased 10 cm (about 4 inches). In the 19th century, American men were the tallest in the world, averaging 1,71m (5'6"). Today, the average height for American men is 1,75m (5'7"), compared to 1, 77 (5'8") for Swedes, and 1, 78 (5'8.5") for the Dutch. The tallest nation in the world is the Watusis of Burundi.

A cat's urine glows under a black light.

The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.

The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off.

An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain
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Chickens don't pee. They eat with their peckers. :D

No bird passes liquid waste. But, their solid waste isn't all that solid either.

Raptors (birds of prey) eat the entire animal but they don't use the hair and most of the bone. Instead, they use very strong muscles in their crop to extract the nutrients and then "cough up" a wad of solid waste made up of hair and bones known as a pellet.

There's a whole science built around the study of the pellets left behind by raptors. By examining the bones, one can tell what rodents are common in that area and from that, extrapolate quite a lot of information.

There's also quite a cottage industry of collecting pellets that are sent out in batches to science clubs, boy/girl scouts, etc.
bats only turn left when exiting a cave
I watch them fly in a counterclockwise circle over my house regularly...turning left continuously
The ambiguous sentence in bold type demonstrates how important the careful placement of dependent clauses is -- and the care needed in separating the use of words as adverbs versus their use as conjunctions.

When exiting a cave, bats turn only left.


Only when exiting a cave, do bats turn left.


Let's eat, Granny.

Let's eat Granny.

Commas save lives.

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