Asinine Liberals Just Killed 22 Kids In England


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Oh, did you moronic/deranged liberals think you were going to avoid blame for this latest massacre, performed by yet another Muslim, barbaric savage ? No. Not hardly, because it is your dopey notions about tolerance and discrimination that are causing (allowing) these outrages to occur. when normal people tell you that these lunatics have an ideology (masquerading as a religion) that orders them to kill everyone but themselves ( and even that isn't beyond their scope), you sit back and calmly talk about tolerance.

EARTH TO LIBERALS: Are you really not intelligent enough to know that some things are to be tolerated, and some ARE NOT ? If this was 1943, would you complain about "discrimination", when the government said no Japanese or Germans could immigrate or travel to the US ? Do you want (like nutjob Obama) to allow people with Ebola to come here ?

Does the word HARM mean nothing to you ? When I called Florida Democrat Senator Bill Nelson's office and suggested a Muslim ban, the ignorant aide said it was "unconstitutional". Well, he's wrong about that in a number of ways. One need not read any further than the Constitution's preamble to see the REQUIREMENT of a Muslim ban.

"insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare"

One doesn't accomplish these founding father goals by bringing subhuman killers into their country, whose openly stated goal (read the Koran) is to KILL YOU.

I'm really at the point where I see an extreme need to get as many of these insane and :lame2:brain, dangerous liberals out of America ASAP. Perhaps we could get them all to move to lost cause California, and then declare that wasteland no longer part of the USA. Maybe we could chip in and pay their (one-way) plane fare to Canada - didn't they legalize marijuana recently. Go north liberals. Go north.

There must be some way to get rid of these fools, to keep them from endangering us any further. Gotta be a way.
Oh, did you moronic/deranged liberals think you were going to avoid blame for this latest massacre, performed by yet another Muslim, barbaric savage ? No. Not hardly, because it is your dopey notions about tolerance and discrimination that are causing (allowing) these outrages to occur. when normal people tell you that these lunatics have an ideology (masquerading as a religion) that orders them to kill everyone but themselves ( and even that isn't beyond their scope), you sit back and calmly talk about tolerance.

EARTH TO LIBERALS: Are you really not intelligent enough to know that some things are to be tolerated, and some ARE NOT ? If this was 1943, would you complain about "discrimination", when the government said no Japanese or Germans could immigrate or travel to the US ? Do you want (like nutjob Obama) to allow people with Ebola to come here ?

Does the word HARM mean nothing to you ? When I called Florida Democrat Senator Bill Nelson's office and suggested a Muslim ban, the ignorant aide said it was "unconstitutional". Well, he's wrong about that in a number of ways. One need not read any further than the Constitution's preamble to see the REQUIREMENT of a Muslim ban.

"insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare"

One doesn't accomplish these founding father goals by bringing subhuman killers into their country, whose openly stated goal (read the Koran) is to KILL YOU.

I'm really at the point where I see an extreme need to get as many of these insane and :lame2:brain, dangerous liberals out of America ASAP. Perhaps we could get them all to move to lost cause California, and then declare that wasteland no longer part of the USA. Maybe we could chip in and pay their (one-way) plane fare to Canada - didn't they legalize marijuana recently. Go north liberals. Go north.

There must be some way to get rid of these fools, to keep them from endangering us any further. Gotta be a way.

They expect the people to ride out the Islamist storm until their fabled "Age of Aquarius" descends upon us.
Uhhh it's always conservatives who do this shit

And yes it's normally religious radicals who worship an Arab (Christians in America)


Stupid white trash who imagine a few dead in a concert compares to the death and destruction Christians have been layign on Muslims since the fall of the Turks

If this bothers you, probably a sign you should stop supporting* fucking with teh Muslims
Uhhh it's always conservatives who do this shit

And yes it's normally religious radicals who worship an Arab (Christians in America)


Stupid white trash who imagine a few dead in a concert compares to the death and destruction Christians have been layign on Muslims since the fall of the Turks

If this bothers you, probably a sign you should stop supporting* fucking with teh Muslims


Rather send parcels.

