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sure only if its dancing to ace of base music and smiling at yourself in the mirror

If someone was torturing you which torture would you endure easier having nails driven into the eyeballs or a hit with a hammer breaking all the facial bones?
sure only if its dancing to ace of base music and smiling at yourself in the mirror

If someone was torturing you which torture would you endure easier having nails driven into the eyeballs or a hit with a hammer breaking all the facial bones?

I had some facial bones broken in an accident and I didn't even know they were broken. felt no pain till I swelled up. I'd go with that.

My question: Would Echo and Average Joe make a nice couple?
sure they are both darlings.

Is there a poll on best usmb online couple yet?
I had some facial bones broken in an accident and I didn't even know they were broken. felt no pain till I swelled up. I'd go with that.


sorry about the facial bones, I hope you are ok now.
I had some facial bones broken in an accident and I didn't even know they were broken. felt no pain till I swelled up. I'd go with that.


sorry about the facial bones, I hope you are ok now.

Thanks, I'm fine. Still some numbness but they put me back together again with no scars or change in how I look.
Girl Scout Cookies... assuming that they're made from real girl scouts!

Who are the only two humans in western history without navels and why them?


Did anyone answer this yet?

Adam and Eve, because Adam was made from the earth and Eve was made from his rib.

What's a good question?
Green or blue, depends on the color of her hair

What's the opposite of above me?
dark brown

Should men with moustaches make a major comeback?

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