As the US Inches Closer To War W/China Biden Moves To Weaken US Power Grid


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The same Biden that abandoned his 1988 presidential bid because he lied so MANY times and was outed by the media. The same media that sanctions and endorses his lies NOW. Flash forward: Biden let a spy balloon fly around, then when it was all done weeks later, shot it down in a decisive move to prove he is pretending NOT to be a Chinese shill. Then POOF, Biden magically receives millions of $ with no explanation whatso ever. But Trump is investigated over a rather vague charges and insinuations, impeached TWICE without any verifiable facts, had Mer-a-logo raided over unsubstantiated allegations.
The fuck we're not.

Biden has killed our entire energy sector, drained the SPR, given most of our ammo to ukraine, pervertized our military, done a number on the US dollar, and abandoned our allies.

WTF do you think comes next?
Mandatory sex change?
Now it look like we'll have little to no cement. So much for roads and bridges (or runways or buildings).

Mexican Government Seizes U.S.-Owned Marine Terminal Near Cancun

An American construction materials company says that the Mexican military has seized a privately-owned rock quarry and port facility near Playa del Carmen, on the Yucatan Peninsula.

Alabama-based Vulcan Materials Company has run a limestone quarry in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo for more than 30 years, supplying crushed rock for cement manufacturing on the U.S. Gulf Coast. the name of Climate Change.

Piece by piece, Biden is weakening the US from within as war with China draws nearer.

The left vs right, RNC vs DNC, capitalism vs communalism game has been going on for decades & decades within our USA with the behind the scene puppet masters(international banking cartel) pushing their divide & conquer strategy. From so called gun control to the EPA whackos & every anti/pro 'CAUSE' imaginable from anti/pro-tobacco to anti/pro-studded tires our American constituency keeps getting sucked into supporting the same 'well used' DNC/RNC profe$$ional politician$ that are continuously being recycled by the DNC/RNC duopoly corporations.

Until our American constituency gets big enough balls to dump the RNC/DNC duopoly corporations profe$$ional politician$ along with their bankrupting bureaucracies plus the social enslaving programs this problem that you described above with the Biden admin. will just continue. One MUST remember that these senate/Representative positions are ENTRY LEVEL jobs meaning a high school graduate is automatically over qualified for these positions! Most likely & I am not exaggerating here, many of our USMB crew/moderators would make far superior independent Representatives than the vast majority of the current DNC/RNC crop in the DC gang. In a nutshell we NEED...

1) Original intent constitutionally based independent Representatives of & for the people.

2) Term limits.

3) Balanced budget(end debt spending).

The above three topics are certainly not all that would be needed to 'right the ole boat" but they are a good start for sure.

As the US Inches Closer To War W/China Biden Moves To Weaken US Power Grid​

I'm looking forward to it, Easy. I can't wait for China to takeover Taiwan, the US will not go to war, we will not stop it, Biden is weak, he shot his load in Ukraine, which we won't win either, and then China will control all of our vital chip technology then too and have us by the balls.

I want that POS motherfucker to wreck us economically, militarily, socially, strategically, and every other way until the lazy, sleeping, brainless cucks in this country finally wake up to what is really being pulled on them by an illegal, immoral, unAmerica group of self-serving bastards in Washington.

Maybe then, people in this country will decide whether they are men or mice, whether they want to be citizens, or subjects.
I'm looking forward to it, Easy. I can't wait for China to takeover Taiwan, the US will not go to war, we will not stop it, Biden is weak, he shot his load in Ukraine, which we won't win either, and then China will control all of our vital chip technology then too and have us by the balls.

I want that POS motherfucker to wreck us economically, militarily, socially, strategically, and every other way until the lazy, sleeping, brainless cucks in this country finally wake up to what is really being pulled on them by an illegal, immoral, unAmerica group of self-serving bastards in Washington.

Maybe then, people in this country will decide whether they are men or mice, whether they want to be citizens, or subjects.

What about Abortions, CRT, Transgender Craze, Global Warming? Without those causes, Liberal pukes wouldn't have anything evil to worship except Satanism and child sacrifice..
The left vs right, RNC vs DNC, capitalism vs communalism game has been going on for decades & decades within our USA with the behind the scene puppet masters(international banking cartel) pushing their divide & conquer strategy. From so called gun control to the EPA whackos & every anti/pro 'CAUSE' imaginable from anti/pro-tobacco to anti/pro-studded tires our American constituency keeps getting sucked into supporting the same 'well used' DNC/RNC profe$$ional politician$ that are continuously being recycled by the DNC/RNC duopoly corporations.

Until our American constituency gets big enough balls to dump the RNC/DNC duopoly corporations profe$$ional politician$ along with their bankrupting bureaucracies plus the social enslaving programs this problem that you described above with the Biden admin. will just continue. One MUST remember that these senate/Representative positions are ENTRY LEVEL jobs meaning a high school graduate is automatically over qualified for these positions! Most likely & I am not exaggerating here, many of our USMB crew/moderators would make far superior independent Representatives than the vast majority of the current DNC/RNC crop in the DC gang. In a nutshell we NEED...

1) Original intent constitutionally based independent Representatives of & for the people.

2) Term limits.

3) Balanced budget(end debt spending).

The above three topics are certainly not all that would be needed to 'right the ole boat" but they are a good start for sure.
Your post is 100% delusional. How long ago did you received certification of your mental illness?

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