
Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV


The difference between Asian and Hispanic anchor babies or jack pot babies is the Asian come here, have their babies and leave with the babies and they come back when the or adults with a diploma with something to offer this country. South of the border anchor babies stay here and anchor their parents who are here illegally to stay and the get free education with English classes, WIC, free school breakfast and lunch, medical or medicaid, public housing and the parents get tax breaks for them even if they are not living in this country all at the expense of the American tax pays because illegal aliens pay very little in taxes if any and get tax breaks. Most anchor babies are Hispanic because it is easy for their mothers to get across the border. Plus they are bankrupting American hospital emergency rooms. Jed Bush is wrong to say most anchor babies are Asian and Asians should be offended. Anyone with half a brain should understand the economic reasons why automatic birthright citizenship should be done away with.
400,000 anchor babies born in this country each year.
Medicaid alone paid $2.2 billion last year to partially reimburse hospitals for unpaid illegal alien delivery bills,

A staggering 84 hospitals in California alone, have been forced to close their doors because of unpaid bills by illegal aliens. Hospitals which manage to remain open, pass the unpaid costs onto the rest of us,
which translates into more out-of-pocket expenses and higher insurance premiums for Americans.

In fact at one hospital in Dallas…Parkland Memorial Hospital (yes, the same hospital where JFK died after his assassination in 1963), a staggering 70% of all babies born are to illegal aliens.
‘Anchor Baby’ Outrage: How Americans Pay BILLIONS for Illegal Alien Births (Video) | Top Right News

They come for a better life which is free medical care, food stamps, WIC, free education. shelter, etc and the tax payers foot the bill.
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I am so fed up with this fucking BS I am thinking of not paying my next quarterly estimated tax, just basically telling obama and the feds to go fucking die somewhere, and take the illegal hordes with them.

This is criminal what these whore bastard politicians have been doing, and the anger it is inducing in both me and many fellow americans is reaching a boiling point. If this is not stopped, and all illegals deported, with a wall built, termination of the 14th amendment mis-reading/elimination of anchor baby nonsense, massive fines/jail time for employers, and a total and complete end to all benefits for illegals, I will hope and possibly help instigate a civil war in this country, starting with "no taxes paid" days, where people refuse to pay any sales tax, and refuse to write estimated taxes or property tax checks, and pay their bills such as cell phones by subtracting all taxes off the bill, paying only the service charge to the telecom.

Were this to happen for 4-6 months, the federal government would either collapse, or capitulate - and begin mass deportations of illegals. This invasion cannot continue, either we have a country or we do not. I would also threaten with arrest fake groups like la raza or any others who advocate for illegal behavior.
Asians do the anchor baby trick in a better more civilized fashion . Their kids are still 'anchor babies' . Good thing about this brouhaha is that hopefully 'jebito' has pizzed off the 'asians' !!

The difference between Asian and Hispanic anchor babies or jack pot babies is the Asian come here, have their babies and leave with the babies and they come back when the or adults with a diploma with something to offer this country.

Um, no that is not correct.
I am so fed up with this fucking BS I am thinking of not paying my next quarterly estimated tax, just basically telling obama and the feds to go fucking die somewhere, and take the illegal hordes with them.....

Yeah, that's what you should do. In fact, if you have any balls at all you will do exactly that now that you've shot your mouth off about it. But then...
Over a quarter-million anchor babies born in the U.S. in 2014...

Pew: 275,000 Babies Born in U.S. From Illegal Alien Mothers in 2014
October 31, 2016 – A report by the Pew Research Center based on data from the federal government estimated that the number of babies born in the United States to illegal alien mothers in 2014 was 275,000 – a decrease from the estimated 330,000 born in 2009.
The report also showed that in 2014 those 275,000 births represented seven percent of the 4 million births in the U.S. Births to illegal alien mothers accounted for about one-in-three births (32%) to foreign-born mothers in the U.S. in 2014, according to the Pew estimates. “These estimates are based mainly on data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey and its American Community Survey, using the widely accepted residual methodology employed by Pew Research Center for many years,” the Pew Research Center’s stated on its website. “These new estimates update and revise previous estimates for 2012 (310,000 previously; now 305,000) and 2013 (295,000 previously; now 290,000) based on more detailed data sources,” it stated.


The report also revealed that these children -- sometimes called “anchor babies” because under Constitution’s 14th Amendment they are automatically U.S. citizens -- number in the millions. “In 2014, there were 4.7 million U.S.-born children younger than 18 living with unauthorized-immigrant parents,” the website stated. “There also were 725,000 children younger than 18 who were unauthorized immigrants themselves and lived with unauthorized-immigrant parents. “These totals do not count U.S.-born children of unauthorized immigrants who do not live with their parents,” it stated.

Pew: 275,000 Babies Born in U.S. From Illegal Alien Mothers in 2014

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