Uhhh it's always conservatives who do this shit

And yes it's normally religious radicals who worship an Arab (Christians in America)


Stupid white trash who imagine a few dead in a concert compares to the death and destruction Christians have been layign on Muslims since the fall of the Turks

If this bothers you, probably a sign you should stop supporting* fucking with teh Muslims

So what is the Muslim plan for infidels and kufar cuppy cakes?
Uhhh it's always conservatives who do this shit

And yes it's normally religious radicals who worship an Arab (Christians in America)


Stupid white trash who imagine a few dead in a concert compares to the death and destruction Christians have been layign on Muslims since the fall of the Turks

If this bothers you, probably a sign you should stop supporting* fucking with teh Muslims

So what is the Muslim plan for infidels and kufar cuppy cakes?

Kufar? I think you mean kafir? And Christians aren't kafirs to Muslims

Neither are Jews

Maybe kufar is something else? idk

And I'm not sure what you're tryign to say. But if you think without things like Sykes Picot and our support of Zionism (Britain controlled Jerusalem before the Jews and gave it to them) aren't the root cause of all this. You're an idiot.
Oh, did you moronic/deranged liberals think you were going to avoid blame for this latest massacre, performed by yet another Muslim, barbaric savage ? No. Not hardly, because it is your dopey notions about tolerance and discrimination that are causing (allowing) these outrages to occur. when normal people tell you that these lunatics have an ideology (masquerading as a religion) that orders them to kill everyone but themselves ( and even that isn't beyond their scope), you sit back and calmly talk about tolerance.

EARTH TO LIBERALS: Are you really not intelligent enough to know that some things are to be tolerated, and some ARE NOT ? If this was 1943, would you complain about "discrimination", when the government said no Japanese or Germans could immigrate or travel to the US ? Do you want (like nutjob Obama) to allow people with Ebola to come here ?

Does the word HARM mean nothing to you ? When I called Florida Democrat Senator Bill Nelson's office and suggested a Muslim ban, the ignorant aide said it was "unconstitutional". Well, he's wrong about that in a number of ways. One need not read any further than the Constitution's preamble to see the REQUIREMENT of a Muslim ban.

"insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare"

One doesn't accomplish these founding father goals by bringing subhuman killers into their country, whose openly stated goal (read the Koran) is to KILL YOU.

I'm really at the point where I see an extreme need to get as many of these insane and :lame2:brain, dangerous liberals out of America ASAP. Perhaps we could get them all to move to lost cause California, and then declare that wasteland no longer part of the USA. Maybe we could chip in and pay their (one-way) plane fare to Canada - didn't they legalize marijuana recently. Go north liberals. Go north.

There must be some way to get rid of these fools, to keep them from endangering us any further. Gotta be a way.
Isn't it time for the aids to give you your meds at the home?

So, who do you think killed those children, Winnie the Pooh? And why do you want them in the United States, guano?
Liberal Jews think if they're nice to them they won't kill them whey they're hiding behind the trees

“The Hour will not begin until you fight the Jews, until a Jewwill hide behind a rock or a tree, and the rock or tree will say: ‘O Muslim, O slave of Allah, here is a Jew behind me; come and kill him
Interesting verse I just quoted.

Muslims see themselves as SLAVES to their god.

Jesus calls us FRIENDS and BROTHERS.

He tells us, Fear not little flock. It is my Father's GOOD PLEASURE to give you the Kingdom.

This is probably my favorite verse.
Uhhh it's always conservatives who do this shit

And yes it's normally religious radicals who worship an Arab (Christians in America)


Stupid white trash who imagine a few dead in a concert compares to the death and destruction Christians have been layign on Muslims since the fall of the Turks

If this bothers you, probably a sign you should stop supporting* fucking with teh Muslims

So what is the Muslim plan for infidels and kufar cuppy cakes?

Kufar? I think you mean kafir? And Christians aren't kafirs to Muslims

Neither are Jews

Maybe kufar is something else? idk

And I'm not sure what you're tryign to say. But if you think without things like Sykes Picot and our support of Zionism (Britain controlled Jerusalem before the Jews and gave it to them) aren't the root cause of all this. You're an idiot.

Why does the Quran refer to Jews and Christians as kufar, or infidels? What kind of respect and tolerance is that?

Learning will help you.

Britain gave Jerusalem to the Jews? What year?
Uhhh it's always conservatives who do this shit

And yes it's normally religious radicals who worship an Arab (Christians in America)


Stupid white trash who imagine a few dead in a concert compares to the death and destruction Christians have been layign on Muslims since the fall of the Turks

If this bothers you, probably a sign you should stop supporting* fucking with teh Muslims
But but but Christians......

