As Yogi Berra once stated, "its de'ja'vu all over again..."

Watergate was based on something that actually happened.

Unlike, say --- Birferism.

Or "thousands of people on rooftops". Or "three million illegals voting".

Or being born a poor orange child.
There is no crime here just wishful thinking and dems deluding themselves.

Well, THAT certainly settles the issue.....I mean who could argue against such a well researched, NON biased and erudite statement.

LOL (what an :ahole-1: )
Your memory seems to be a bit flawed, the Watergate investigation started because of an actual crime. No one, to date, has provided any evidence of a crime in the Trump campaign.

So, the firing of Flynn was over his walking as if he had a stick up his ass? The firing of Comey was due to his burping after a WH dinner?
For those other posters on here who also lived through Watergate as I did, the similarities are uncanny........Sure, Nixon was a hell of a lot smarter than the Trumpster (no doubt) but the series of "drip, drip, drip" revelations on this scourge in the WH cannot but lead to the same results as in 1974.

Impeachment? Unlikely.......Resignation? Probable.

How is this in anyway like Watergate? That was the cover up of a crime. No crime took place here. The "drip, drip, drip" that you're hearing is an all in main stream media attacking Donald Trump without letup from the moment he was elected!

The truth is...the media has spent nearly a year trying to "get" Trump...and they have unintentionally uncovered just as many questionable actions by the Clinton campaign than they have the Trump campaign!
Watergate was based on something that actually happened.

Unlike, say --- Birferism.

Or "thousands of people on rooftops". Or "three million illegals voting".

Or being born a poor orange child.

Or Russian collusion.

Well now that's a negative way harder to prove innit? Unless you're Vladimir Putin.

Not like, say, the illegal voting being limited to a lady in Iowa who voted for Rump twice, and she wasn't "an illegal" anyway, just her action. Or say the "thousands dancing on rooftops celebrating" that actually can be quantified, except that it was five people, not "thousands and thousands", except that they were Israelis, not "Arabs", except that they were on the roof of a van, not a "building", and except that they were shooting selfies and possibly spying on Muslim communities, not "celebrating". But hey, these are just details when you're selling snake oil. "You don't sell details or facts --- you sell feelings".

All of that can be quantified in the quest to prove a negative as things that did not happen, whilst the complete absence of any evidence for the "thousands and thousands" in the most documented news event in history, is eloquent in its abject non-existence.

And then there's the O'bama birth, which already was quantified and documented back to 1961 and self-publicized before the 2008 election --- and yet, "I have people in Hawaìi looking into it right now, it's unbelievable what they found". Yeah "nothing" is by definition "unbelievable". Again, events that never happened. Which is exactly why these "people looking into it" and what they "found" suddenly disappeared off the face of the earth once the fantasy of their existence was no longer needed. Imagine the "ratings" that would have generated if it were anywhere close to a real thing. Again, "you don't sell realities -- you sell feelings". Check.

Like the guilt of the so-called "Central Park Five" --- again, a negative that was quantified by DNA tests (and a confession by the actual murderer), and yet Rump holds on to the self-delusional bullshit story to this day.

"Being born a poor orange child" however was a joke. Far as I know Rump has never claimed to have been poor.
There is no crime here just wishful thinking and dems deluding themselves.

Well, THAT certainly settles the issue.....I mean who could argue against such a well researched, NON biased and erudite statement.

LOL (what an :ahole-1: )

Insults? Typical.

How about you show what crime was comited. What is the statute that was violated?

And here is just one well thought out answer to no crime.

Alan Dershowitz Says Special Counsel Will 'Find No Crime'
Insults? Typical.

How about you show what crime was comited. What is the statute that was violated?

And here is just one well thought out answer to no crime.

Alan Dershowitz Says Special Counsel Will 'Find No Crime'

here, let me respond with what one of YOUR ilk, in a moment of candor stated......

Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano said on Monday that Donald Trump Jr.’s now-infamous meeting with a Russian lawyer to find dirt on Hillary Clinton merits a criminal investigation.

“It is a crime to receive something of value, when you are a campaign official from a foreign person or a foreign government,” Napolitano said.

“That would have been a felony, that would have been the completion of a crime,” Napolitano said. So the question is, is this enough to commence a criminal investigation? Answer: yes.”

Napolitano continued: “Because it is suspicious that they met with these people, they didn’t consult a lawyer, and one of these people is a former KGB/GRU… Why didn’t Jared Kushner tell the FBI about it when he filled out his national security application unless he was trying to hide something?”

Napolitano questioned if Kushner was trying to hide that this was simply a “foolish” thing to do, or “the beginning” of steps required to obtain illegal information.

Napolitano was briefly sidelined but stood by his report and obviously remains on Fox News.

Fox News' Judge Napolitano Says Trump Jr-Russia Meeting Merits Criminal Investigation (Video)
Your memory seems to be a bit flawed, the Watergate investigation started because of an actual crime. No one, to date, has provided any evidence of a crime in the Trump campaign.

So, the firing of Flynn was over his walking as if he had a stick up his ass? The firing of Comey was due to his burping after a WH dinner?

Deflection, how regressive of you. The proper response in a reasonable debate would be to show evidence of an actual crime or concede the point. You're not intellectually honest to do either. I guess you can't expect more from a partisan hack that keeps inventing these bullshit threads.

Deflection, how regressive of you. The proper response in a reasonable debate would be to show evidence of an actual crime or concede the point. You're not intellectually honest to do either. I guess you can't expect more from a partisan hack that keeps inventing these bullshit threads

It is NOT my job to "show evidence of an actual crime"......That's Mueller's job.......But, I would point you to what Flynn did, What Donnie-baby did, What Manafort did..........and let you and others either say, well...there may be some wrong doing there......OR, syick your heads right back where they've been during the last couple of years.
Jake, I explained to you that the LMSM had a media monopoly during Watergate. Not only did you lose your monopoly, but you've destroyed your credibility. Carlos Slim owns the NYTimes and Jeff Bezos owns the Post are both die-hard Progressive moonbats and have dragged their papers down to CNN level.
Jake, I explained to you that the LMSM had a media monopoly during Watergate. Not only did you lose your monopoly, but you've destroyed your credibility. Carlos Slim owns the NYTimes and Jeff Bezos owns the Post are both die-hard Progressive moonbats and have dragged their papers down to CNN level.

Well, THAT clears it all up......



Thanks for the clarification.
Deflection, how regressive of you. The proper response in a reasonable debate would be to show evidence of an actual crime or concede the point. You're not intellectually honest to do either. I guess you can't expect more from a partisan hack that keeps inventing these bullshit threads

It is NOT my job to "show evidence of an actual crime"......That's Mueller's job.......But, I would point you to what Flynn did, What Donnie-baby did, What Manafort did..........and let you and others either say, well...there may be some wrong doing there......OR, syick your heads right back where they've been during the last couple of years.

Well since you can produce zero evidence, all you really have is your opinion, that and 2.39 plus tax will get you an endless cup of coffee at my local diner. Won't win many debates though. Now run along hack, I'm not going to bump this dumb assed thread again.

Well since you can produce zero evidence, all you really have is your opinion, that and 2.39 plus tax will get you an endless cup of coffee at my local diner. Won't win many debates though. Now run along hack, I'm not going to bump this dumb assed thread again

Thank you for the bump....first of all.....and this forum exists to mostly state opinions......You don't like mine....but too fucking bad...LOL

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