Just go fuck yourself
Uhhh it's always conservatives who do this shit

And yes it's normally religious radicals who worship an Arab (Christians in America)


Stupid white trash who imagine a few dead in a concert compares to the death and destruction Christians have been layign on Muslims since the fall of the Turks

If this bothers you, probably a sign you should stop supporting* fucking with teh Muslims
But but but Christians......

Just go fuck yourself

Are you denying that Christians are a bigger threat in American than Muslims?

Have any data to back that up?

Because from what I see that's not the case, we have a lot more christians and they're very violent.

Not to mention if you imagine the only religion to ever really dominate the planet has caused less death and destruction than one that hasn't you probably have your head stuck deep your stink hole

Hinuds aren't as bad as Christians, not because the ideology is more moral. It's probably not even as moral. It's just that Hindus have never controlled most of the planet, so the death and destruction is has wrought is minimal relative to christianity in the last 400 years. Same with Islam

Yes those with power have the most propensity for evil. So next time you hear some one call us "the great satan" you shouldn't take it so lightly...There is more truth in taht than our own propaganda
Uhhh it's always conservatives who do this shit

And yes it's normally religious radicals who worship an Arab (Christians in America)


Stupid white trash who imagine a few dead in a concert compares to the death and destruction Christians have been layign on Muslims since the fall of the Turks

If this bothers you, probably a sign you should stop supporting* fucking with teh Muslims
But but but Christians......

Just go fuck yourself

Are you denying that Christians are a bigger threat in American than Muslims?

Have any data to back that up?

Because from what I see that's not the case, we have a lot more christians and they're very violent.

Not to mention if you imagine the only religion to ever really dominate the planet has caused less death and destruction than one that hasn't you probably have your head stuck deep your stink hole

Hinuds aren't as bad as Christians, not because the ideology is more moral. It's probably not even as moral. It's just that Hindus have never controlled most of the planet, so the death and destruction is has wrought is minimal relative to christianity in the last 400 years. Same with Islam

Yes those with power have the most propensity for evil. So next time you hear some one call us "the great satan" you shouldn't take it so lightly...There is more truth in taht than our own propaganda


You're really fucked in the head, eh?
Uhhh it's always conservatives who do this shit

And yes it's normally religious radicals who worship an Arab (Christians in America)


Stupid white trash who imagine a few dead in a concert compares to the death and destruction Christians have been layign on Muslims since the fall of the Turks

If this bothers you, probably a sign you should stop supporting* fucking with teh Muslims
You're a terrorist.
Uhhh it's always conservatives who do this shit

And yes it's normally religious radicals who worship an Arab (Christians in America)


Stupid white trash who imagine a few dead in a concert compares to the death and destruction Christians have been layign on Muslims since the fall of the Turks

If this bothers you, probably a sign you should stop supporting* fucking with teh Muslims
But but but Christians......

Just go fuck yourself

Are you denying that Christians are a bigger threat in American than Muslims?

Have any data to back that up?

Because from what I see that's not the case, we have a lot more christians and they're very violent.

Not to mention if you imagine the only religion to ever really dominate the planet has caused less death and destruction than one that hasn't you probably have your head stuck deep your stink hole

Hinuds aren't as bad as Christians, not because the ideology is more moral. It's probably not even as moral. It's just that Hindus have never controlled most of the planet, so the death and destruction is has wrought is minimal relative to christianity in the last 400 years. Same with Islam

Yes those with power have the most propensity for evil. So next time you hear some one call us "the great satan" you shouldn't take it so lightly...There is more truth in taht than our own propaganda

Liar, liar, liar, pants on fire....Pisslam has killed 300 million people in total and still counting to this day. It has destroyed every society it has ever dominated. It spreads rape, death and human rights atrocities everywhere it has gone. It is has committed the largest genocides in recorded human history (80 million Hindus in India). It is filled with a long list of crimes against humanity NO OTHER RELIGION IS CURRENTLY COMMITTING! There is no other religion CURRENTLY stoning women to death, teaching children to be suicide bombers, beheading and/or fucking toddler children of their enemies, hijacking planes, throwing disfiguring acid in the faces of disobedient wives, committing mass murder over cartoons, etc., etc. But then again, muslims like you are so cousin-inbred your brains have too much genetic damage to comprehend with basic, logical facts.

I have studied Pisslam in detail for several years so don't think FOR A SECOND you're going to lie to ME about it. And yes, Pisslam is the only religion I know of that teaches believers to LIE to non-believers if it benefits Islam in some (taqiyya). If you think Islam is a good thing, all you're proving is that you're a clinical psychopath.

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